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Regular Meeting of January 17, 2005

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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


January 17, 2005


Call to Order


The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana, was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, January 17, 2005, at 5:30 p.m.


Chair Katharin Kelker presided and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call


Members present included Katharin Kelker, Superintendent Rod Svee, Clerk Leo Hudetz, Mike Dimich, Judith Herzog, Dale Getz, Gene Jarussi, Karen Moses, Stephanie Krueger, and Malcolm Goodrich. Conrad Stroebe was absent.


Registered guests included Janet Nickoloff, Deanne Gemmill, Jon Gemmill, Lynn Jensen, Nancy Hines, Dayle Hayes, Janet Baum and Curt Prchal.


Communication from the Public


The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of listening to members of the public in its meetings. The Board also recognizes the statutory and constitutional right of the public to participate in governmental operations. The Board encourages members of the public to participate in and express opinions about issues important to the District. This part of the Board’s meeting is dedicated to public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of this meeting and is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Members of the public may also address particular items on this agenda either now or at the time the Board considers the particular item. There were no public comments.


Approval of Agenda


The Chair reported the Tax Reduction Request has been pulled from the Consent Agenda. Trustee Dimich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Herzog:


Motion to approve the agenda.


Those voting in favor were Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Gene Jarussi, Katharin Kelker, and Karen Moses. The motion passed.


Bills Paid – December 2004


Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Herzog:


Motion to approve the bills paid for the month of December 2004.


Those voting in favor were Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Gene Jarussi, Katharin Kelker, and Karen Moses. The motion carried. The bills paid are as follows:


Fund Description Amount

101 Elem. General Fund $ 255,759.90

110 Elem. Transportation 201,253.37

115 Elem. Misc. Programs 95,579.93

117 Elem. Adult Education 3,596.30

128 Elem. Technology 3,550.00

129 Elem. School Flexibility Fund 598.26

160 Elem. Building 234,121.94

161 Elem. Building Reserve 41,044.70

184 Elem. Student ECA 28,932.45

185 Elem. Misc. Trust 13,318.17

201 H. S. General Fund 262,436.31

210 H. S. Transportation 142,767.03

212 H. S. Food Services 322,081.14

215 H. S. Misc. Program 37,459.74

217 H. S. Adult Education 11,546.58

218 H. S. Traffic Education 385.65

228 H. S. Technology 1,199.00

229 H. S. School Flexibility Fund 5,798.36

260 H. S. Building 766.35

261 H. S. Building Reserve 6,370.11

278 H. S. Self Insurance Health 1,094,140.32

279 H. S. Self Ins. – Liability 3,392.86

282 H. S. Interlocal Agreement 64,880.58

284 H. S. Extracurricular 140,957.23

285 H. S. Misc. Trust 14,408.18

286 H. S. Payroll 1,637,940.25

Claims $4,624,284.71

ACH Tax Deposits $1,418,690.84

Payroll Warrants & Direct Deposits $3,696,145.73

TOTAL $9,739,121.28




Financial Reports – December 2004 (Unaudited)


Trustee Goodrich reported the Business Committee has reviewed the financial reports. Financial Reports received included the following:


BD101 Account Expenditure by Fund

BD102 Account Receipts by Fund

BD105 Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenue

BD108 Object Cost Analysis


Monthly Legal Report


Jeff Weldon reported there was nothing new to report on Rapp-Swecker, Columbia Falls, KTVQ, Erekson, Eastman, or the M.T. case. A copy of the order granting a motion for stay pending appeal in the Gazette case was given to the Board members. At this time, the District has no obligation to turn over documents to the Gazette depending upon the Supreme Court’s review of the matter.


Mr. Weldon reported he and Superintendent Svee would develop a response to send to the BEA on the pending issue of preparation time. The MPEA grievances have gone to an arbitrator in November and a decision should be received in the near future.


