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Ad Hoc Committee for Strategic Planning - July 27, 2011


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Proceedings of the Ad Hoc Committee for Strategic Planning

School District No. 2. Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


July 27, 2011



Chair Barbara Bryan called the meeting to order at 8:15 a.m., Wednesday, July 27, 2011 in Room 213 of the Lincoln Center. Ad Hoc Committee members in attendance were Trustees Barbara Bryan, Kathy Aragon, Connie Wardell, and Greta Besch Moen (via phone). Also in attendance were Superintendent, R. Keith Beeman, Ph. D.; Josh Middleton, Ed. D., Assistant Superintendent – Administration and Operations; Lew Anderson, Facility Services/Energy Conservation; Jeff Greenfield, BEA President; and Trustees Pam Ellis and Teresa Stroebe.



There was no communication from the public.



Chair Bryan and Dr. Beeman presented handouts, which included:


- Updated schedule for visioning scheduled for September 19–22, 2011

- Revised preliminary lists of attendees/participants for leadership group, community focus group, and parent, student, teacher, and ICT focus groups.


In discussion of the above items, it was decided that Dr. Middleton and Mr. Anderson would take responsibility for logistics for the visioning activities – rooms, food, equipment, transportation between venues, etc. The group also reviewed and revised the lists of visioning group participants, noting who was confirmed and who still needed to be contacted. Committee members each took the names of people to call that had not yet been contacted or confirmed.


Dr. Middleton suggested that we consider holding two separate student focus groups – one for middle schoolers and one for high schoolers, rather than blending the two groups. Chair Bryan agreed to pass this suggestion on to Fielding Nair for further discussion/consideration



Chair Bryan presented to the group information on funds that could be tapped for facility planning, along with estimated total facilities planning costs for all planning phases under consideration. She also presented a draft request for proposals written to reflect previous discussions by the committee as to the desired content of subsequent planning phases. The draft RFP was divided into three tasks:


• Task 1 – Facilities planning oversight

• Task 2 - Pilot project designs

• Task 3 – Prototype project designs


The committee discussed the RFP, and asked Dr. Middleton and Mr. Anderson to weigh in on their thoughts about the document, which Chair Bryan asked them to review prior to the meeting. Chair Bryan explained to Mr. Middleton and Mr. Anderson that it is the committee’s goal to have them closely involved going forward in decision making regarding the subsequent planning process. It is the desire of the committee to bring them up-to-date on the progress and work of the committee that has been done during the last year, which has been a time of transition for the District. Dr. Middleton and Mr. Anderson expressed their approval of the RFP content, noting that proceeding with facilities planning as envisioned in the RFP would be very helpful for effective management of the District’s facilities and facilities funds.


It was decided to present to the full board on August 15, 2011 the draft RFP and the information about estimated total planning costs and potential funding sources. The purpose would be to get the information in front of the board in time to allow trustees to consider the information and formulate questions in anticipation of subsequent board action to issue the RFP.


Dr. Middleton also reported that the District is looking into options for applying for $25,000 in planning grant funds from the State of Montana. These dollars would be used to offset some of the planning costs.



Trustee Wardell suggested that we have the Billings Realtors Association and Billings Building Association review the Davis Demographics report to comment on the development assumptions made – where development is likely to occur, what kind, and at what pace.



The next Committee meeting is scheduled for August 12, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. in room 213 of the Lincoln Center.



There being no further business, Trustee Bryan adjourned the meeting.





Barbara Bryan; Chair, Ad Hoc Committee for 2011 Strategic Planning




Brenda Cross, Recorder


See attachments here: http://www.billings.k12.mt.us/attachments/SP%208-27-11.pdf

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