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Regular Board Meeting, September 26, 2011

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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


September 26, 2011




The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana, was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, September 26, 2011, at 8:10 p.m.


Members present included Trustees Connie Wardell, Greta Besch Moen, Lindy Graves (via phone), Barbara Bryan, Travis Kemp, Kathy Aragon, Teresa Stroebe, Travis Smith, Pam Ellis, District Clerk Leo Hudetz, Associate Superintendents Josh Middleton and Gail Surwill, and Superintendent Keith Beeman.


Registered guests were Decora Jorgensen, Diane Bertand, Jeri Anton, Barb Fettig, Patty Pinter, Liz Ester, Jan McCandless, Robyn Driscoll, Bonnie Hofmann, Eric Anderson, Kathy Wilkinson, Mary Westwood, Lori Booke, Ruth Ferris, Chris Goodridge, Lisa Meyer, Helene Ranweiler, Kim Petersen, Laura Repnak, Jeff Weldon, Karen Moses, Marjorie Flynn, Valerie McMurtry, Wade Sportz, Dennisse Williams, Rose Sample, Sarah Sample, and Dee Neiter.




Dave Cobb, West High Principal, introduced the following National Merit Semi-Finalists from West High: Alexandria Eagle, Devin Laqua, and Emily Sample. The board congratulated the students.




The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of listening to members of the public in its meetings. The Board also recognizes the statutory and constitutional right of the public to participate in governmental operations. The Board encourages members of the public to participate in and express opinions about issues important to the District. This part of the Board’s meeting is dedicated to public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of this meeting and is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees.


Pam Christianson addressed the board on strategic planning and the Davis Demographic Report. She felt the Davis study needs to be presented to the public, not just the rewrite of the report that appears on the district’s website. Ms. Christianson asked the board to release the study compiled by Richard Dews. She also felt the plans conducted for Broadwater, McKinley and the Cottonwood site need to also be released to the public. Ms. Christianson encouraged the board to consider education as well the buildings.




Chair Bryan pulled the Administrative Support Benefits Booklet from the agenda. Trustee Aragon made the following motion with a second by Trustee Stroebe:


Motion to approve the agenda as amended.


Those voting in favor were Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen, Barbara Bryan, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously.




Trustee Aragon made the following motion with a second by Trustee Kemp:


Motion to accept the gifts and donations with gratitude.


Those voting in favor were Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen, Barbara Bryan, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. The following are the gifts and donations:


Arrowhead -- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jahr, $300

Julie Harman, $125.06

Steven Fischer, $250

Michelle Anderson, $75.01

Beartooth -- Sarah Strausser, school supplies

Bev Walton, $150 worth of school supplies

Bench -- Exxon Foundation, $500

April Veach, $13.48

Shaunna McFarren, $245

Lori Mader, $280

Big Sky -- Rhonda Brinkman, $100 in memory of Eunice Jacobsen

Eagle Cliffs -- Mr. and Mrs. Art Brownell, school supplies and treats for staff

Highland -- First Interstate BancSystem Foundation, 74 volunteer hours and $592

McKinley -- Dave and Sandy Kreiter, collected $700 for playground in memory of Dennis Cumin

Crowley, Haughey, Hanson, Toole and Dietrich, $200 worth of school supplies

Sarah Pretty Paint, cases of notebooks, folders, and other school supplies

Ortho Montana, school supplies

Susan Knox, school supplies

Beartooth Chapter Harley Owners Group, school supplies

Billings Clinic Cancer Center, school supplies

St. Pius X Parish, school supplies

Shiloh United Methodist Women, school supplies

Ponderosa -- KOA, school supplies

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Karell, school supplies

Grace United Methodist Church, school supplies

Lewis & Clark -- Thuy Huyuh, PTH, Inc., Golden Nails, $200 for lunches


Chair Bryan reported the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Report will be scheduled for a future meeting.