The first bill from the District, HB302 for sharing of information and promotion for bond and levy issues, will go before the Education Committee on Wednesday. Trustee Moses reported there have been no MQEC meetings recently.


Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Herzog:


Motion to approve the long-term suspension summary.


There was only one item in the summary. Those voting in favor ere Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Gene Jarussi, Katharin Kelker and Stephanie Krueger. The motion passes unanimously.


Mr. Weldon reported the hearings on the Career Center appeals would be scheduled in February on three Saturdays. Mr. Weldon also reviewed Policy 1400. He speaks periodically with the Chair on matters concerning the District. He does not make it a practice to contact the Board members individually as he is now a contracted attorney for the District.


Mr. Weldon reported he would meet with Jim Murphy, counselor for the Home Builders Association, to draw up a draft agreement on the general contractor issue for the Career Center project for the 2005/2006 school year. The agreement will be sent to the Business Committee.


Mr. Weldon gave a brief review on committee procedures. The Board Policy Committee has been configured but has not met as of this date. The Ad Hoc Committee has also been formed but has not met to review the personnel handbook. The Chair stated the Policy Committee would take on the issue of the personnel handbook.


Recognition and Gifts and Donations


The following is a list of gifts and donations that have been presented to the School District in accordance with Board policy. Such items have been incorporated into the District’s inventory and an acknowledgment of the contribution has been made to the donor.


Bitterroot – PTA, door stops and washing machine

McDonald’s Restaurants, student of the month lunches

Jeanette Clift, mittens

Wal-Mart, dress-a-child tree

St. Thomas Catholic Church, food baskets and gifts

Riverside Optimist Club, money for a family

Broadwater – Elaine Kvilhaug, mittens, gloves, hats and socks

Burlington – Home Depot, gift card

Papa John’s Pizza, pizzas

McDonald’s, juice

Newman – Downtown Exchange Club, gifts for 1st and 2nd graders

Mr. & Mrs. John Murdock, money for classroom snacks

PEO Chapter Y, hats, mittens and money

Southwest Corridor Task Force, hats and mittens

Big Sky Optimists, food baskets and gifts for two families

West High Honor Society, food, clothing, toys

Beta Sigma Phi, food and gifts for one family

Optimists, gifts for kids

Dawn Achten and family, gifts for four students

Kitty Sundheim, backpacks and pencils

Carrie, art sets, watch

Billings Village Golden K Kiwanis, money

Orchard – Olive Garden Restaurant, Christmas gifts for some students

Downtown Exhange Club, gifts for 1st and 2nd graders

Ponderosa – Mr. & Mrs. Merle Riggs, money

KOA, money

Merisa Saunders, Restaurant Management Company, pizza coupons


The Board presented Charles “Mac” McGahan with the National Education Leadership Award from Jobs for America’s Graduates. The Board also recognized Janet Nickoloff, Riverside Librarian, and Deanne Gemmill, West High Math teacher, as recipients of the National Board Certification. Julie Blakeslee, Meadowlark Music teacher was also a recipient but was unable to attend due to illness.


Superintendent’s Report


Superintendent Svee reported he has provided for the math recovery program in the high schools. The FTE needed was provided for in the existing staff and class periods have been added.


Mr. Svee addressed the dual credit system, which allows a high school student to receive both high school and university system credit for classes. The best pattern was from Flathead Valley Community College and was the clearest and most complete. Mr. Svee asked for 2-3 members to work with him and Mac McGahan, as well as the College of Technology and MSU-B, to develop an interlocal agreement. Items to be reviewed are costs and logistics. The high school students could take the classes at one-half price. Trustee Moses asked if the District could look at no cost to the student? Superintendent Svee replied the land north of the Career Center could possibly be traded for free classes. Trustees Herzog, Dimich and Goodrich volunteered to serve on the committee. Trustee Goodrich has agreed to act as chair.


The Superintendent gave copies of the information on Montana statutes as requested by Trustee Stroebe at the January 20th meeting regarding the Skyview incident.


