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Special Board Meeting - March 8 & 9, 2010


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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


March 8 & 9, 2010




The Special Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana was duly held at the Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, March 8, 9, at 5:30 p.m.


Members present included Trustees Malcolm Goodrich, Mary Jo Fox, Kathy Aragon, Peter Gesuale, Joyce Weber, and District Clerk, Leo Hudetz.


Registered guests included Connie Wardell, LaVonna Robinson, and Julie Morris.




The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of listening to members of the public in its meetings. The Board also recognizes the statutory and constitutional right of the public to participate in governmental operations. The Board encourages members of the public to participate in and express opinions about issues important to the District. This part of the Board’s meeting is dedicated to public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of this meeting and is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Members of the public may also address particular items on this agenda either now or at the time the Board considers the particular item.




Trustee Gesuale made the following motion seconded by Trustee Aragon:


Motion to approve Travis Kemp for the appointment of the Resolution of Appointment, Position of Elementary/High School Trustee of Single Member District, Zone 1 to replace Trustee Achten.


Chair Goodrich reported that Travis Kemp was vetted by the sub-committee. Chair Goodrich said Travis Kemp will be sworn in at the regular Board meeting, Monday, March, 15, 2010.


Those voting in favor were Malcolm Goodrich, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, and Joyce Weber. The motion passed unanimously.


The Resolution of appointment is as follows:


Resolution of Appointment to the Position of Elementary/High School Trustee, Single Member District, Zone 1


Whereas, pursuant to Montana law, whenever a trustee position becomes vacant in any district, the remaining members of the trustees shall declare such position vacant and they shall appoint, in writing within 60 days, a competent person as a successor; and:


Whereas, the School District No 2 Board of Trustees has declared the position of Elementary/High School Trustee of Single Member District, Zone 1 as vacant on January 18, 2010;


Therefore be it resolved, that Travis Kemp is hereby duly appointed Elementary/High School Trustee of Single Member District, Zone 1 effective March 15, 2010 and shall serve until the regularly scheduled election May 4, 2010.


That this appointment is made pursuant to MCA 20-3-309 and School District No. 2 Board Policy 1112.


Trustee Guthals joined the meeting at 5:35 p.m.




Trustee Goodrich recommended a sub-committee meet with the district’s bargaining units to look at salary concessions during the current contract.


Trustee Guthals made the following motion seconded by Trustee Aragon:


Motion to approve the members of the Sub-Committee for Bargaining Unit Negotiations members.


Those voting in favor were Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Kathy Aragon, Mary Jo Fox, Peter Gesuale, and Joyce Weber. The motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Bryan joined the meeting at 5:36 p.m. Trustee Stroebe joined the meeting at 5:38 p.m.




Trustee Goodrich suggested a ballot process be used to start a debate for the superintendent selection. Trustee Goodrich explained the ballot process would be totally non binding and tentative, but rather “a tending towards kind of thing” to advance the superintendent candidate choice.


The four remaining applicants for the superintendent position include:


R. Keith Beeman, assistant superintendent of human resources for Chino Valley Unified School District in California.

Eric Ely, superintendent, Schenectady City School District in New York.

Keith Meyer, assistant superintendent of Helena Public Schools in Montana.

Scott Rogers, superintendent of the Minidoka County School District in Rupert Idaho.


Ranking of the candidates were listed in the following order: #4, first choice, #3, second choice, #2 third choice, and #1 last choice. The Trustee rankings completed on March 8, 2010 are as follows:


Trustee Goodrich

4. Keith Meyer

3. Keith Beeman

2. Scott Rogers

1. Eric Ely

Trustee Aragon

4. R. Keith Beeman

3. Eric Ely

2. Scott Rogers

1. Keith Meyer

Trustee Stroebe

4. Eric Ely

3. R. Keith Beeman

2. Scott Rogers

1. Keith Meyer

Trustee Gesuale

4. Eric Ely

3. R. Keith Beeman

2. Scott Rogers

1. Keith Meyer

Joyce Weber

4. Scott Rogers

3. R. Keith Beeman

2. Keith Meyer

1. Eric Ely

Joel Guthals

4. Scott Rogers

3. R. Keith Beeman

2. Eric Ely

1. Keith Meyer

Trustee Bryan

4. Eric Ely


Trustee Gesuale expressed concern that no criteria have been established to align the applicants against. Trustee Gesuale stressed alignment is most likely to occur when everyone is clear about the criteria and suggested criteria be identified before discussion can take place.


Connie Wardell addressed the Board and suggested the Board identify criteria they would like to see in a candidate before their selection. She noted leadership, fiscal and urban experiences are important qualities she feels a candidate must have in order to work with the Board and staff.


The Board will meet at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday March 9, 2010 to continue its discussion. Trustee Goodrich said at that time Trustee Bryan and Trustee Fox will be given their chance to rank the applicants.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.


The Continued Special Board Meeting of the Board of trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana was duly held at the Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, March 9, 2010, at 5:30 p.m.


Members present included Trustees Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals (via phone), Mary Jo Fox, Kathy Aragon, Barbara Bryan, Peter Gesuale, Teresa Stroebe, Joyce Weber, and District Clerk, Leo Hudetz.


Registered guests included Julie Morris, Mary Lave, and Bob Vogel, Montana School Boards Association.


