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Policy Review Committee Minutes - 5/30/08

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Policy Review Committee

Elementary District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


May 30, 2008


Call to Order


The Policy Review Committee met on Friday, May 30, 2008 at the Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana.


The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m.


Those present included: Chairperson Katharin Kelker, Trustees Joel Guthals and Mary Jo Fox Also in attendance were Clerk Leo Hudetz and Thomas Harper, Chief Financial Officer.


The committee discussed the following items:


Policy 8415 – Energy Management Conservation

Joel Guthals informed the committee that under the districts contract with Energy Education, Inc.

the district is required to adopt a policy in order to implement their energy conservation program.

The way that it works is that they submit a proposed policy for our review. In addition to the policy there are also several guidelines (procedures) which we may or may not adopt. Guidelines would give the district more flexibility. Thomas Harper, the liaison between the district and EEI and Trustee Guthals both agree that the policy is generic and does not have any specific provisions that would be objectionable.


Katharin Kelker asked Thomas Harper if there was any penalty within the guidelines for staff members that does not use energy good sense. Thomas Harper stated that within the guidelines the principal or site manager is responsible for energy conservation. The guidelines also state that this would be part of their evaluation.


Trustee Guthals suggested that Policy 8415 and the guidelines should be made available to the bargaining units for review.


Katharin Kelker has concerns with competitiveness between buildings – she would like to see equal playing fields. Base line data for every building would be a good starting point.


Thomas Harper will meet with Dan Martin about getting a copy of the approved policy to building principals.


Trustee Guthals moved to recommend to the Board of Trustees, approval of Policy 8415 on first reading - Mary Jo Fox seconded the recommendation.. Those voting in favor were Katharin Kelker.


Policy 4310 – Public Suggestions or Complaints


The Policy Review Committee has been asked by the audit committee to look into Policy 4310 because it was not broad enough and did not comply with the applicable accounting guidelines and would like the policy changed. The Audit committee would like to see the policy broadened so that it would apply to public and employees and the ability to file anonymous suggestions.


Trustee Kelker also has concerns raised by staff regarding the 1700 Complaint process. It is not the intent of 1700 for parents to complain about a teacher. Policy 1700 is not for personnel matters.

Teacher performance is not a matter of board policy.


We need something in policy that says clearly the 1700 Complaint is for violation of District policy. Leo Hudetz said that Policy 1700 needs to be amended.


Trustee Kelker asked that the whistleblower has an anonymous right and if necessary is able to go to the Board through the District Clerk.


Joel Guthals recommended that on Policy 4310 the wording “by an appropriate staff member or District Administrator” be inserted on page 1 after the word resolved. He also recommended that students be added to the first sentence.


Katharin Kelker said she would come up with a revised version of Policy 4310 and asked that if the wording can be agreed to by email, that this policy could go to the full Board for first reading. All members agreed.


The committee recommended on procedure 4310-P1 #8 and #9 change “Internal Auditor” to “District Clerk”.


Policy 5000 Series

At this time nothing has been prepared.


Katharin Kelker asked that Leo contact MTSBA about looking at the 5000 series and ask them to recommend any changes. Leo will get back to the committee on the cost.


Policy 7005 – Budget and Financial Policy

Thomas Harper reviewed the new policy. Joel Guthals would like to see a brochure provided explaining school funding information. Thomas Harper will provide this to the committee. Kathy Kelker questioned the necessity of a 10% fund reserve in the general fund and 20% in the enterprise fund. The committee asked Thomas Harper to make necessary revisions to this policy and report back to the committee.


Policy 3416 - Administering Medicine to Students

Leo Hudetz informed the committee that this policy is still in the working process by Jeff Weldon and Monica Witten.



The minutes from the December 20th meeting were presented. Mary Jo Fox moved and Joel Guthals seconded that the minutes be approved. Those voting in favor were Katharin Kelker.


Mary Jo Fox suggested that perhaps a policy should be put in place for screening of convicted felons. A district in Montana hired a convicted felon for a speaking engagement. This needs to be looked into closely – Leo will check with Jeff Weldon on the legal aspect.


Meeting was adjourned at 12:40 p.m.


Next meeting will be held on September 5, 2008 at 12:00 noon.



__________________________ _________________________ ____________

Katharin Kelker, Chair Joel Guthals, Vice Chair Mary Jo Fox





Cynthia Curnow, Recorder



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