Personnel Report


Trustee Dimich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Herzog:


Motion to accept the Superintendent’s employment recommendations as presented in the current personnel report.


Those voting in favor were Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Katharin Kelker, Stephanie Krueger and Karen Moses. Gene Jarussi opposed the motion. The motion carried.


Daylis Stadium


The Chair stated it has been the consensus of the Board to tear down the old bleachers and a willingness to open up the opportunity for private sector people to assist in the purchase of turf. Trustee Herzog suggested Mr. Dave Williams, Activities Director, research the possibility of using private funds for the entire project. Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Herzog:


Motion that the eastside bleachers be torn down in the most economic and safe manner possible and as soon as



Trustee Jarussi asked if there was a plan to put them back up. Mr. Williams stated there is currently no structured plan for replacement. Trustee Goodrich reported a concern of the Business Committee was there is no money for the replacement by next fall. Trustee Dimich suggested the Board give Dave Williams the authority to go out and raise the funds. He stated the School/Community Committee was very concerned about the safety issue. Mr. Williams stated he was not comfortable putting a band-aid fix on the bleachers. The District’s liability company is reviewing the matter. Mr. Williams reported his recommendation is to replace the east bleachers as soon as possible and put in turf to fix the problem of not enough playing surfaces for Senior High. If he had the ability, he would like to update the facility for the public to come to watch the games and be safe. Trustee Jarussi spoke in support of the motion, as it may be hard to obtain insurance due to the known hazard. Trustee Herzog suggested the online survey be continued for community input to look at Daylis and the alternatives.


Superintendent Svee reported the District is one year ahead of paying the bond in July. There will be $650,000 available in next year’s money on July 1st. The replacement estimation for the bleachers is $800,000. Trustee Moses stated there were people who were willing to serve on a fund-raising committee. The fund raising could be done in two phases: phase one for the bleachers and phase two for the turf. Mr. Williams reported the estimated cost for removal of the bleachers is $100,000. Using volunteers is a liability issue, but it might be possible to use a professional firm on a contract for a reduced fee. Superintendent Svee stated the figures are ballpark amounts and if the amounts could be refined, it could give the Board further direction.


Those voting in favor of the motion were Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Gene Jarussi, Katharin Kelker, Stephanie Krueger, and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


The Chair asked Mr. Williams, as the survey to the direction the community wishes to go was not conclusive, what is your suggestion? He reported he has discussed the issue with a contractor who would like to see a more economical way of dealing with the bleachers and getting materials donated. Mr. Williams stated he would bring people together for the planning committee. Trustee Getz suggested Amend Park could be used as a model and felt the community would rally around the need.


Trustee Moses was uncomfortable with tearing down the bleachers with no plan in place. Trustee Herzog made the following motion:


Empower administration to gather community input and look at the possibility of private donations to develop a plan to make Daylis Stadium a safe stadium for our community and look at other options also.


Dave Williams stated there are other options in terms of funding so it is not a totally private development. The motion died due to a lack of a second. Trustee Moses made the following motion with a second by Trustee Herzog:


Motion that we empower the administration to seek private partnerships in their Daylis solution.


Those voting in favor were Mike Dimich, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Katharin Kelker, Stephanie Krueger and Karen Moses. Gene Jarussi and Dale Getz opposed the motion. Trustee Jarussi did not feel the motion was necessary. The motion passed.


Family & Consumer Science Curriculum


Trustee Herzog made the following motion with a second by Trustee Dimich:


Motion to approve the Family and Consumer Science Curriculum on second reading.


Those voting in favor were Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Gene Jarussi, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Katharin Kelker, Stephanie Krueger and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


Technology Integration Guidelines


Trustee Herzog made the following motion with a second by Trustee Dimich:


Motion to approve the Technology Integration Guidelines.