Trustee Goodrich asked Trustee Bryan and Trustee Fox to rank the superintendent candidates.


Trustee Bryan’s complete ranking were as follows:

4. Eric Ely

3. R. Keith Beeman

2. Scott Rogers

1. Keith Meyer


Trustee Fox stated she could not assign a number to rank any of the candidates due to questions she has, but if she were to assign a number to Eric Ely it would be a “0”. Trustee Fox, addressed the controversy in Eric Ely’s Schenectady district that surrounds Steven Raucci, the Facility Director from the district charged with physical assault, vandalism, and verbal threats. Trustee Fox would like to know the extent of how much Eric Ely knew about Steven Raucci’s alleged activities and his high salary as reported in New York local media.


Trustee Fox raised several other questions regarding Eric Ely that she wanted answered before she could make any judgments regarding his application. Trustee Fox read a news story from a New York paper dated June 24, 2009 alleging that Eric Ely’s contract extension was approved without public input.


Trustee Fox also raised questions regarding applicants R. Keith Beeman and Scott Rogers. Trustee Fox spoke highly of the assistant superintendent, Keith Meyer, from Helena who is one of the finalists.


Trustee Fox suggested that size and titles are not as important as how much day to day experience the candidate has.


The Board identified and incorporated many of the community’s concerns and input for criteria for choosing a superintendent from feedback that include: evaluations forms, questionnaires, surveys, public forums, e-mails and letters submitted by the staff and public.


After serious debate the Board members identified and agreed on fourteen important criteria necessary in the superintendent selection process and five issues involved in the process which are listed in no particular order:



- Internal and external communicator

- Community engagement

- Strategic planning

- Student achievement

- Reliance upon data

- Track record

- Negotiator

- Budget knowledge

- Public /staff comments

- Knowledge in the field

- Leadership

- Educational leadership

- Facilities

- Governance



- Verification

- Small vs large district (rural vs urban)

- Controversy

- New direction vs continuation

- Superintendent experience


Bob Vogel of Montana School Boards Association suggested that the Board focus on two candidates at a time for site visits so the Board does not become overwhelmed with the process. He suggested doing site visits initially to include follow up questions for Keith Beenam and Eric Ely and the California and New York districts they serve just in terms of sheer distance. Bob Vogel suggested looking at what can be done by phone or by technology, what the real need is, what kind of questions the Board wants to ask and to whom.


Trustee Goodrich suggested a sub-committee be formed to work to identify what kind of questions will be asked for continued verification of applicants before site visits are done.


Trustee Gesuale made the following motion seconded by Teresa Stroebe:


Motion to direct the sub-committee to take the steps to prepare for the site visits to the District’s of Keith Beeman and Eric Ely.


Trustee Weber asked the question, where and how does that leave the other two candidates in play. Trustee Weber asked how the focus will be put back on the other two candidates.


Trustee Goodrich said at a later point site visits could be done for the other two candidates.


Trustee Fox said according to the motion it does not take a vote to diminish or eliminate the other two candidates.


Trustee Guthals made the following amended motion seconded by Trustee Gesuale:


Motion to amend to direct the sub-committee to make recommendations to the Board with respect to due diligence including follow up questions to the applicants and the community that they serve and the due diligence shall include site visits to the Districts of Keith Beeman in California and Eric Ely in New York.


Trustee Bryan asked for clarification that we would take visits to California and New York, but we would also determine any questions for the other two candidates as well, but at this time just authorize site visits to the two locations.


Trustee Guthals replied, not exactly. Trustee Guthals said for sure he would do site visits to California and New York, but leave it to the sub-committee to recommend additional due diligence as appropriate to the other two candidates as well which may very well include site visits.


Trustee Goodrich said due diligence could be follow-up questions, bringing candidates back to Billings, etc.


Those voting in favor of the amended motion were Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Kathy Aragon, Teresa Stroebe, Peter Gesuale, Joyce Weber, Barbara Bryans, and Mary Jo Fox. The motion passed unanimously.


The chair then called for the vote on the main motion. Those voting in favor were Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Kathy Aragon, Teresa Stroebe, Peter Gesuale, Joyce Weber, Barbara Bryans, and Mary Jo Fox. The motion passed unanimously.


Trustees Peter Gesuale, Mary Jo Fox, Barbara Bryan, Teresa Stroebe, and Joyce Weber volunteered to make the site visits.


Trustee Guthals made the following motion seconded by Trustee Aragon:


Motion to allocate sufficient fund to conduct due diligence on all four candidates.


Those voting in favor were Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Kathy Aragon, Teresa Stroebe, Peter Gesuale, Joyce Weber, Barbara Bryans, and Mary Jo Fox. The motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Bryan made the following motion seconded by Trustee Aragon:


Motion to approve the sub-committee members, Barb Bryan, Chair, Teresa Stroebe, Peter Gesuale, and Mary Jo Fox.


Those voting in favor were Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Kathy Aragon, Teresa Stroebe, Peter Gesuale, Joyce Weber, Barbara Bryans, and Mary Jo Fox. The motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Goodrich urged the Board to move quickly and asked the sub-committee to report back to the Board on Monday, March 15, 2010 and the Montana School Boards Association to arrange the visits to California and New York. Trustee Goodrich would like the candidate to be picked by the end of the month.


As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.







Malcolm Goodrich, Chair





Brenda Cross, Recorder

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