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McKinley Task Force - March 19, 2009


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School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

McKinley Task Force

Billings, Montana


Call to Order


The McKinley Task Force Committee of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County and High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana held a meeting at McKinley School, 820 North 31st Street, Billings, Montana, on Thursday, March 19, 2009. Kevin Odenthal, called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Committee members present were: Amy Griffins, Jeffrey Kay, Kevin Odenthal, Sara Olsgaard, Elizabeth Perius, Mark Restad, Julie Seedhouse, and Heather Zindt. Ex-Officio Members present were: Trustee Sandra Mossman and Bert Reyes. Karen Kelly, CTA Architects Engineers representatives was present.


Pledge of Alliance


Communication From the Public


No one wished to address the Committee at this time


Approve Meeting Minutes – December 16, 2008, January 20, 2009, February 5, 2009, February 12, 2009.


A motion was made by Mark Restad seconded by Bert Reyes to approve the December 16, 2008, January 20th, 2009, February 5, 2009, February 12, 2009 minutes as presented. The motion passed unanimously.


McKinley School Renovation/Addition – CTA


Trustee Sandra Mossman stated the Board was impressed and pleased with the final design presented to the Board by the McKinley Task Force Committee and CTA Architect Engineers.


Discussion of Bond Issue


Trustee Sandra Mossman reviewed the law regarding the bond issue. Trustee Sandra Mossman explained that once the district moves into a stage of asking for the bond issue the law limits the school district in advocating for the bond issue. Trustee Sandra Mossman suggested that it is the public’s obligation to step forward to promote the bond issue.


Trustee Sandra Mossman explained the difference between a mill levy and a bond issue.

A mill levy is money to operate the schools generated from property taxes. A bond issue is for capital construction paid for from property taxes spread over a period of time. Trustee Sandra Mossman explained that historically the state has contributed a certain percentage toward the entire amount of a bond issue. Trustee Sandra Mossman noted that because it is a legislative action there is no guarantee from the state of Montana that they will always contribute a certain percentage. Based on historical figures Billings would receive approximately 46 percent if the state would decide to contribute. Trustee Sandra Mossman will provide tax reduction information to members of the McKinley Task Force Committee. Trustee Sandra Mossman stated that at this time the district has no debt and is highly bondable.


Kevin Odenthal stated the Chairs from the McKinley, Broadwater, and the Cottonwood Task Force attended a meeting with Superintendent Jack Copps and Kathy Kelker to discuss how best to present the bond issue to the public. Kevin Odenthal suggested the consensus from that meeting was to present a “broader bond issue” which would include combining the current two bond issues into one bond issue, make a contribution towards something for the height area, and make a contribution toward deferred maintenance for the high schools.


Kevin Odenthal announced a joint Task Force Committee meeting is scheduled for April 16, 2009 to summarize the work completed by each task force and discuss how to proceed with the Bond issue. Kevin Odenthal asked for consensus as one voice from the McKinley Task Force to present to the Board. There was no consensus from the members on how to present the bond issues to the public. Kevin Odenthal encouraged all members to attend the meeting and express their own opinions to the Board.


There was discussion regarding historical voting trends. Trustee Sandra Mossman will provide information on voting trends to the Committee.


Amy Griffin suggested that before a bond issue is presented to the community, concerns and questions need to be addressed by the Board. Amy Griffin recommended public forums with the Board present to answer community questions and concerns.


Concerns and questions by Committee members are as follow:


Questions from the Board have not adequately been answered

Conflicting enrollment figures

Questions regarding the projected growth figures by the district

Concerns regarding how a new school can be sustained with the current operational shortfalls

Concerns regarding future school closures if a new school is built

Cottonwood school would not be considered a neighborhood school

There has been limited dialogue with the city of Billings planning and development department

There is no concrete district vision, plan or policy regarding long term building facilities

Combine the two bond issues to one bond issue


Bert Reyes suggested that when a new school is built operating costs will be re-distributed. Bert Reyes gave examples how education is delivered and changing in the 21st century. Technology needs and special education laws require schools to have more space and updates in a school. Trustee Sandra Mossman explained that with increased enrollment state funding will increase. Trustee Sandra Mossman suggested the district will see savings in utilities due to energy efficiency measures included in the remodel of McKinley. Trustee Sandra Mossman stated that at this time many students are being bused from their neighborhood schools to another school due to filled capacity.


The Joint Task Force Committee meeting is scheduled April 16, 2009, 7 p.m. at the Lincoln Center Board room.


Kevin Odenthal adjourned the meeting.





Kevin Odenthal, Chair




Brenda Cross, Recorder




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