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Regular Board Meeting Minutes August 18, 2008

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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


August 18, 2008




The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana, was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, August 18, 2008, at 5:30 p.m.


Members present included Trustees Peter Gesuale, Mary Jo Fox, Sandra Mossman, Katharin Kelker, Joel Guthals, Kathy Aragon, Malcolm Goodrich, Dawn Achten, Tim Trafford, Superintendent Jack Copps, and District Clerk Leo Hudetz.


Registered guests included Jerry Hansen, Rick Leuthold, Pam Christianson, Berta Knispel, Jeff Greenfield, Tami Concepcion, RaeAnna Madigan, Maria Madigan, Mark Madigan, Amy Berry, Gale Berry, sharon Trollope, Patti Ballock, Steve Ballock, Troy Trollope, Lindsey Trollope, Torie Cushing, Nathan A. Moore, Brady A. Ostermiller, Deann Elder, Janet Baum, Alyssa Root, Barbara Bryan, Cele McKaig, Merry Ann Peters, Marj Ostermiller, Jim Forseth, Terry Sukut, Randy Anderson, Beth Hoff, Michael Mace, Lisa Spence, M. Wipplen, Everall Fox, Becky Shay, Madelyn Jarrett, and Jeremy Rindahl.




The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of listening to members of the public in its meetings. The Board also recognizes the statutory and constitutional right of the public to participate in governmental operations. The Board encourages members of the public to participate in and express opinions about issues important to the District. This part of the Board’s meeting is dedicated to public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of this meeting and is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Members of the public may also address particular items on this agenda either now or at the time the Board considers the particular item.


Gary Ostermiller addressed the Board regarding the track and field program at Skyview. He reported his daughter transferred out of the District last week. The people with him are also worried about the program at Skyview. He urged the Board to stay with the evaluation process and improve the system. Mr. Ostermiller felt their complaints were not being handled properly.


Jenny and Troy Trollope also voiced their concerns over the Skyview track and field coach. Mrs. Trollope reported she has filed complaints but nothing has been done. Mr. and Mrs. Trollope felt a new direction is needed at Skyview for track.


Jerry Hansen wanted to dispel any rumors that the Districts’s budget has been cut. He said the general fund budget is higher at a 3.1% increase for FY2009. He stated he felt the nonvoted levies were out of control as there has been an increase of $3,400,000 from FY2008. Mr. Hansen urged the Board to fight for the facilities bond issue. Mr. Hansen also felt the District’s website contained inaccurate enrollment information. He also felt the District was misleading the public as to how much is allowed for debt service.


Pam Christianson, a parent who has children attending Arrowhead, asked the Board to allow the citizens to vote for the building of a new school at Cottonwood. She had supported the refurbishment of Boulder and McKinley.




Mary Ann Peters and Cele McKaig, Northern Plains Resource Center, reported they have been working on the recycling program for over one year. District children were the ones urging to take on a recycling program. Businesses are being sought to sponsor each school for $630 per year. There are only a couple of schools who do not have sponsors but it is expected that sponsors will be found shortly.






The Chair reported it has been the interest of the Board to consider the possibility of leasing Rimrock. Trustees Guthals and Kelker previously met with the president of Rocky Mountain College (RMC), Michael Mace. Mr. Mace addressed the Board and reported RMC is growing and improvements have been made on various buildings and further stated he felt the District could be good partners with Rocky and open a lab school at Rimrock. Mr. Mace hoped to move their Department of Education into Rimrock and RMC could make improvements if a purchase agreement was reached. He was unsure if RMC could lease the building without a purchase agreement. Trustee Guthals felt a lab school would give the District an opportunity to put our students in with students from RMC for training but felt that more information was needed. Trustee Mossman asked for a timeline and the number of students. A discussion would have to be held as to how many students could use the facility. Information would be prepared for the Board in October in the hope of opening a lab school in the fall of 2009.


Trustee Kelker stated the population would come from the area around Rimrock, which would mean that Highland would probably not need to be enlarged if a lab school were operating at Rimrock. Mr. Mace reported Rocky would like to buy into the bond issue and gift it back to the District.


Trustee Mossman asked about the boiler system. Trustee Guthals stated the heating system might need to be replaced next year, which would cost close to $400,000. The teachers that would work at Rimrock would still be employees of the District and would work with the students from Rocky. Trustee Guthals felt the Board needed to consider this concept along with the other concepts that are being considered. The Board needs to look at the issue and determine how it would affect the entire elementary system. He believed larger schools were needed to allow for optimal conditions. He expected there would be four or five classrooms plus the Department of Education for RMC at Rimrock.


