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Special Board Meeting - February 4, 2010


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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


February 4, 2010




The Special Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana was duly held at the Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, February 4, 2010, at 5:30 p.m.


Members present included Trustees Joel Guthals, Kathy Aragon, Barbara Bryan, Peter Gesuale, Teresa Stroebe, Joyce Weber, and District Clerk, Leo Hudetz. Members of the Central Office Leadership Team (COLT) included Scott Anderson, Dan Martin, Kathy Olson, Gail Surwill, Nancy Hines, Karen Palmer, David Munson, and Superintendent Jack Copps. Absent were Trustees Mary Jo Fox and Malcolm Goodrich.


In the absence of the chairman, Malcolm Goodrich, Vice-Chair Joel Guthals chaired the meeting.




The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of listening to members of the public in its meetings. The Board also recognizes the statutory and constitutional right of the public to participate in governmental operations. The Board encourages members of the public to participate in and express opinions about issues important to the District. This part of the Board’s meeting is dedicated to public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of this meeting and is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Members of the public may also address particular items on this agenda either now or at the time the Board considers the particular item. There were no public comments.




Joel Guthals asked members to review the proposed membership to the Strategic Planning Steering Committee.


Peter Gesuale made the following motion seconded by Kathy Aragon:


Motion to approve the following Steering Committee members:


Kathy Aragon, Steve Arveschoug, Mark Astle, Leo Barsanti, Bryan Buehler, Barb Bryan, Nicole Card, Jack Copps, Jim Duncan, Mary Susan Fishbaugh, Marge Flynn, Mike Foster, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Kate Hamlin, Mary Hernandez, Nancy Hines, Mary Lave, Scott McCulloch, Suzanne McKiernan, Sharon Peterson, Don Reed, Karen Rice, Bruce Schlicting, Teresa Stroebe, Gail Surwill,

Joyce Weber, Dulce Whitford, Sandy Wong, and Trisha Zowada.


Barb Bryan stated that while she is encouraged by the good geographical representation for the Steering Committee, she would like to see more representation for North park and eastern downtown area. Barb Bryan asked if another individual from the downtown task force could be added.


Joel Guthals explained that the motion as approved allows for adding additional members to the committee.


Those voting in favor were Joel Guthals, Kathy Aragon, Barbara Bryan, Peter Gesuale, Joel Guthals, Teresa Stroebe, and Joyce Weber. The motion passed unanimously.




Joel Guthals explained Lance Melton and Debra Silk, from MTSBA, will facilitate the Strategic Planning process for the Board and the Central Office Leadership Team.


Lance Melton from Helena (via vision net) gave a power point presentation titled “The Key Work of School Leaders”. Board members and COLT were given a hard copy of the presentation notes as a resource. Lance Melton made the following points:


How the leadership team uses its resources will determine how close it comes to achieving its stated goals and sending a message to staff and the community.


Mr. Melton outlined the following specific areas that may need to be aligned as part of the strategic process plan.


1. Governing practices of the School Board including:

a. How it budgets, identifies top priorities and follows through.

b. Leadership team must determine how to spend money to achieve its visions and goals.

c. How it establishes and organizes its committees, agendas and conducts its meetings.

d. How the Board assesses its performance to measure progress toward its goals.

e. Standardizing decision-making models for some of the larger issues confronting the district (Knowledge based decision making).

f. How it engages and incorporates feedback from the public.

2. Curriculum

3. Performance evaluations and other accountability measures for staff.

4. Professional Development Training

5. Planning of new and renovated facilities


Alignment is most likely to occur when everyone is clear about priorities and directs available resources toward achieving them. The Board needs to reach consensus and clarity regarding what the future success of the district will look like and then align all resources to enhance the chances of attaining that success over time.


Joel Guthals opened the meeting up for discussion, which included:


Barb Bryan asked Lance Melton to clarify the comment he previously made to the sub- committee on the importance of being committed to the process or likely it will fail.


Lance Melton explained that when engaging the public there has to be a cause and effect and follow through for credibility.


Joel Guthals asked Lance Melton his view on how the Central Office Leadership Team (COLT) will be involved in the strategic planning process along with the Board.


Lance Melton stated that the Board and COLT must work as a partnership. He suggested this process moves past the days where the Board governs and administration manages, but rather strives for what is called “zones of accommodations in the middle”.


Barb Bryan asked Lance Melton to explain the concept of knowledge based decision making.


Lance Melton said the concept of knowledge-based decision ensures the parties involved listen to one another and understand one another through dialogue (conversation intended to enlighten, not persuade), and a reliance on facts, not on opinions or feelings.


Lance Melton said in deciding any issue using knowledge-based decision making, four questions need to be asked:


1. What do we know about the wants and needs of our members, prospective members, and customers that are relevant to this decision?

2. What do we know about the current realities and evolving dynamics of our

community, marketplace, industry, profession, that is relevant to this decision?

3. What do we know about the capacity and strategic position of our school district that is relevant to this decision?

4. What are the ethical implication of our choices?


Nancy Hines asked how the role of the strategic planning process will work itself through the Board and community. She asked how Board members see the alignment work toward strategic planning in relation to Planning and Development and in relation to the Budgeting For Results Committee.


Lance Melton responded that at this point the district committees are well organized. He said that as input and participation occurs through the Strategic Planning process the committees may need to be adjusted and aligned.


Peter Gesuale asked for concerns from COLT regarding the Strategic Planning process as it moves forward.


Superintendent Copps responded that whenever you move into a strategic planning process you do not make assumptions about who knows what or what kind of positions you are going to take. Superintendent Copps stated he has a strong feeling about the statement made, “that if you are not committed, then you will fail together”. He suggested all parties involved need to feel comfortable and committed to the process, with regards to two important elements; trust and respect. Superintendent Copps stated a conversation needs to take place regarding this issue. Superintendent Copps suggested that when research is done it must be examined completely to make the best decision by all parties. Superintendent Copps added that team building has to take place.


Joel Guthals asked Superintendent Copps if senior administration of the districts is willing participants and will embrace this process. Superintendent Copps believes senior administration believes in the purpose of the Strategic Planning process, but it has to be done in an environment where everyone feels equally important; equally important to the process, and to the results. Joel Guthals has a concern regarding continuing a good relationship between the Board and senior administration. Joel Guthals asked, being mindful of work loads, how much can be asked, what is the best way to ask for information, and what can the Board expect in return. Superintendent Copps responded that due to the launching of this process, some staff members are not getting their work done due to increased requests from the Board. He said that if additional information is needed, additional help may be required. Superintendent Copps suggested requests for information be made by the Board, not by an individual Board member. He would like the Board to make a decision on how requests for the Strategic Planning process will be made.


Joel Guthals invited all members to attend the Strategic Planning Steering Committee meeting, Saturday, February 6, 2010, at 10:00 a.m.– 2:00 p.m., in the Board Room at the Lincoln Center.


Joel Guthals asked for a moment of silence in remembrance of past Trustee Sandra Mossman who passed away recently.










As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.








Joel Guthals, Vice-Chair


Brenda Cross, Recorder

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