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Regular Board Meeting, January 16, 2012

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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


January 16, 2012


The Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana, was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, January 16, 2012, at 5:30 p.m.

Members present were Trustees Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen (on Skype), Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Allen Halter, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe, Connie Wardell, Superintendent Jack Copps, Assistant Superintendents Josh Middleton and Gail Surwill, and District Clerk Leo Hudetz.


Registered guests included Bridget Ekstrom, Evelyn Thayer, Lyn McKinney, Rachel McKinney, Bette Horman, Shaun Harrington, Mary Westwood, Ann Miller, and Jeff Weldon.


Vice-Chair Aragon read a statement commemorating Martin Luther King Day. Chair Stroebe recognized Martin Luther King and read a statement from U.S. Attorney General Holder. She felt the Diversity Committee should be reinstated. Chair Stroebe stated she brought a live white dove to the meeting as it is a symbol of peace. Those present sang “Blowin’ In The Wind”.




Rachel McKinney addressed the board to report the donation by Mr. Harmon of a water fountain at Senior that fills water bottles. Lyn McKinney stated it was placed in the northeast corner of the first floor of Senior High. Donations are being sought in order to put a fountain on every floor. These water fountains are a healthier system for the students.


The board recognized Todd Nevin, Castle Rock Teacher, as the VFW District Teacher of the Year and the VFW Montana Teacher of the Year. Mr. Nevin is in the running for the VFW National Teacher of the Year.


Trustee Aragon made the following motion with a second by Trustee Wardell:


Motion to accept the gifts and donations with gratitude.


Those voting in favor were Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Allen Halter, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. The following are the gifts and donations:


Arrowhead – Anonymous, $2,000 for library

Beartooth – Greater Victoria School District, book

Bench – ExxonMobil, $3,000 for science and math equipment

April Veach, money through Wells Fargo matching program

Lori Mader, money through Wells Fargo matching program

Shaunna McFarren, money through Wells Fargo matching program

Big Sky – Prudential Floberg Realtors, maps for first grade classes

Bitterroot – Janna Palm, clothing

Boulder – Col. Michael and Sally Morone, $150 for math support

Broadwater – Evangelical United Methodist Church, money and clothing

Eagle Cliffs – Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brink, donation through Wells Fargo matching program

Highland – Anonymous, $1,000 for library

McKinley – Destiny Cameron, coats

Rimrock Foundation, clothing

Shiloh United Methodist Women, winter clothing

Meadowlark – First Interstate Bank West, Festival of Trees Christmas tree

Atonement Lutheran Church, Festival of Trees Christmas tree

Salvation Army, supplies for needy students

United Way, clothing

Miles Avenue – United Way, clothing and books for kindergarten

John and Joanne Leuthold, case of apples and oranges

Salvation Army, boxes of Kleenex

First Interstate Bank, books for kindergarten

Faith Chapel, gifts for students

Ponderosa – Jay Hanson, drum for music class

Billings West Rotary, gifts for families

Downtown Exchange Club, Santa visit and gifts for primary students

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Karell, $250

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Marsh, $250

Chapter Y PEO, hats, gloves, mittens, clothing

RSVP, hats and mittens

United Way, books for kindergarten students

Lewis & Clark – Dairy Queen, dilley bars for entire school

Jeff Weldon, Felt, Martin, Frazier & Weldon, P.C., $200

Full Rod Construction, Inc., $100

Washington – Billlings Village Golden K Kiwanis, $500

Newcomers Club of Billings, hats and mittens

RSVP, hat and glove sets

Will James – First Interstate Bank, $500 for computer lab fundraiser

Donald and Linda Dahnke, $50 for computer lab fundraiser

Bjorgum Family, $53.84 through Wells Fargo matching program

Billings OB/GYN & Associates, $1,000 and $500 worth of coffee for computer lab fundraiser