Trustee Aragon felt the proposed use of Rimrock would alleviate District space problems and the repairs would be made by RMC with no cost to the District. Trustee Mossman asked who would provide administration for the lab school. Mr. Mace reported Jo Swain could provide it if the District would give its approval. Superintendent Copps stated a person from the District’s administration could work with RMC. He will engage RMC officials to put together details and bring information back to the Board in October or November.


The Chair reported the District had received a letter from Duane Winslow, Election Administrator for Yellowstone County, regarding the possible bond election. Mr. Winslow felt November was not the right time to ask for a bond issue and cited several reasons: short period of time to inform the public; the Presidential election would prove to be an overload of information; the District’s issue would be at the end of the ballot; and, it would most likely result in a second ballot. The Chair stated momentum is often lost over the summer in preparing for a bond issue. It is also hard to have a bond issue at the same time as a mill levy. Another possibility would be to wait for a full year and try a bond issue in November 2009.


Trustee Goodrich stated, personally, he felt that holding a bond issue in November would be political suicide due to the economy and suggested giving the economy time to recover. A year would give the District time to communicate with the public. Trustee Trafford felt that tying a high school issue with an elementary one is not always a good idea. He also believed that escalation in prices also should be considered. Mr. Copps stated the community would need to be educated and venues would be needed to reach the community. Two years ago, an elementary school could be built for $6,000,000 but now the price would be $9,000,000. Trustee Mossman asked if the Board members would be allowed to promote the bond levy when out in the community. Mr. Copps reported the county attorney is telling him that the District must follow the law and cannot use any District funds to pass a bond levy. Information regarding the election can be provided.


Trustee Aragon suggested having a long-term facilities plan including all the phases of the plan. She felt time should be utilized to get all the information and communicate with the public. Trustee Goodrich stated, the Board can discuss the merits of a bond until it declares that it is going to have a bond election. After that, only the Yes for Kids group or the Superintendent could address the issues. No other employee of the District could promote the election. Trustee Gesuale suggested a decision regarding a bond election be made after the legislative session.




Trustee Guthals made the following motion with a second by Trustee Achten:


Motion to approve the agenda as presented.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Sandra Mossman, and Tim Trafford. The motion passed unanimously.




Trustee Guthals made the following motion with a second by Trustee Achten:


Motion to accept the gifts with gratitude.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Sandra Mossman, and Tim Trafford. The motion passed unanimously. The following are the gifts:


Big Sky -- Pastor Simmons and faith Chapel, landscaping materials and volunteers

Boulder -- Wells Fargo Employees, Michelle Anderson, $71.50

Eric Bjorgum, $260

Jeff Redding, $65

Anne Hoffman, $25

Broadwater -- Mission Outreach and Community Benefit, PIE donation of $7,660

District -- Joseph Eve, CPAs, monitor stand valued at $800

OPI School Computer Program, computer equipment

Rosemary VanSteeland, computer and equipment with manuals




Superintendent Copps reported that Rich Whitney, Facilities Director, was ill and unable to attend the meeting. The issue will be addressed in September. Trustee Guthals asked if there was an emergency maintenance need at Boulder and McKinley. Mr. Copps reported the District could wait, but we do not know if there will be an emergency in the near future.




The Chair reported the Board had already agreed to have an election but it has not decided on a timeline yet. Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Fox:


Motion that we signify our intent to potentially call for a bond election concerning the matters and issues as

previously decided for November 2009


Trustee Guthals asked if there was a way to be more flexible if the Board decides to have an election in March. It was felt that was addressed in the motion with the word ‘potentially’. Those voting in favor of the motion were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Sandra Mossman, and Tim Trafford. The motion passed unanimously.


The Chair reported the approval of the language for the bond issue ballot was not necessary at this time.




The Chair stated there would be a different timeline for the projects and the task forces would begin soon.


Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Mossman:


Motion to approve the bond project facility task forces and recommendations for the operation of these task forces as set forth in the Board packet.


Trustee Gesuale suggested an ‘at large’ member also be a part of the task forces. There was no objection by the Board members to an at large member on each task force. Trustee Gesuale made a friendly amendment to include the opportunity for one at large member of the task forces. Trustee Goodrich and Trustee Mossman approved the friendly amendment. The revised motion is as follows:


Motion to approve the bond project facility task forces and recommendations for the operation of these task forces, as set forth in the Board packet, including an at large member, subject to updating those recommendations with the language and timeline discussed previously, and to seek the approval of legal counsel to make sure these task forces conform to State law.