Trustee Moses asked if there had been changes since the last reading. It has been through the Education Committee and no major changes were made. Trustee Moses was uncomfortable that this curriculum would drive the funding and felt it should go back to the Technology Committee to have questions answered. Those voting in favor were Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Gene Jarussi, Katharin Kelker, and Stephanie Krueger. Karen Moses opposed the motion. The motion carried.


Hiring Freeze Proposal


Trustee Goodrich reported the Business Committee was not recommending a flat freeze without a capacity to adjust the numbers but freeze at the levels of November 22nd. The date was chosen, as it is the time when the committee and unions agreed to the numbers. The Business Community agreed if there were mandated programs that dictated a need to change the FTE numbers, administration could come back to the appropriate committee to get the changes implemented.


The Chair reviewed the list of hires that would be allowed. The grant piece would be dealt with through the committee process. The hiring freeze would allow for the following: employee resigned, retired, or fired will be replaced; new over-crowded classroom aides; new Special Education hiring; leave without pay; leave with discretionary and sick leave pay; military leave; legislative leave; out on worker’s compensation; long term disability; and, employees on medical leave. Temporary summer positions, grant positions, and new FTE would have to go through the committee process. Trustee Herzog made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to approve a hiring freeze in general for all School District No. 2 employees at their levels as were

current on November 22, 2004.


Trustee Getz was concerned it will be very hard to track and administer. He felt all of the exceptions were in the base and FTE should be frozen at the level discussed and any exceptions should come before the committee. Superintendent Svee stated there are several grant positions that will go before COLT tomorrow and the committees in February. He felt the grant hires should be approved ahead of receiving the grant. Trustee Jarussi felt there should be no new hires listed on the personnel report, only replacements.


Those voting in favor of the motion were Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Gene Jarussi, Katharin Kelker, Stephanie Krueger and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.




Lunch Program Menu Pilot


Superintendent Svee reported Dan Martin has suggested, rather than have a pilot, a policy be developed and then look to the schools to pilot the program. Sodexho is willing to do the pilot this year. The community group could aide in developing a policy to know what the pilot would look like. Trustee Getz felt it would be more successful at the elementary level, not the high school level. He recommended an experimental model be used and should be grown from there and then a policy be developed. Trustee Goodrich felt the District needed a comprehensive policy. Trustee Jarussi stated McKinley Elementary would like to be one of the schools to pilot the program.


Dayle Hayes, a dietitian, reported the District would be required to have a policy addressing healthy foods in 2006/07. She felt the District could try to pilot before that time and suggested they see what we could do to pilot the program with some of the easy changes such as number of choices and changes in the eating environment. She volunteered the expertise of the Billings Action for Healthy Kids. Ms. Hayes stated she had several model policies that could be used in developing the District’s policy. The Chair suggested that we have a policy sub-committee of the Board to meet jointly with members of her group to get things going.


Bette Hunt from Sodexho stated they would be more than willing to pilot the program but must also follow the National School Lunch Program requirements and healthy choices must be defined.


Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Dimich:


Motion to direct administration to implement healthy choices as soon as practical at four elementary schools,

one of which would be McKinley, and that healthy choices will be defined with resident subject matter experts

in concert with the policy committee.


Those voting in favor were Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Gene Jarussi, Katharin Kelker, Stephanie Krueger and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


Purchase Land at Cottonwood Park


Trustee Goodrich reported the Business Committee reviewed the option to purchase land from a gifted parcel to the City for an elementary school. The money is available and would go to the City to develop a park in that area. Trustee Dimich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Herzog:


Motion to adopt the recommendation by the Business Committee and work in tandem on this with the City.


Superintendent Svee reported there is over $900,000 in the building fund and can only be used for site acquisition or building. The funds came from the sale of the property by Arrowhead Elementary. There must be an appraisal done by the City and the District can challenge it. The owners of the land had an appraisal conducted, which showed an approximate value of $20,000 per acre. There is a need for an elementary school in that area, as Arrowhead Elementary is at capacity. Superintendent Svee reported it is a phenomenal program that Don and Betsy Forbes have established through their generous donation.


