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Broadwater Task Force - April 27, 2009


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School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Broadwater Task Force

Billings, Montana


Call to Order


The Broadwater Task Force Committee of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County and High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, held a Committee meeting at Broadwater Elementary School, 415 Broadwater Ave, Billings, Montana, on Monday, April 27, 2009. Chair, Julie Anderson, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Committee members present were: Sheryl Alpers, Julie Anderson, Weldon Birdwell, Jodi Cockburn, Dennis Deppmeier, Jon Dyre, Jim Hartung, Karin Lucas, and Travis Niemeyer. Ex-Officio Members present were: Trustee Kathy Aragon and Lee Kvilhaug.


CTA Architect Engineers: Keith Rupert, Kristine Keller, and Mike Tuss


Visitors present: Vic Shay and Wade Gilsdorf


Communication From the Public


No one wished to address the Committee at this time


Approve Meeting Minutes – April 6, 2009


A motion was made to approve the April 6, 2009 as presented. The motion passed unanimously.


Presentation of Proposed Remodeling Concept – CTA Architects


Keith Rupert presented some refinements to the design and reviewed the evolution of the Broadwater design. Keith Rupert reviewed comparisons between Broadwater, the Orchard Elementary standard vs. the national standard. Kristine Keller reviewed the floor plans for Broadwater. Mike Tuss reviewed the exterior design, suggesting the historical look will be sympathetic to the original historical design, but will not be a replication of the original historic building. Keith Rupert reviewed the energy features and explained that they have been met or exceeded. Keith Rupert explained details of the design will be addressed in the next phase. Keith Rupert presented the tentative schedule regarding the building of Broadwater. Keith Rupert reviewed preliminary costs, declining costs, and escalation costs of the project. Keith Rupert explained the costs will depend upon when the project moves forward.


The following question, concerns, comments, and answers are as follows:


Is there money in the budget to address the alley problems behind Broadwater?

Keith Rupert stated the storm drainage problem and the pavement of the alley is included in the budget and will be fixed.

What will the security system include?

Keith Rupert suggested the security system will be basic to modest.

Will outside and playground lighting be installed?

Keith Rupert said street lighting will be adequate, especially with the need to conserve energy.

Will solar panels be installed on the roof?

Keith Rupert said when the detail design is done it will be looked into.

Will a “collection” system be used to conserve water?

Keith Rupert and Lee Kvilhaug explained that well water is used for irrigation and that will most likely continue.

It was asked if an energy savings comparison could be done as one way to promote the bond issue.

Keith Rupert said because the building is larger than the original building it would not be

a comparable comparison.


Karin Lucas asked if the district has had a conversation with “Yes for Kids” regarding the bond issue. Kathy Aragon said no. There was discussion regarding the timing of the bond issue. Weldon Birdwell asked when an anticipated answer regarding the bond issue will be decided. Kathy Aragon suggested that due to a new Board coming on she did not know when the bond issue will be decided on. Lee Kvilhaug asked what the charge of the Planning and Development Committee will be. Kathy Aragon said questions that Task Force Committee members still have need to be answered before moving forward with a bond issue.


Bond Information


Julie Anderson handed out information regarding four frequently asked questions and answers. The questions included, what is a bond issue and what will it cost, what happens to students while their school is renovated or re-built, and what will the bond issue cost the average taxpayer in the district?


Julie Anderson handed out the estimated Mill Levy Impact Analysis previously discussed by D.A. Davidson representative Brigett Ekstrom.


Julie Anderson encouraged Committee members to attend the special Board meeting May 4, 2009 where the Board will hear summaries, reports, and recommendations by the McKinley, Broadwater, and Cottonwood Task Force Committees. Julie Anderson reminded the Committee members that no consensus has been reached by the Broadwater Task Force Committee regarding combining the two bond issues into one bond issue.


A motion was made by Julie Anderson, seconded by Dennis Deppmeier to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


Vic Shay, representing Star Office Solutions passed out an invitation to the 2009 Education, Training Ergonomics and Technology Show on Monday, May 18, 2009


Julie Anderson adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.




Julie Anderson, Chair




Brenda Cross, Recorder




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