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Ad Hoc Committee Meeting October 1, 2008

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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


October 1, 2008




The Ad-Hoc Sub-Committee Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana, was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, October 1, 2008, at 12:00 p.m.


Those present included Trustees Tim Trafford, Sandra Mossman, Kathy Aragon, Joel Guthals, District Clerk Leo Hudetz, and Jeff Greenfield.


Trustee Mossman stated the Board needs a more specific focus for committees as the same item is sometimes discussed by more than one committee. Trustee Trafford believed the standing committees should be given items by the Board in order to remove it from the Board’s list and place it on a committee’s agenda. He also believed that reports to the Board should be in written form and not verbal. Trustee Mossman reported a Board member would chair the standing committee and the committee would meet as needed based upon an item identified by the Board as an action item. Jeff Greenfield, BEA President, reported he is the only person who can appoint a teacher to a committee.


Leo Hudetz stated there is currently no Education Committee, only School/Community and Planning & Development. Trustee Guthals felt an item could be sent to a committee by the Board Chair. Trustee Aragon agreed. Trustee Trafford disagreed as he felt it should be on a vote of the entire Board. Trustee Guthals reported the process is to assign an item by the Board with the proviso the Chair could make an assignment if reported to the Board. The current process of standing committees is for an issue to come before the agenda setting, placed on the committee agenda and a report is returned to the full Board.


Trustee Guthals made the following motion with a second by Trustee Aragon:


Motion that the second avenue for assignments to committees, the Chair of the Board may designate an item for committees’review and action, and that in the effort of such an assignment, the Chair should report the assignment at the next Board meeting and the assignment shall be ratified and approved by the Board.


Those voting in favor were Kathy Aragon, Joel Guthals, and Sandra Mossman. The motion passed unanimously.


Leo Hudetz reported changes would have to be made to the procedures for the policy. It was the consensus of the members to retain the School/Community and Planning & Development Committees. Joel Guthals said, according to Robert’s Rules, the Chair is a voting member in small groups but only breaks a tie in a large group, such as a meeting of the entire Board.


Trustee Guthals felt the District should have an Education Committee to oversee the educational portion of a school district. Trustee Guthals made the following motion with a second by Trustee Aragon:


Motion to establish a comprehensive Education Committee as a standing committee of the Board.


Those voting in Favor were Kathy Aragon, Joel Guthals and Sandra Mossman. The motion passed unanimously.


It was determined the charge of the committee will be dealt with at another meeting. Trustee Trafford felt an overriding theme was a written report should always be given to the full Board. Trustee Guthals suggested secretarial help should be made available to prepare the written report.


Trustee Trafford felt the charge of Citizen Advisory Councils should be part of the process and not just to be used as a sounding board. Trustee Guthals made the following motion with a second by Trustee Aragon:


Motion to establish a Citizens’ Advisory Council.


Trustee Guthals believed the function and charge of the Citizens’ Advisory Council should be determined by further work of this committee and the Board in conjunction with the Superintendent. Those voting in favor of the motion were Kathy Aragon, Joel Guthals, and Sandra Mossman. The motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Guthals addressed the issue of Communication from th Public during meetings and the need to figure out a way to communicate and still be within the scope of the law. He felt the person speaking should be thanked and told which department to contact for assistance. Trustee Guthals will contact the District’s legal counsel as to what kind of latitudes the District has in dealing with the public.


Trustee Guthals has proposed changes to policy that high school trustees could serve on any committees, have full voting rights on a committee and also could serve as a chair. High school trustees can attend all Board meetings in the aspects of the combined districts. He stated he would like it resolved in black and white. Mr. Hudetz reported he would take it to the Policy Review Committee.


As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m.





Sandra Mossman, Chair




Diane Blevins

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