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Policy Review Committee Minutes - 10/3/08


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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees Policy Review Committee

Elementary District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


October 3, 2008


Call to Order


The Policy Review Committee met on Friday, October 3, 2008 at 12:00 PM at the Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana.


The meeting was chaired by Katharin Kelker.


Those present included: Trustees Katharin Kelker, Joel Guthals and Mary Jo Fox. Also present were Leo Hudetz, Clerk, Dan Martin, Director of Human Resources and Jeff Greenfield, BEA representative.



Policy 4311 – Personnel Complaints From The Public

Trustee Guthals presented the revised policy. Per Dan Martin’s request the word “response” has been changed to “decision.” The second paragraph is a new paragraph explaining who evaluates and supervises who within our district.


Jeff Greenfield suggested that in the first paragraph the words “such as a principal, teacher, coach or extracurricular advisor” be deleted. This was agreed upon by the committee.


In paragraph five (re: sensitive nature) the wording will be changed to read “if the complainant believes that the complaint against a district employee is of a serious nature that the complainant should not have to follow steps 1-3, the Clerk shall bring the written complaint to the attention of the superintendent who shall determine the appropriate review procedure.”


Jeff Greenfield requested that the second to the last paragraph should read “The administrator handling a complaint will conduct a thorough investigation and take appropriate action, which may include conferences with the subject employee and complainant, either individually or together, a letter of reprimand, a plan for improvement, or a determination that no further action is warranted.”


Jeff Greenfield also suggested that in the last paragraph first sentence should read “Whenever an administrator decides that a written complaint warrants an investigation that could lead to possible action against the subject employee, the administrator shall give written notice to subject employee and shall inform the employee of any right of representation he/she may have.”


Form 4311-F1 (Complaint Form)


Dan Martin went over the form that he put together with the committee. Dan informed the committee that the form may not work as well for elementary as for others.


A motion was made by Mary Jo Fox to approve the written and edited Form 4311-F1. Katharin Kelker seconded. The motion passed unanimously.




Policy 1700 – Uniform Complaint Procedure

Leo Hudetz reviewed suggested changes to Policy 1700. It was recommended that this policy move forward to the Board when Policy 4311 is completed.


A motion was made by Mary Jo Fox to go forward with Policy 1700. Katharin Kelker seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


Policy 5000 Series – Human Resources

Dan took the MSBA recommended policy and merged it with the existing Policy 5014. On policy 5014 Trustee Kelker recommended that the wording “For those employees who are required to have certificates” the personnel office shall ---be added to the second bolded paragraph.


A motion was made by Mary Jo Fox to go forward to the Board with Policy 5014. Katharin Kelker seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


Policy 5501 – Evaluation Form

Mary Jo Fox requested that on the Evaluation Form that tenured teachers that have not been evaluated in the past three years that the principal be required to do this. Dan Martin said that the Human Resource office just sent out a list to the principals of teachers that need evaluation.


Dan Martin informed the committee that he is working on revising the Evaluation Form – a committee will be formed.


A discussion took place with regard to secondary principals role as building managers.


Leo Hudetz suggested that on 7th & 8th grade coaches that once yearly be added.


A motion was made by Mary Jo Fox that Policy 5501 go forward to the Board for first reading. Katharin Kelker seconded. The motion passed unanimously.



Policy 5210 – Assignments, Reassignments, Transfers, Vacancies

Dan Martin went over the changes


A motion was made by Mary Jo Fox that Policy 5210 go forward to the Board for first reading. Katharin Kelker seconded. The motion passed unanimously.



Mary Jo Fox moved to approve the minutes of the September 5, 2008 Policy Review Committee meeting. Katharin Kelker seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


The committee adjourned at 1:15 P.M.



________________________ ______________________ _____________________

Katharin Kelker Joel Guthals Mary Jo Fox

Trustee Trustee Trustee





Cindy Curnow, Recorder


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