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Agenda Setting Meeting - June 8, 2010


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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana

June 8, 2010



Call to Order


The Agenda Setting Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and the High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana was duly held at the Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana on Tuesday, June 8, 2010.


The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m. by Chair Barbara Bryan.


Roll Call


Those attending were: Trustees Barb Bryan, Connie Wardell, Kathy Aragon, Lindy Graves; Clerk Leo Hudetz, Thomas Harper, Kathy Olson, and Dan Martin. Rich Whitney entered the meeting at 12:25. Superintendent Copps was excused because of another meeting.


A need for a Policy Committee meeting was discussed. Policy items to be discussed include signs, fund balances, trustee boundary change, homeless policy, special education. Trustee Fox had expressed the need for an evening meeting. Mr. Hudetz will find a time convenient to the members of the committee.


Mr. Hudetz will also poll the members of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee for a time to meet in August, perhaps a Thursday evening. The Trustee retreat will be scheduled sometime in late July.


The Chair handed out a draft agenda for the regular meeting on June 21, 2010. The School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) will have a presentation. It was requested that there be a two-page handout which would include their charge, key issues, actions and recommendations.


There will be an MOU for the Montana Digital Academy. Kathy Aragon asked about using QZAB bond funds for the Digital Academy.


The activities transportation contract will be presented to the Budgeting For Results Committee as well as the two year projections for budget scenarios.


Ms. Bryan will report to the Board on the meeting June 7th regarding bonds. Trustee Aragon would like the Planning and Development Committee to look at the bond project lists before Board approval. The meetings will need to be before July 7th in order to make a decision on the bonds.


Ms. Bryan will make recommendations for the new committee assignments. Mr. Graves expressed concern that he is voting on issues where he doesn’t have background. Ms. Bryan stated that the Board does not have to take recommendations of any given committee, but the committee’s work needs to be well documented. Mr. Graves stated that as a board member he is responsible to the voters and committee members are not.


Connie Wardell will report on the MTSBA June training.


There is a special Board meeting scheduled Thursday, June 17th. Davis Demographics will be doing a presentation on what their software is capable of doing with GIS and school sites. District employees Marta McAllister and Kathy Gonzales will be at the meeting. Kathy Aragon requested that Woody Jensen and Richard Dews also be present.


Connie Wardell would like information on dropouts, i.e., following them from kindergarten to when they drop out, showing test scores, where they live and other pertinent data throughout their school years.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:45p.m.






Barbara Bryan, Chair





Nancy Coe, Recorder

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