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Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Planning - Friday, November 20, 2009


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Proceedings of the Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Planning

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana

November 20, 2009



The committee meeting was held on November 20, 2009 in the Lincoln Center at 12:00 p.m. Trustees Barbara Bryan and Mary Jo Fox, Clerk Leo Hudetz, Thomas Harper, Nancy Hines and Carrie Miller were in attendance.


Trustee Bryan presented copies of possible community survey questions that she compiled from a variety of sources (other school districts, International Center for Leadership in Education, MTSBA, etc.). The committee reviewed and discussed the questions and how the survey might be distributed. Barb commented that we should probably include at least one question on special education spending and/or special needs students.


The intent is to use the developed questions as a starting point for the strategic planning steering committee to develop a final survey for community distribution. The committee would choose the questions they want to include, add additional questions, revise questions, etc. Having a starting list in hand will save the committee time.


Regarding distribution of the survey, Trustee Fox commented that we would want to ensure that one or more individuals could not submit multiple surveys, thus skewing the results. The only way to do this would be for survey respondents to identify themselves, which might limit participation. It was noted that it would be difficult for any one individual or small group to skew the results if we have wide distribution and a large number of returned surveys.


It was generally agreed that we should have multiple means of survey distribution, including availability online and paper forms that can be sent home with students, distributed to civic groups, etc.


Carrie Miller and Nancy Hines agreed to put together background info on the district to give to the steering committee to get them up to speed quickly. Also, Nancy Hines will work on a brand for the strategic planning process.


The draft schedule put together by Nancy Hines and Trustee Bryan was reviewed and discussed. The schedule seemed acceptable, and Nancy Hines agreed to run it past MTSBA for their input.


For the next meeting, Nancy Hines and Trustee Bryan will work on branding the process, developing a charge for the steering committee, putting together a public communications plan, and writing up background materials on the importance and purpose of strategic planning. The goal is to have as much info as possible ready for board review and approval at the December board meeting.


The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 4th, 2009 at 10 a.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.






Cindy Curnow, Recorder

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