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School/Community Committee Meeting 12/12/05

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Proceeding of the School/Community Committee Meeting

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana

December 12, 2005




Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Karen Moses


Members Present:

Karen Moses, Mary Jo Fox, Dawn Achten, Paul DiLorenzo, Jim Hartung, Tom Willis, Sandra Mammenga, Michael Hughes, Jay Kirk, Laura Simonsen, Shauna Kerr, and Jan McCandless.


Excused Members:

Carol Wicker, Gail Surwill, and Molly Holt.


Guests present:

Dan Martin, Shawn Harrington, Dennis Holmes, Julie Matteson, Dave Williams, Kim Halverson, Kathy Aders, Cyndi Pierce, parents


Communication from the Public:



Policy 5021 – Fingerprints and Criminal Background Investigation:

Dan Martin presented the second Draft of Policy 5021, Fingerprints and Criminal Background Investigations for Second Reading. Members asked for clarification regarding what the District’s School Buildings encompass. Dan clarified that activities outside of the school building is under the umbrella of the building and volunteers assisting field trips.


A motion was made and seconded for the following changes to the Board for third reading. Add proof of two identifications, driver’s license and social security card. Substitute a word choice for “isolated”. Add an additional paragraph regarding “field trips”.


School Calendar for the 2006-2007 School Year:

Dennis Holmes and Julia Mattson gave an update on the School Calendar for the 2006-2007 school year. Dennis explained they worked off a Mission Statement that is based on the needs of the students in the District. Dennis noted that the Committee consists of several members, but nine members attended regularly. They consisted of BCEA representation, two teachers, a parent, facilities representation, two building level administrators, and two administration level administrators.


The first Draft of the 2006-2007 calendar was surveyed. Some changes were made and the 2006-2007 was finalized and voted on by the Calendar Committee.


There was discussion regarding the following: the concern that the February break falls between two weeks, early outs, and compliance with State Laws regarding how many hours per week are required.


A motion was made and seconded to recommend that the Board approve the 2006-2007 School Calendar as presented. One member abstained and a no vote was made. The motion carried.


Crisis Management Grant and Survey of Parents, Students and Staff:

Kathy Aders, Director of Drug Free Schools, gave a presentation on the Crisis Management Grant that has been approved by the Board. Kathy explained that part of the grant calls for a survey to be filled out by parents, students, and staff to gather data about preparedness and safety procedures in our buildings.


Due to District policy any survey taken by our students has to be approved through the Committee process. Kathy presented the sample survey questions for first reading.


The grant goals will include update, improve, enhance and adopt new emergency management protocols. The goals will be achieved by assessing and improving our district’s preparedness and response to crisis, and utilizing school and community resources. Training will be provided to the staff in each building. Some equipment funding will be provided to each participating building.


The four phases of the Emergency Management Grant are: mitigation and prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.


A motion was made and seconded to move the survey to the Board. The motion carried.


Montana Quality Schools Committee Update Regarding the Upcoming Special Session:

The Montana Quality Schools Committee Update will be moved to the January 9, 2006 School/Community Agenda.


Senior/West Boundary Study Concerning Boulder Elementary:

This item is based on concerns expressed by the Senior High Parent Advisory Committee that students who should be attending Senior High are attending West High. The suggestion is that Boulder students would all feed into Lewis and Clark for middle school and then attend Senior for high school.


Shaun Harrington presented background on the current trend that students who attend Boulder Elementary feed into Will James and then have a choice of either attending Senior or West. Shaun presented some numbers regarding requests for transfer this year. He also presented some numbers on classrooms available and numbers of students at Will James and Lewis & Clark.


The parents present at the meeting attended because they are interested in hearing more information regarding this issue. Parents would like to have input before any decisions are made by the District. Parents would like the District to look at the big picture.


There was discussion regarding: out-of-area transfer requests by parents from Boulder parents this year, overcrowding at West and the within the District, transfer of teachers from Senior to West mid year, and a public perception that West actually has room for more students than they actually do.


The issue arose that due to day care issues, etc. some elementary students do not reside within their correct elementary boundary. It was suggested that when redistricting boundaries at elementary schools that feed into middle schools this issue needs to be noted.


It was suggested that the District needs to be mindful of keeping or creating a social-economic and academic balance. In addition, it was suggested the District consider redistricting District wide.


The exceptions for out-of-area transfers were explained. The two exceptions are medical or physical conditions that cause the home school to be less appropriate or the place of residence is changed in mid-year.


A motion was made and seconded that we recommend to the Board a Committee is needed to study redistricting the entire district and that we immediately enforce the boundaries district-wide. And, as we study the redistricting that we make sure to tie the middle school to high school and how that impacts kids at the middle, high, and elementary schools.


A motion was added that when drawing up plans to redistrict boundaries consideration be given as to how schools feed into other schools.


A motion was added to split the original motions. A motion was made to amend the motion to start fall of 2006 instead of mid-year.


A motion was made to take the recommendation to the Board.


A motion was made to enforce boundaries with existing exemptions or procedures.


A motion was made to grandfather students at their present school. A motion was made to set new boundaries district wide.


Due to short notice to Boulder parents it was suggested that the motion be tabled until next month.


A motion was made and seconded to table until January 9, 2005. The motion carried.


It was requested that the Board give rationale, direction, and guidelines such as a mission statement when redistricting boundaries.


It was suggested that “Boundary issues” be put on the next Board agendas.


Old Business/Announcements/Handouts:



Minutes of the School/Community Committee Meeting:

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the November 14, 2005. The motion carried.


The next scheduled meeting is January 9, 2005. The Committee members will meet in the Board Room located in the Lincoln Center, at 415 N 30th at 6:00 PM.



_________________________ ___________________________________

Karen Moses, Chairperson Brenda Cross, Recorder

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