Those voting in favor were Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Gene Jarussi, Katharin Kelker, Stephanie Krueger and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously. Judith Herzog is ineligible to vote on elementary issues.


Consent Agenda


Trustee Herzog made the following motion with a second by Trustee Dimich:


Motion to approve and accept the items within the Consent Agenda without objection to recommended action.


Those voting in favor were Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Gene Jarussi, Katharin Kelker, Stephanie Krueger and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


Items approved in the Consent Agenda are as follows:


Regular Board Minutes, December 20, 2004

Business Committee Minutes, December 6, 2004

Business Committee Minutes, December 13, 2004

Education Committee Minutes, December 13, 2004

School/Community Committee Minutes, December 13, 2004

Boys and Girls Club

Truancy Project


Tax Reduction Request


Regarding the tax reduction request on the consent agenda, Superintendent Svee stated it is a decision of the county commissioners and not a decision of the District or taxpayers. It is a courtesy request only and the District has no power. Trustee Getz stated it is additive money included in the tax base and would be a benefit to the District. The business could receive a reduction in their taxable valuation of the first few years of their investment. Trustee Getz felt it made sense to support such programs and it gives the message that Yellowstone County is “open for business”.


Trustee Dimich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to adopt the recommendation of the Business Committee to support the Tax Reduction Request submitted by

the Big Sky Economical Development Authority.


Those voting in favor of the motion were Mike Dimich, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Judith Herzog, Gene Jarussi, Katharin Kelker, Stephanie Krueger and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


Superintendent Evaluation


The Chair reported the Superintendent’s evaluation was conducted by the Vice-Chair and was online this year. The Superintendent has chosen to have an open evaluation again this year. Vice-Chair Dimich stated all Trustees completed the evaluation, as well as the COLT team and staff. There were 9 general categories and 40 questions with the numbers ranging from 1-4, with 1 being the highest. The Superintendent has scored higher than in 2003 on 25 of the 40 statements. In the community relations area, one statement addresses making recommendations to the Board for resolution of complaints that cannot be resolved at the administrative level. Superintendent Svee stated he is not able to bring issues to the Board as long as you are the appellate body, as stated in Board policy. Individual members could be informed of situations but would not be able to be part of the appeal process. In the previous policy, issues were brought to the Board but not for a decision.


Trustee Dimich stated the instructional leader piece shows an average score of 1.5. Trustee Moses voiced her concern on how she can do a good job of evaluation if she does not know all the facts. She was uncomfortable with the process used in the Skyview investigation. Mr. Svee reported he is open to any way to get the information to the Board members. He would be willing to get any information to the Board that they wish and could set up a mechanism that would give them the information it needed. Mr. Svee reported the investigation at Skyview was appropriate and the process was followed.


Trustee Jarussi stated, overall, the Superintendent has done a very good job and was glad they could have honest disagreements. He commended the Superintendent on his work for dual credit. Trustee Jarussi stated he grieves for the Superintendent and the District in the Skyview issue as there are over 5,000 high school students and to have one episode take away from the other 5,000 students is not fair.


Trustee Goodrich felt it was important to highlight the positive things: 1) budget issues – the Superintendent is very open and supportive; 2) keeps a civil level of discourse; and, 3) makes decisions for the students. The Chair stated Mr. Svee took the Board down a road that was proactive in the elementary bond issue and commended him for his work.


Trustee Getz asked the Superintendent what his goal was for the District. The Superintendent stated his goal is that when he leaves, this District is a leader in the State, not only in what the students can do, but in how we approach things, how this Board functions and how the administrative staff functions beneath that. In that manner, the system will operate regardless of who sits in the Superintendent’s chair. Superintendent Svee reported he wanted to do things right, the right way.


Calendar/Agenda Planning


The following are the future scheduled meetings:


Thursday – Legislative Meetings at noon

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 – Agenda Setting Meeting

Monday, February 7, 2005 – