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Education Committee Minutes 12/13/04


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School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


December 13, 2004


Call to Order


Chairman Conrad called the December Education Committee meeting to order at 7:35 pm. The Education Committee met with the School Community Committee at 5:30 pm to hear the presentation and discussion of the 20-Year Planning Committee as well as the Daylis Stadium discussion. Education Committee members in attendance were Ann Barlow, Kip Farnum, Margaret Aukshun, Patty Fain, Julie Sykes, Kathy Kelker, Kathy Olson, Bill Briggs, Kyle Colling, Karen Ziegler, Shaun Harrington and Justine Chopp. Karen Rice was excused. Registered guests included Bill Selph, West High student, Eileen Sheehy, teacher, Elizabeth Waddington, teacher, Sue Bach, teacher, Mr. & Mrs. Stan Jones, parents, Karl Green, parent and John Fitzgerald, Billings Gazette.


Minutes of November 8, 2004 Education Committee Meeting


The Chair asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the previous meeting. Katharin Kelker moved to approve the minutes, and Bill Brigs seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Discussion – Videos, Copyright Laws


Because of some recent events at the high schools, the Education Committee was asked to review the District policy for the use of instructional and incidental resources in the classroom. Teachers, Sue Bach, Elizabeth Waddington, and Eileen Sheehy, each spoke to the Committee asking them to carefully consider any changes to the policy. They felt that the policy was fine, but may not be being followed as it was written. The policy states that the use of supplemental materials needs to meet the course objectives and goals; considers individual student needs and interests; considers literacy services and cultural analysis; presents information in an ethical manner; considers student diversity, and enhances or supports course-level, primary resources. Commercial films or videos may not be used with the primary purpose of entertainment. Stan Jones, parent of a Skyview student, asked that a policy be adopted that would speak to using age-appropriate materials in creating a moral environment. Karl Green, parent, also asked that the policy be reviewed, and wanted to make sure that an opt-out procedure was enforced and utilized. After lengthy discussion of the policy, it was determined that the policy may only need minor “tweaking” such as adding age appropriate to the policy. Developing a procedure to make sure that any related supplementary materials used by teachers in the classroom is reviewed by administration was assigned to Kathy Olson. The Committee wants to make sure that some of the materials that were shown to students would never be allowed to be presented in the classroom. By developing the procedure, teachers and administrators will become aware of the consequences of using inappropriate materials in classrooms. It was also noted that staff members need to be made aware of the policy and procedure.


A short discussion took place concerning the showing of videos during bus trips to extra-curricular events. Sometimes age-appropriate materials are not being used, and because students have no choice but to watch, sponsors/chaperones must be made aware that only age-appropriate videos can be shown. The copyright law was discussed briefly, and didn’t seem to be an issue at this time.


Committee Reports


Because the Board of Trustees asked the Education Committee to provide them with suggestions and direction on their Strategic Plan, the Education Committee was divided into subcommittees to study the options, and provide suggestions. Two subcommittees reported to the group about what they had discussed and worked on at their subcommittee meetings. Patty Fain shared what her group discussed concerning No Child Left Behind. At the present time, the District hasn’t received the scores of the MONTCAS tests so providing the information to the parents and public will not take place until the scores are received. They suggest providing each school with fact sheets and a PowerPoint presentation so their staff and parents can be informed. They also suggested that staff, administrators, committee members or parent volunteers become part of a “speaker’s bureau” that would present to interested groups or organizations. After the test scores are received, then the 5-Year Plan can be updated and the plans can be developed further.


Bill Briggs reported on some of the ideas that were suggested by the committee for Innovative Educational Models. The ideas include: 1. expanding Will James into a 7-12 facility with the addition of new construction, 2) looping teacher at the elementary levels individually or as teams for 2 or 3 years; 3) creating curricular academies within the three large high schools with open enrollment for those academies; 4) creating curricular academies within several elementary schools with open enrollment for those academies; 5) creating seven school boards based on seven high school community districts with administrative services provided by OPE and the county superintendent; 6) creation of remediation and retention opportunities within the school year at the middle school level and 7) creation of K-8 schools to feed smaller high schools. Bill also asked that any members that had other suggestion could email him with them.


Susan Barrow was not at the meeting so the report on from the dropout subcommittee will take place in March.


Special Education CIP Review


Kathy Olson, Executive Director of Elementary Education, reported that the application for the Special Ed review was sent to all the schools, and is also available on the District’s website. Currently about 8-10 applications have been received, and more volunteers are needed, including three Board members. The review will take place all day on February 1,2, and 3, 2005. Kathy said she would have the applications available at the next meeting so the Committee could go through them and make their choices.


FYI Items


Because of the late hour and the length of the meeting, Conrad asked the members to review this category and bring any questions or comments to the next meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,




Kathy Gonzales Conrad Stroebe

Recorder Chairman

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