Diane Blevins Posted August 4, 2011 Report Share Posted August 4, 2011 Proceedings of the Board of Trustees School District No. 2, Yellowstone County High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County Billings, Montana July 18, 2011 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana was duly held at the Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, Monday, July 18, 2011 5:30 p.m. Members present included Trustees Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, Connie Wardell, Superintendent, Keith Beeman, and District Clerk, Leo Hudetz. Registered guests included Ted Clark, Karen Sanford Gall, David Kaitz, Project Manager Davis Demographics, Greg Davis, President Davis Demographics, Karen Moses, Blaine Poppler, Elle Hilde, Kathy, Gonzales, Marta McAllister, Valerie McMurtry, and Jan Cahill. COMMUNICATION FROM THE PUBLIC The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of listening to members of the public in its meetings. The Board also recognizes the statutory and constitutional right of the public to participate in governmental operations. The Board encourages members of the public to participate in and express opinions about issues important to the District. This part of the Board’s meeting is dedicated to public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of this meeting and is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Members of the public may also address particular items on this agenda either now or at the time the Board considers the particular item. Ted Clark addressed the Board to express his opinion that there has been a major violation of the agreed upon contracts signed by the Board and unions in good faith. Mr. Clark asked the Board to identify Montana Statue that gives the Board the authority to alter a labor contract. Mr. Clark expressed opinion that the Board has an ulterior motive to break the unions and would like the Board to take the opportunity to correct that perception. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Bryan suggested agenda items #G7, #H, #J, and #K be moved up on the agenda. Trustee Greta Besch Moen requested #L2 be pulled from the consent agenda. Trustee Aragon made the following motion with a second by Trustee Kemp: Motion to approve the agenda with the recommended changes. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Teresa Stroebe, Travis Smith, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Greta Besch Moen made the following motion seconded by Trustee Aragon: Motion to pull the personnel report from the consent agenda. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Teresa Stroebe, Travis Smith, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. GIFTS AND DONATIONS Trustee Graves made the following motion with a second by Trustee Aragon: Motion to accept the gifts and donations with gratitude. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. The following are gifts and donations: Washington –David Irion, St. Vincent Foundation, sponsorship Washington in the Heart and Sole Run Kohl’s Department Store, sponsorship in Heart and Sole Run, 80 pairs of tennis shoes Chris Cook, orchestrated sponsorship in Heart and Sole Run AA CAUCUS REPORT Trustee Wardell reported Eddie Black, the MTSBA AA Caucus Liaison, retired. Steve Melloy was hired as his replacement. Bob Vogel of MTSBA will coordinate VisionNet. Elsie Arntzen is Chair of the state legislature Interim Local Government in the Education Committee and Gary Branae is Vice Chair. Items up for this Committee’s discussion are; training on school funding, common core standards, performance standards, basic entitlement, and educational issues. AD HOC COMMITTEE FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING REPORT Chair Bryan presented the September 19-22, 2011 Visioning Workshop schedule and a flyer entitled “Save the Date” which will be circulated and put on the district web-site. At the August 27, 2011 Ad Hoc Strategic Planning Committee meeting the names of possible people will be reviewed and then selected to serve at the workshops. DISTRICT POLICY READINGS Trustee Wardell made the following motion seconded by Trustee Graves: Motion to approve Policy 1111 on second reading. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Wardell made the following motion seconded by Trustee Kemp: Motion to approve Policy 1120 on second reading. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Graves made the following motion seconded by Trustee Aragon: Motion to approve Policy 1400 on second reading. Chair Bryan asked that the word “district” building replace “school” building in the third sentence. Trustees Graves and Aragon accepted this amendment. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Kemp made the following motion seconded by Trustee Graves: Motion to approve Policy 1210 on first reading. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Kemp made the following motion seconded by Trustee Wardell: Motion to approve Policy 1532 on first reading. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Wardell made the following motion seconded by Trustee Aragon: Motion to approve Policy 4333 on first reading. Chair Bryan explained the Board referred Policy 4333 to the Policy Review Committee due to questions. The Policy Review Committee established a sub-committee of community members with expertise in advertising. Karen Sandford Gall, a subcommittee member, stated advertiser’s signage sign has to be located at a location separate from the main Billing Public School’s identifier sign. Ms. Gall said the advertiser donates the sign as more of a company thank-you. The company is not advertising their slogan or selling a product to purchase. The longest contract will be for ten years. At the end of that time an advertiser would have to pay an additional fee to maintain the sign. The Board discussed whether the current sign at Billing Senior High would be precluded with the addition to Policy 4333 that states, “Advertising may not be attached to the exterior of any district building or main signage identifying the building or school.” Chair Bryan suggested a motion to pass on first reading and then Jeff Weldon, district’s legal counsel can be contacted to answer the questions regarding existing signs before second reading. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Wardell made the following motion with a second by Trustee Aragon: Motion to delete Policy 3222, Procedure 3222-P1, Policy 4331, and Policy 7332 on first reading. Chair Bryan explained that these policies and procedures would be replaced by Policy 4333. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Kemp reported that the meeting on June 9, 2011 regarding changes to Policy 3250 and Procedure 3250 P-1 was positive. A meeting is scheduled for July 20, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 213, Lincoln Center to continue to discuss cyber bullying and needed policy changes. DAVIS DEMOGRAPHICS REPORT Trustee Wardell made the motion with a second by Trustee Aragon: Motion to accept Davis Demographics report. Greg Davis and David Kaitz reported on the results of the report, what went into their report, the data, and different ways the data can be compiled using charts and graphs. Trustee Aragon stated the result of the report indicates that the Board needs to reboundary, as historical figures show there has not been an increase in the number of children in Billings for forty years. The report suggests that planning is complex and professional help is needed to make good decisions to utilize funding in the best way. Trustee Strobe said not only is accurate information important, but the objectivity Davis Demographic brings along with our insight is invaluable. Trustee Aragon asked if the study shows child density by area. Greg Davis said no, but the program has the capabilities to do that. Greg Davis said the software is designed to look at children by residence area instead of attendance from a school boundary stand point. Davis Demographics emphasized that the numbers are just projections, but if they are consistently updated every year the district can make fairly accurate projections. Trustee Greta Besch Moen expressed concerns regarding the simplistic projection of the data that was done per school based on the fact that we have non-contiguous regions attending various schools. Trustee Greta Besch Moen asked Davis Demographics instead of us trying to figure out the multitude of raw data if their company can pull that information for the district. Chair Bryan said the Board will review the homeless students, compare the 2011 projections to the 2012 enrollment, and continue to re-examine data. Davis Demographics will pull the data from the non-contiguous regions and compile Lockwood’s mobility rates for the District. Trustee Ellis asked for the cost of using the software. Davis Demographics explained there is a yearly license renewal fee which is $2,500 to $3,000 a year depending on school size. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Dr. Beeman reported that Desiree Caskey is now a qualified Google trainer sponsored by the state of Montana. Kathy Olson, Dulce Whitford, Brenda Koch, Carrie Miller and Dr. Beeman attended Graduation Matters. Dr. Beeman said current bond funded maintenance projects are on or ahead of schedule with the exception of the windows at Poly Drive due to the delay of the glass being delivered. 2011-2012 BUDGET DISCUSSION MONTANA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION DUES Trustee Graves made the following motion with a second by Trustee Stroebe: Motion to approve the dues to the Montana School Boards Association (MTSBA) for the 2011-2012 year. Chair Bryan stated the cost of dues are $15,364 a year which run fiscal year July through June 2012. Trustee Wardell noted that the dues are not all encompassing. Members pay additional fees for classes, symposiums, etc. Trustee Wardell expressed concern that forty five calls were made to the legal hot-line and asked Dr. Beeman to follow up with information regarding who made the calls. The Board discussed comparing Workman’s Compensation and Unemployment costs if the district were to purchase these services on their own instead of from MTSBA. Trustee Greta Besh Moen stated the AA Caucus has contributed to Eddie Black’s salary, and asked if there is an extra charge or is that cost wrapped up in the current dues. Mr. Hudetz clarified the cost is set by MTSBA each October and is current $1,500 per year. Trustee Stroebe suggested the idea of not paying dues and hiring our own lobbyists was a result of equity issues for larger districts not addressed at the legislative session. Trustee Stroebe feels we need to stay at the table and pay our dues. Trustee Greta Besch Moen supports MTSBA and reported that at the meeting in June in Helena there were clear indications that they heard our concerns. MTSBA is willing to act on our concerns and would like to remain as a unified body. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. 2011-2012 BUDGET DISCUSSION Dr. Beeman reviewed the budgetary handout for those present and noted this is the ninth budget conversation since the start of the budget process. Dr. Beeman stated there has been revenue loss due to decreases in ANB enrollment numbers at the high schools, tax protests that were not anticipated, and 1.1 million in additional unfunded liabilities. Dr. Beeman noted that priorities the Board agreed upon have been incorporated into the budget process. Dr. Beeman stated two items identified by the Board as priorities are ensured funding for facility planning and establishing minimum contingency funding. Trustee Ellis made the following motion seconded by Trustee Graves: Motion for the superintendent to develop a budget for the elementary and high school that funds steps, lanes, and longevity. Trustee Ellis questioned Dr. Beeman’s statement that 100% of the Board agreed to the priorities and pointed out that 25% of the Board members were not on the Board back in October, 2010. Dr. Beeman explained that it was not a vote, but Board members provided their priorities in a survey. Trustee Stroebe feels there is real anxiety regarding the possible removal of steps, lanes and longevity for all employees at the elementary and high school level. Trustee Stroebe wanted clarification if it is a negotiable item can we discuss it at a Board meeting. Attorney Jeff Weldon (via telephone) affirmed that the Board may discuss negotiable items at a Board meeting. After lengthy discussion and advice from Jeff Weldon (via telephone), district’s legal counsel, it was decided Trustee Ellis’ motion needs to be two separate motions. Chair Bryan asked Trustee Ellis if she would make two separate motions, one for elementary and one for high school. Chair Bryan noted the votes would have to be the same as one union contract exists for the district which covers both districts. Trustee Ellis agreed to make two separate motions and withdrew her original motion. Trustee Graves who seconded the original motion agreed to this. Chair Bryan reminded the Board of the ramifications if the motions pass. Chair Bryan told the Board that if any changes are made to the proposed budget there will have to be cuts elsewhere. Also, there will be ongoing expenses that the district will be obligated to for the fiscal year FY13 which would make the projected deficit for FY13 considerably larger. Trustee Ellis made the following motion seconded by Trustee Graves: Motion for the superintendent to develop a budget for elementary district that funds steps, lanes, and longevity. Chair Bryan stated that if the motion passes the Board would need to make a motion to eliminate $917,387 from other areas of the budget. Trustee Ellis stated we have a legal obligation to fund our contracts and there is some disagreement on this issue. Trustee Greta Besch Moen asked the superintendent where we are with the negotiations. Dr. Beeman said formal negotiations have not started. There have been informal conversations that he feels have been positive, but no commitment has been reached. Those voting in favor were Trustees Pam Ellis and Lindy Graves. Those voting against were Trustees Barb Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Travis Kemp, Connie Wardell, and Greta Besch Moen. Trustees Travis Smith and Teresa Stroebe cannot vote on elementary issues. The motion failed. Trustee Ellis made the motion seconded by Trustee Graves: Motion for the superintendent to develop a budget for the high school district that funds steps, lanes, and longevity. Those voting in favor were Trustees Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Smith, and Teresa Stroebe. Those voting against were Trustees Barb Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Travis Kemp, Connie Wardell, and Greta Besch Moen. The motion failed. Trustee Wardell made a motion seconded by Trustee Graves: Motion to place all undesignated dollars in the elementary fund into the contingency line for fiscal year 2012. Trustee Wardell said the Board has the authority to assign contingency funds to any other budget item. Trustee Wardell stated it would be inappropriate and fiducially irresponsible to vote to do something that we do not have the money to do. Also it would not be appropriate to vote on something the superintendent has the authority to negotiate based on state law. Trustee Graves had questions regarding reduced expenditures and asked when is the Board going to vote on direction regarding the budget and labor negotiations. Dr. Beeman stated when the budget is reset and noted the Board has been making decisions over the past several months. Dr. Beeman said one of his recommendations for the Board tonight is how to spend $261,000 for FY12. He would like to place all undesignated dollars into the contingency fund. Trustee Graves asked if $917,000 of steps and lanes is part of the budget equation. Dr. Beeman said the budget presented does not have steps and lanes after all adjustments are made. Chair Bryan said there is a clause in the labor contract that states if we receive less funding from the state the district can open negotiations on the contract. Chair Bryan stated the district will receive less money from the state. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, and Connie Wardell. Trustees Travis Smith and Teresa Stroebe cannot vote on elementary issues. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Wardell made a motion seconded by Trustee Aragon: Motion to increase the unfunded liability budget in the elementary budget by $261,000 for FY12. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, and Connie Wardell. Trustees Travis Smith and Teresa Stroebe cannot vote on elementary issues. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Wardell made a motion seconded by Trustee Aragon: Motion to approve placing all undesignated dollars for FY12 into the high school contingency fund. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Wardell made a motion seconded by Chair Barb Bryan: Motion to increase substitute line by $75,000 in the high school district. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Wardell made a motion seconded by Trustee Aragon: Motion to approve the expenditures of one time dollars not to exceed $204,000 for preventative maintenance in the high school district. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Wardell made a motion seconded by Trustee Kemp: Motion to approve the one time dollars not to exceed $231,000 to fund anticipated unfunded liabilities in the high school district. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Greta Besch Moen asked if this motion reduces money for a bonus. Dr. Beeman answered there would still be money left to do a 1% bonus for all employees. Trustee Bryan suggested not to include one time money in the high school contingency fund as it would artificially increase that number when we know there are going to be continuing costs to address in the future. Trustee Aragon made a motion seconded by Trustee Wardell: Motion to use one time money not to exceed in total $150,000 to fund a full time grant writer for FY12 and FY13. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. Trustee Pam Ellis voted against. The motion passed. There was discussion regarding mill levies. Trustee Aragon reminded Board members that the legislators have set a formula for funding. Included in the funding formula is an annual mill levy as part of what the legislature has established as the part our local taxpayers should fund. The legislators suggested that the Board is not doing a good enough job explaining to taxpayers the local taxpayer piece. District Clerk Leo Hudetz explained the process to approve the budget. Mr. Hudetz explained the budget hearings must begin by August 20, 2011. Mr. Hudetz stated the budget must be approved by August 25, 2011. The approved budget will go to the County Commissioners for approval. Trustee Stroebe left the meeting at 9:25 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA Trustee Graves made the following motion with a second by Trustee Aragon: Motion to approve and accept the items within the Consent Agenda without objection to recommended action. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. L-1 Monthly Legal Report L-2 Personnel Report L-3 Bills Paid – June 2011 L-4 Financial Reports – June 2011 (Unaudited) L-5 Minutes of the Board Meeting Regular Board Meeting, June 20, 2011 Special Board Meeting, June 20, 2011 L-6 Montana State Department of Public Health and Human Services And Early Childhood Intervention Contract L-7 Establish New Trust Fund Accounts for Beartooth Track (PTA-funded) 2012 L-8 Update First Interstate Bank Account Signers and Authorize Representatives Trustee Graves made the following motion seconded by Trustee Kemp: Motion to approve the Personnel Report as presented. Trustee Aragon inquired about the experience of the new hire for the Director of Business Services position as CPA and Government Accounting experience was preferred. Trustee Aragon asked if the District would continue preparing a CAFR (Consolidated Annual Financial Report). Dr. Beeman stated it would be continued. Trustee Greta Besch Moen expressed concern regarding 1.3 million dollars currently being spent on activity stipend salaries. Questions were directed to Mark Wahl, Activities Director, regarding; the ratio per student to coaches for activities, trainers and assistant trainers at each high school, researching community resources to recruit trainers, and discussion of number of students and travel for intramural activities. Trustee Greta Besch Moen requested that a task force be formed to see if the funding can be reviewed. Chair Bryan suggested this is an item that can be discussed at the Board Retreat. Those voting in favor were Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Greta Besch Moen, Travis Smith, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Barbara Bryan, Chair Brenda Cross, Recorder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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