Billings Clinic Radiology, $750 for computer lab fundraiser

Straw Hat Pizza, $84.85 for computer lab fundraiser

Dean Sukin, $500 for computer lab fundraiser

Yellowstone Surgery Center, $3,000 for computer lab fundraiser

Doug and Lori Bell, $250 for computer lab fundraiser

Mark Carlstrom, $50 for computer lab fundraiser

Marty and Holly Clemow, $40 for computer lab fundraiser

Kelly and Rebecca Davis, $50 for computer lab fundraiser

Reg and Julie Gibbs, $50 for computer lab fundraiser

John and Maria Harrington, $100 for computer lab fundraiser

Robert and Debra Jones, $100 for computer lab fundraiser

Steven and Laurel Linde, $75 for computer lab fundraiser

Ronald and Jessica Linfesty, $50 for computer lab fundraiser

Lane and Laurie Maddock, $200 for computer lab fundraiser

Sheldon and Sheryn Nelson, $50 for computer lab fundraiser

Derek and Kristi Oaks, $75 for computer lab fundraiser

Tim and Heidi Petersen, $250 for computer lab fundraiser

Cefora and Sarah Prescott, $50 for computer lab fundraiser

Peggy Schneider, $50 for computer lab fundraiser

Surgical Associates, P.C., $250 for computer lab fundraiser

John and Karen Teeling, $50 for computer lab fundraiser

Michael and Alice Wilcox, $100 computer lab fundraiser

Senior High – Daniel Horman, Daniel Horman Real Estate $950 for water filling station

West High – Hi-Ball Trucking, $808 for discounted tickets to football game

Robert Sukin, $500 to student council




The board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of listening to members of the public in its meetings. The board also recognized the statutory and constitutional right of the public to participate in governmental operations. The board encourages members of the public to participate in and express opinions about issues important to the District. This part of the board’s meeting is dedicated to public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of this meeting and is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Members of the public may address particular items on this agenda either now or at the time the Board considers the particular item.


Ann Miller addressed the board regarding the search for a new superintendent. She raised the following points: 1) can we afford a search firm; and, 2) do we need such a search if there is a well-qualified candidate within the district. Ms. Miller asked the board to spend the search funds where it is most needed. She believed solid, fiscal management is the number one priority.




Trustee Wardell requested pulling items P6 and P8 in the consent agenda for discussion. Chair Stroebe moved items up in the agenda. Trustee Aragon made the following motion with a second by Trustee Wardell:


Motion to approve the agenda as amended.


Those voting in favor were Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Allen Halter, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously.




Jeana Lervick, Human Resources Director, introduced Dr. Carolyn McKennan, the representative from HYA via Skype computer connection. Dr. McKennan stated she has been a superintendent and has worked with trustees of districts ranging from 500-55,000 students. The first phase in the search is the planning phase in which she would meet with the district. Dr. McKennan said it is Billings Public Schools’ search and it will be customized for you with a timeline. It is important that all trustees are present in the process. Advertising parameters will be set as well as a communication plan. Dr. McKennan reported she would spend four days in the district and would interview community people. District trustees would control the process and the fee could be adjusted if an internal candidate were chosen. The cost to the district is $22,000 for the consulting fee plus additional for secretarial fees, postage, telephone, advertisements, candidate expenses, and board expenses.


Jeana Lervick, Human Resources Director, introduced Dr. Tom Jacobson, the representative from McPherson & Jacobson via Skype computer connection. Dr. Tom Jacobson, McPherson & Jacobson, reported he served as a superintendent for fifteen years and still teaches at the University of Nebraska. The district would hire the superintendent, not his firm, but he would take the trustees through a decision making process. McPherson & Jacobson have a superintendent retention rate of 85%. Dr. McPherson said the firm will do research on compensation as we do not want you to pay more than you want to pay but we also do not want you to lose a candidate because of $2,000. Dr. Jacobson reported his firm offers a two-year guarantee and if another search would need to be conducted, the only cost to the district would be for expenses. The cost to the district is $17,500 for the five phase plus expenses.


