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Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Facility Issues - August 20, 2009


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Proceedings of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Facility Issues

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana

August 20, 2009



The Subcommittee met on Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 8:45 a.m. in the Lincoln Center. Trustees Barbara Bryan and Peter Gesuale were present. Kathy Aragon was available on the speaker phone.


The subcommittee reviewed a draft report on its work prepared by Ms. Bryan (at Ms. Aragon’s suggestion) for presentation to the School Board in September. The purpose of the report is to bring trustees up to date on the subcommittee’s progress and the scope of work recommended for strategic district planning and strategic facilities planning. Ms. Bryan noted Mr. Gesuale’s and Ms. Aragon’s changes and comments, and agreed to prepare a revised draft for further review. It is anticipated that the group will go through several drafts before the document is ready for presentation. The tentative plan is to present the report to the Board in a special meeting before the BFR meeting on September 14, then to answer Board questions about the information at the regular September board meeting on the 21st. Mr. Gesuale agreed to talk to the Board Chair about this schedule.


After Trustee Aragon got off the phone, Ms. Bryan and Mr. Gesuale discussed the information received to date from Fielding Nair. Mr. Gesuale is concerned about the extent of community involvement proposed by FNI, indicating that he felt the DeJong firm had a better handle on this. Ms. Bryan echoed his sentiments. In response, Ms. Bryan will 1) contact DeJong for more information on what they think is appropriate for community participation in strategic district planning, and 2) contact the MTSBA and/or Bozeman Public Schools to get a scope of work for Bozeman’s strategic district planning. The subcommittee can then decide what it thinks is appropriate for community involvement and work that into the proposed scope of work for Billings Public Schools planning.


Mr. Gesuale moved, and Barb Bryan seconded, to approve the minutes of the meetings of June 26, July 13 and July 17, 2009 as amended. The motion passed unanimously.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.






Nancy Coe, Recorder

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