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Audit Committee Meeting- 5/30/12


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Proceedings of the Audit Committee

School Dist. No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana



May 30, 2012


Call to Order


Chair Marcy Mutch called the Audit Committee to order at 11:08 A.M. on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 in Room 213 of the Lincoln Center.


Those present included: Marcy Mutch, Greta Besch,, Todd Preston, Laura Bailey, Pam Ellis. Absent: Lindy Graves

Others present included Patricia Hubbard, Leo Hudetz, Sheri Weidinger, Daniella Walsh, Jeri Anton, Scott Snyder and Donna Obie, Recorder.


Interview Audit Firms


The three auditing firms selected to be interviewed were Galusha Higgins & Galusha, Eide Bailly, and Anderson ZurMuehlen. Each of the firms was represented by two members of their organization and was asked a series of nine questions relating to their auditing practices and experiences. Following discussion the members were in agreement that the scoring for the interview responses was close and a motion was made by Todd Preston to recommend Eide Bailly to the board of Trustees for a three year period. Pam Ellis seconded the motion and all members voted in favor.


Approval of Minutes


Chair, Marcy Mutch requested that the minutes of May 23, 2012 not be approved at this meeting allowing time to make changes to two paragraphs. Patricia Hubbard will work with the recorder to make those changes.


Committee Member Selection


Scott Snyder, CPA has expressed interest in being a member of the Audit Committee and said he is impressed by the efforts of the committee and the level of work they do for the district. Todd Preston recommended Scott Snyder, CPA as the new committee member, Pam Ellis seconded it and all voted in favor. Marcy Mutch, who is resigning from the committee, was thanked for her dedication on the committee.




The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.



_____________________________ ____________________________

Donna Obie, Recorder Marcy Mutch, Chair

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