Trustee Ellis asked Ms. Lervick to describe how the two firms were to work with through the process. Ms. Lervick reported both firms went above and beyond and Dr. Jacobson worked with her during his vacation in Hawaii. Trustee Ellis made the following motion with a second by Trustee Halter:


Motion to hire McPherson & Jacobson.


Trustee Ellis stated both are top firms but the cost for McPherson & Jacobson was lower and had a two-year guarantee. McPherson & Jacobson have also conducted searches in Montana and areas close to Montana. HYA is mostly on the coast. Trustee Graves felt the McPherson presentation was better and liked how Dr. Jacobson stated it was all about the kids. Trustee Wardell felt HYA was better as Dr. McKennan previously worked in this district. She stated she has had second thoughts about hiring a search firm. Trustee Halter believed the public wants to see a process and the district needs to have transparency. Trustee Ellis recommended bringing spouses of the candidates to Billings also. Travis Kemp stated he would support McPherson as he liked the presentation and the two-year guarantee. Trustee Moen reported she could go with either firm.


Trustee Wardell made the following substitute motion with a second by Trustee Smith:


Motion to hire the superintendent internally.


Those voting in favor of the motion were Greta Besch Moen, Connie Wardell, Travis Smith, and Kathy Aragon. Opposing were Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Allen Halter, Travis Kemp, and Teresa Stroebe. The motion failed.


Those voting in favor of the original motion were Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Allen Halter, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, and Teresa Stroebe. Connie Wardell opposed the motion. The motion passed.




Bridget Ekstrom, D. A. Davidson, reported a $5,600,000 QZAB allotment is available to the district from the state for the elementary district. With the stimulus bonds issued in 2010, the taxpayers will pay approximately 25% of the total interest and principal. The federal government will pay the interest on these QZAB bonds. Ms. Ekstrom said it is a great opportunity for the district. The timeline is the district would have to announce a bond election forty days before the May election. Chair Stroebe stated this item will be included on the February agenda for the regular board meeting.


District Clerk Hudetz reported a mail ballot election for the bonds could be run along with the trustee election. Dr. Middleton stated he would put a presentation together for the February meeting on how the funds could be used.




Dr. Middleton reported Procedure 7320-P1 is only for travel. Trustee Wardell asked how much is done by P-cards. Dr. Middleton replied that P-cards are not used for meals but hotel/motel expenses can be covered. The item was placed back on the consent agenda.




Jeff Weldon, legal counsel to the district, stated the only difference in this contract is there is a law that a home builder must offer warranties. This requirement was set up by the 2009 legislature and this is the first contract with that language. The item was placed back on the consent agenda.


BUDGET 2012-2013


Dr. Middleton reviewed the 2012-2013 working budget as it stands now. Numbers change every day. More will be known at the end of February when the enrollment counts are made available. Gail Surwill reported there is approximately $800,000 in carryover funds in Title I and $754,000 may be available to help with the 2013 budget.




Mr. Hudetz reported trustees have until March 29th to file for a seat on the board. Trustee positions are open for Zone 4, Zone 6, and High School District A.




Dr. Middleton reported the trustees need to keep in mind whether or not to run a bond or levy election. It is possible to run a levy for $555,000 in the elementary district and $906,000 in the high school district in the general funds but it could change after the official enrollment report is available at the end of February.




Dr. Middleton stated he hoped the board would take another attempt passing of an elementary tech levy. Karen Palmer, Technology Director, stated a levy would be for the elementary schools and middle schools. There are no current funds available for technology. Presently, funds for technology are coming out of supply budgets. We have received grants from the Billings Education Foundation as well as Century Link. At one time, funds were given to the district from timber funds but it has dwindled down to almost nothing. PTAs are currently raising funds for technology in their schools.