Chair Bryan reported that approximately 200 people attended the Tuesday evening with Fielding Nair consulting group. There were 100-150 people who formed focus groups to discuss the buildings of the district. A survey has been sent to teachers to gain additional information on the schools. Trustee Stroebe stated she was impressed with the quality of the workshops. Chair Bryan felt there are other ways to view where schools need to be built besides the Davis report and the report done by Mr. Dews.




Dr. Middleton reviewed the amounts given to employees for longevity or step pay retroactive to July 1, 2011. The breakdown is as follows:


BCEA 81 Employees for a total of $20,449.62

MPEA 12 Employees for a total of 3,808.20

Contract Support 0 Employees for a total of 0

Administration 7 Employees for a total of 17,704.00

Clerk 1 Employee for a total of 1,129.20

GRAND TOTAL $43,091.02


Trustee Wardell made the following motion with a second by Trustee Stroebe:


Motion to approve negotiations with the MPEA and BCEA commencing the week of September 25, 2011; however, given the funds have been budgeted for longevity and steps, it is recommended to award longevity and steps to eligible employees. The Clerk does not receive longevity or steps. The above recommendation for the Clerk represents a two (2) percent increase.


Trustee Moen asked if this would finalize the agreements with BECA and MPEA. Dr. Middleton reported it does not but meetings will be held later this week to negotiate further. Trustee Ellis did not feel it was appropriate to give an employee a 2% raise when most of the employees received nothing. Trustee Ellis offered the following motion which failed due to lack of a second:


Motion to amend the motion to approve increases the top four in the list.


Those voting in favor of the original motion were Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen, Barbara Bryan, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously.




Trustee Wardell reported the next VisionNet meeting will be on Monday October 3rd, 2011. Further meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month. A request for equity funding was not given to the Interim Education Committee. Trustee Stroebe addressed the state Interim Education Committee during the public comment section of the meeting to address equity funding.




Dr. Beeman reported there was no report this evening.




Chair Bryan stated, if other board members wanted to visit a school, contact the members who are scheduled. Board members should notify the school if they are unable to make the scheduled visit.




The item for the Comprehensive School and Community Treatment Services Agreement was pulled for an explanation. Brenda Koch reported the pilot program from last year proved to be very helpful in Comprehensive School and Community Treatment with no cost to the district. The only obligation from the district is providing a place for counseling sessions.


Trustee Aragon made the following motion with a second by Trustee Moen:


Motion to approve the Comprehensive School and Community Treatment Services Agreement.


Those voting in favor were Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen, Barbara Bryan, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Aragon made the following motion with a second by Trustee Kemp:


Motion to approve and accept the items within the Consent Agenda without objection to recommended action.


Those voting in favor were Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen, Barbara Bryan, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. The items approved are as follows:


Monthly Legal Report

Personnel Report

Bills Paid -- August 2011

Financial Reports -- August 2011 (Unaudited)

Trustee Financial Summary for 2010-2011

Regular Board Meeting Minutes, August 15, 2011

Special Board Meeting Minutes, July 22, 2011

Special Board Meeting Minutes, August 15, 2011

Special Board Meeting Minutes, September 13, 2011

Policy 1210 Board Officers, Third Reading

Policy 1532 Trustee Insurance, Third Reading

Policy 3250 and Procedure 3250-P1, Student Discipline, Third Reading

Procedure 2050-P1, School Attendance Areas

Memorandum of Understanding for School Resource Officers, Middle Schools and High Schools

Approve School Bus Runs FY2011-12

Establish New Trust Fund Account for the District #9 Music Festival

Establish New Trust Fund Account for the Eastern State Music Festival

Establish New Trust Fund Account for “Interactive Teaching Creates Inspired Learners”

Establish New Trust Fund Account for Burlington Sixth Grade Activities

Establish New Trust Fund Account for Lewis & Clark, “Battle of the Books”

Establish New Trust Fund Account for Senior High, “Save the Murals”

Establish New Trust Fund Account for Career Center, “Geometry in Construction”


As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.





Barbara Bryan, Chair




Diane Blevins, Recorder

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