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Agenda Setting Meeting - Tuesday, November 2, 2010


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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana

November 2, 2010



Call to Order


The Agenda Setting Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and the High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana was duly held at the Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana on Tuesday, November 2, 2010.


The meeting was called to order at 12:10 p.m. by Vice-Chair Kathy Aragon. Pledge of allegiance was said.


Roll Call


Those attending were: Trustees Connie Wardell, Joel Guthals, Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen; Clerk Leo Hudetz, Superintendent Keith Beeman, Kathy Olson, David Williams, Rich Whitney, Scott Anderson, David Munson, Dan Martin and Jeff Greenfield (BEA President). Trustee Barbara Bryan entered the meeting at 12:20.


A draft of the agenda for the regular meeting on November 15th was presented.


The Superintendent noted that the West High Girls’ Soccer Team would be recognized for their state championship.


There will be a presentation by the Education Foundation.


There will be an action item to retract the previously approved but outdated facilities plan. There will be an update on the bonds with no action required.


A discussion of the 2011 Legislative Session is planned to include: naming lobbyist(s) for the School District, proposed legislation from the MTSBA, update on the Legislative Ad Hoc Committee.


The Superintendent evaluation process usually starts each November. The Vice-Chair is in charge of this process. This is specified in the superintendent contract although the specific manner of evaluation is not. Ms. Bryan stated that there has been a discussion about a retreat in which the Superintendent would share information with the Board about his first few months, and the Board would share their goals and expectations. Another date will be set in November for a two to three hour session. Mr. Hudetz stated that in the past the Board has used the MTSBA evaluation tool.


There needs to be a Committee on Committees meeting to look at the charge of the Budgeting For Results Committee


Trustee Guthals expressed concern that items of substance are being listed under the consent agenda.


Trustee Bryan asked about new information on the budget. The Superintendent stated that they are waiting until the 15th for the Governor’s budget proposal. Ms. Bryan asked that the draft budget process be attached to the retreat minutes under consent.


Mr. Hudetz stated that the bond counsel has asked for a meeting with the Board about December 13th. Trustee Guthals stated that he believes the ability to make any decisions about the bonds has been given to the Board Chair, so a meeting wouldn’t be necessary. Since the bond counsel requested this meeting, Mr. Hudetz will ask them.


A meeting will be arranged for the Strategic Planning Committee for December 8 or 9 to introduce new Board members and the Superintendent. It will not be necessary to have MTSBA present for this meeting.


Mr. Hudetz stated that there is a meeting regarding the procedure on board committees set for November 11th. Ms. Aragon asked if it would be possible to do this business in the Policy Review Committee. Any recommendation would have to go through the Policy Review Committee. This meeting will be November 9th from 11:30-12:30 to discuss language on Budgeting For Results and Planning and Development Committees.


The retreat will be held the week of November 15th, possibly Thursday, November 18th.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:40 p.m.





Kathy Aragon, Vice-Chair




Nancy Coe, Recorder

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