Dr. Middleton stated general funds cannot keep up with technology. He stated the District should have a rotation plan to rotate 20% of the computers every year.


Ms. Palmer stated the following are objectives for the district: 1) increase student learning opportunities; 2) provide professional development; 3) improve access to current technology; and, 4) to improve, reorganize and support infrastructure. The district has an aged inventory in the elementary schools. A sample budget for elementary technology would cost $1,600,000. Superintendent Copps stated the district has to address the inequity that is occurring in the elementary schools. Computers that are purchased have to be adaptable for core curriculum.




Lew Anderson, Facilities Director, recommended a partial roof replacement of 20% at West High. This is part of the $12,000,000 bond. He did not want to do the other 20% as the district might need a contingency in case the project at Senior High costs more than anticipated.


Trustee Aragon made the following motion with a second by Trustee Smith:


Motion to approve the awarding of the construction contract for the West High Partial Roof Replacement to Metal Works of Montana for $180,860.


Those voting in favor were Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Allen Halter, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Anderson reported he has resubmitted the bids for the Lewis & Clark roof project and these bids are coming in lower than previously.




Trustee Aragon gave a brief presentation on the strategic planning with Fielding Nair Inc. Trustee Ellis voiced her concern that the latest bill was twice what Fielding Nair had stated earlier. She recommended doing the next meeting with Fielding Nair by internet. Trustee Aragon stated she would verify this with Fielding Nair. Chair Stroebe reported that the format of the final Fielding Nair report would be kept in a holding pattern.




Dr. Middleton announced the Billings Classified Employees Association’s members have ratified their contract by over 90% of its voting members. Superintendent Copps met with those members to answer their questions and discuss the state of the district. He thanked the bargaining team for their understanding.


Trustee Ellis made the following motion with a second by Trustee Aragon:


Motion to approve the 2011-12 Collective Bargaining Agreement between BCEA and the District reflecting changes listed in the agenda and appreciation of their understanding.


Those voting in favor were Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Allen Halter, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously.




Dr. Middleton reported the district has a tentative agreement with the Montana Public Employees Association. The negotiating team was very easy to work with and understanding.




Dr. Middleton reported talks need to be opened up for bargaining for 2013. All three units have been notified and are ready to start bargaining. Chair Stroebe reported Trustees Graves and Moen have started to work. Superintendent Copps stated, in the future, the trustees need to discuss negotiations. Chair Stroebe stated the district may appoint Trustees Graves, Moen and the three administrators currently working on negotiations. Mr. Copps recommended Dr. Middleton serve as chair of negotiations and the trustees meet to decide whether they will be on the committee or not. Superintendent Copps recommended Scott Anderson and Jeana Lervick be part of the committee. He urged negotiations start as soon as possible.


Trustee Wardell made the following motion with no second offered:


Motion to have Dr. Middleton serve as lead and Scott Anderson and Jeana Lervick to serve on the negotiating committee and wait on the trustee portion to a later date.


Chair Stroebe did not feel a motion was necessary and named Scott Anderson and Jean Lervick to serve on the committee.




Trustee Wardell reported the city asked if the district wanted to find the value of the land behind the Career Center and the property by Beartooth. The district also needs to determine if there is a utilities easement for the Career Center. The groups will meet again in April. Trustee Ellis reported a discussion was also held on social networking and what city resources could be made available to the district. She also stated groups from the west end addressed overcrowding in the schools. Mr. Copps reported the district owns the property south of Arrowhead on which sits the little league fields. Using that area as a parking lot would solve the traffic issue at Arrowhead. Trustee Aragon felt a joint agreement could be investigated with St. John’s Retirement Facility. She believed the district needs to have a discussion with the public about the dire straits of the district as there is no money to build a school and to staff it.