Trustee Mossman asked if the principal serving on each task force would be paid. Mr. Copps said the principals would not be paid to serve. Trustee Goodrich felt that legal counsel should review the changed language regarding the task forces to assure that it conforms to State law.


Those voting in favor of the motion were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Katharin Kelker, and Sandra Mossman. Trustees Guthals and Trafford are ineligible to vote on elementary issues. The motion passed unanimously.


The Chair stated applications would be made available for those interested in serving on a task force.




Superintendent Copps reported the committee reviewed the proposals by the architectural firms following the Request for Proposals (RFP). CTA Architects were chosen for McKinley and Broadwater, and JGA was chosen for the new Cottonwood site.


Keith Rupert, CTA Architects, reported the firm recently celebrated its 70th anniversary. There are 116 employees in Billings, which includes various types of architects. CTA Architects are very interested in refurbishment of historical sites. Mr. Rupert suggested the planning process and vision by working with the task forces to determine where they are in the process. Trustee Guthals asked if the design would make the schools operational for the next 70 years. Mr. Rupert replied it would with the proper improvements and systems in place but it would not be like a new school. Trustee Guthals asked if the conduits and upgrading of electrical systems would allow for future expansion. Mr. Rupert stated the Skyview plans included larger conduits so it would cost less to upgrade the systems.


Terry Sukut, JGA Architects, stated they have worked on many various school districts buildings in the area and will work closely with the task force. JGA has a staff of 24 people in Billings. Trustee Guthals asked how the fees work when it is a contingent assignment. Mr. Sukut stated it would be based on the scope of issues and a layout of a series of meetings that would get us to a successful bond. Each of those are a series of time efforts, gathering information, and disseminating that information in a way that can be understood. The communication plan is the important key. Mr. Sukut stated he would like to set up a contract that would get the District through the bond election.


Trustee Gesuale made the following motion with a second by Trustee Mossman:


Motion to approve Superintendent Copps’ recommendations on architectural services and to allow the Superintendent to finalize the contract language.


Trustee Guthals asked how it would be paid for. Mr. Harper reported it would be paid through the building fund and proceeds from the sale of Crossroads. Trustee Guthals voiced his concern that he did not believe the District could afford to operate a new school. Mr. Copps stated he felt the District could afford to operate a new building and urged the Board to move forward. He said energy savings are also expected for the coming year. Trustee Goodrich asked if the District could earn enough interest on the proceeds of the sale of Crossroads School over the next year to conceivably pay for the fees. Mr. Harper reported it was possible since the District is earning a little over 4%. Trustee Goodrich agreed with Trustee Guthals about the funds needed to operate a new school and wanted to postpone the Cottonwood project for a couple of months. Mr. Copps reported it could be held in check until October 1st to see what the enrollments will be. Trustee Trafford did not feel hiring the architects was premature at this time as they could help pass the bonds. Getting the projects going now could help in passing the bonds. Trustee Gesuale felt the Board needed a better idea of the area to be serviced by the Rimrock lab school by October. He suggested an opt in/opt out option for parents at Rimrock’s lab school.


The Chair reported a request for communication from the public was received too late and she would not allow any comments at this time. The Chair went on to say that if the Board wanted to suspend Board policy regarding Communication from the Public, she would allow the person to address the Board at this time. Trustee Gesuale made the following motion with a second by Trustee Guthals:


Motion to suspend Board policy and allow communication from the public at this time during the meeting.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, and Tim Trafford. Sandra Mossman and Katharin Kelker opposed the motion. The motion passed.


Barbara Bryan addressed the Board to voice her concern that people are distrustful of piece meal decisions as have happened in the past. She did not want to lose the public’s trust. She reported the Chamber of Commerce has money available and has offered funds for the long-term facilities plan but she believed the District had declined the offer. Ms. Bryan stated the District’s buildings must be taken care of before building a new school. She urged the Board to reconsider hiring professionals at this time to help with facility planning, put Rimrock back into the long term facilities plan, and gather community output.


Trustee Guthals asked if the Superintendent had received an offer from the Chamber. Mr. Copps did not know of such an offer and suggested the Board contact the Chamber about the offer. Mr. Copps said there was no such offer made from the Chamber’s board.


Those voting in favor of the original motion were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Katharin Kelker, and Sandra Mossman. Joel Guthals and Tim Trafford are ineligible to vote on elementary issues. The motion passed unanimously.




Everall Fox, Director of Indian Education, gave a presentation on Indian Education for All. Mr. Fox reported he was previously with the Office of Public Instruction and assisted in planning Indian Education for All. He has invited other schools in the surrounding areas to participate in various programs. His department has purchased novels for the high schools, reviewed all proposals by teachers, and will continue to purchase materials for all of the libraries in the District to continue education for Indian Education for All. Mr. Fox will target the schools that are behind in training. A number of teachers have received additional training to aide him in the program. A newsletter is published on Indian Education and is included on the District’s website. The curriculum used is from the Office of Public Instruction as well as from Full Circle Curriculum, which utilizes classroom calendars for K-4th grades.


Trustee Gesuale asked Mr. Fox if he was satisfied that the District is reaching the goals of Indian Education for All. Mr. Fox reported that is why he sent four teachers for training to assist him. Mr. Copps stated the District sought out Mr. Fox to hire him to help in Indian Education. He is an excellent educator and the reading level for high school Indians and non-Indians are the same.




Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Achten:


Motion to adopt the Elementary budgeted funds for year 2008-2009 as shown in our packet.


Trustee Aragon asked about the price of diesel fuel and the contract with the transportation company. Mr. Harper reported he negotiated with First Student on the fuel costs. Trustee Guthals asked why the retirement funds were increased. Mr. Harper replied more retirements increased the elementary by $200,000 and the high school by $250,000 so the budget had to be modified for 2009. Trustee Guthals asked about deferred maintenance. Mr. Harper responded that it has been moved back into the general fund. Mr. Harper said both district’s reserve levels have been increased to the 5% range.


Those voting in favor of the motion were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Katharin Kelker, and Sandra Mossman. Joel Guthals and Tim Trafford are ineligible to vote on elementary issues. The motion passed unanimously. The adopted elementary budget is as follows:


General Fund $58,684,268

Transportation Fund $ 3,364,198

Tuition Fund $ 300,000

Retirement Fund $ 8,400,000

Adult Education Fund $ 500,000

Technology Fund $ 249,402

Flexibility Fund $ 451,760

Debt Service Fund 0

Building Reserve Fund $ 271,716


Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Guthals:


Motion to adopt the high school budgeted funds for year 2008-2009 as shown on the Board packet.


Trustee Guthals asked about enrollments. Mr. Harper said enrollment counts mean body counts not full time equivalent students. The enrollment count increased from FY2005/06 by 2.8% or 441 full time students. Those voting in favor of the motion were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Sandra Mossman, and Tim Trafford. The motion passed unanimously. The approved high school budget is as follows:


General Fund $36,762,677

Transportation Fund $ 1,832,174

Tuition Fund $ 300,000

Retirement Fund $ 4,800,000

Adult Education Fund $ 1,600,000

Technology Fund $ 134,935

Flexibility Fund $ 495,483

Debt Service Fund 0

Building Reserve Fund $ 284,975




Trustee Guthals made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to approve Policy 4310: Community Relations on third reading.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Sandra Mossman, and Tim Trafford. The motion passed unanimously.




Superintendent Copps reported the Credit Recovery Program is one of the best programs the District has entered into. He felt it would help in the drop out rate. No Child Left Behind results are expected later this week. The federal government has increased the targets in the No Child Left Behind program.




There was nothing new to report and no long-term suspensions.




Trustee Guthals made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to approve the bills paid for July 2008.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Sandra Mossman, and Tim Trafford. The motion passed unanimously. The following are the bills paid:


Claims $4,360,717.97

ACH Tax Deposits $ 363,433.10

Payroll Warrants & Direct Deposits $1,193,963.91

Procurement Card $ 193,994.68

INTERCAP Loan (Network Infrastructure & Vehicle purchases)

TOTAL $6,112,109.66




Trustee Guthals reported that the committee continues to run into little hurdles. We might not be able to meet the target date of December 31, 2008. Trustee Guthals voiced his concern that the plan is to put the wind turbine facility on State land . The District will need to make application to lease the property from the State. Cost figures will be rerun by the energy firm for due diligence. Trustee Guthals felt the project is still feasible and applications can again be filed for next year.




The Chair reported there was nothing extraordinary in the Personnel Report. Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Achten:


Motion to accept the Superintendent’s employment recommendations as presented in the Personnel Report.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Sandra Mossman, and Tim Trafford. The motion passed unanimously.




Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Achten:


Motion to approve and accept the items within the Consent Agenda without objection to recommended action.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Sandra Mossman, and Tim Trafford. The motion passed unanimously. The approved items are as follows:


Regular Board Meeting Minutes, July 21, 2008

Budgeting for Results Committee Meeting Minutes, June 9, 2008

Approve 4310 P-1 suggestion Complaint Procedure


As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.





Katharin Kelker, Chair




Diane Blevins, Recorder

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