Chair Stroebe summarized the recent board retreat and stated it was time well spent. The superintendent search was discussed and a governance model was also discussed. Trustee Halter asked if we could come together with a purpose statement and all trustees sign it. It could be given to the media to demonstrate to the public that the board members are working together. He urged members to keep the collective thinking piece foremost in their minds and board packets for meetings. Trustee Halter wanted to make a motion to that affect but Mr. Hudetz stated it would have to be noticed for the next meeting.




Chair Stroebe reported the school funding reformation group and the AA Caucus groups have met. The AA Caucus and the Montana School Board Association have come to the same conclusions. Basic Entitlement is being addressed by the school funding group for all schools. The next meeting of the District’s Legislative Committee is scheduled for February 2nd at 9:00 a.m.




Superintendent Copps reported Zangle software company has contacted the district to request payment for any services the district has had in the past six months. The bill was for $53,000. We are sending a notice back that we are not indebted to them for the $53,000 and have been using PowerSchool since July 1, 2011.


Graduation Matters and P-cards will be on the agenda next month. Graduation Matters is a statewide initiative started by State Superintendent Juneau. Many schools are adopting the program to decrease the number of dropouts. This district cannot act until we know why students are dropping out. A lot of ninth graders who drop out have been thinking about it for several years. Students must stay in school until the ninth grade. This district needs to address the students who drop out when short of one or two credits. Administration is also looking at the Boost Program as is currently used in the middle schools. It is an after school program that offers homework help. Additionally, administrators are looking at an after school credit recovery program that will begin in February.


A grant can be applied for from the state for Graduation Matters as the Dennis Washington Foundation has just donated $450,000 for that program.


Mr. Copps reported a discussion is taking place on a 6th/7th/8th grade middle school. Classes would have to retrofitted at Will James which could cost $120,000. It could give the elementary district some relief.


Mr. Copps stated that Gail Surwill and Josh Middleton would like to tender their resignation and assume the position of Executive Director of Curriculum for Gail Surwill and Josh Middleton as Executive Director of Adult Education. Mr. Copps has agreed to do that if this board accepts those resignations. Dr. Middleton could also look for other opportunities including the superintendent position with this district. He has also struck an agreement with Scott Anderson to transfer to the Career Center as the new director. These shifts would save the district money in the 2012-2013 budget.


Mr. Copps reported the principals’ survey for service review of Sodexho will go out soon. There is also a plan to buy fresh, local products when possible. Sodexho has been audited and received a clean report.


Mr. Copps thanked Scott Anderson, Gail Surwill and Josh Middleton for their intent to control costs to the district in these difficult times.


Dr. Middleton informed the trustees the district was first told they did not receive the Quality Schools Grant but were told last week it did receive it. It is a $25,000 grant for facilities management.


Trustee Halter asked if there was more information on the warehouse. Mr. Copps stated he was waiting to hear from the Billings Clinic people who have reviewed the warehouse setup.




Mr. Hudetz stated the district must have an external auditor report. His position was created for an internal audit. His job is to cover internal audit which was established in a board action. Trustee Wardell asked for a copy of the warehouse audit from four years ago.




Trustee Aragon made the following motion with a second by Trustee Smith:


Motion to approve and accept the items within the Consent Agenda without objection to recommended action.


Those voting in favor were Kathy Aragon, Greta Besch Moen, Pam Ellis, Lindy Graves, Allen Halter, Travis Kemp, Travis Smith, Teresa Stroebe and Connie Wardell. The motion passed unanimously. Items approved are as follows:


Monthly Legal Report

Personnel Report

Bills Paid – December 2011

Financial Reports – December 2011 (Unaudited)

Regular Board Meeting Minutes, December 19, 2011

Special Board Meeting Minutes, December 12, 2011

Procedure 7320-P1, Expense Authorization

Establish New Trust Fund Account for Billings Career Center Food Pantry

Career Center House Construction Agreement between the Home Builders Association of Billings



As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m.





Teresa Stroebe, Chair



Diane Blevins, Recorder

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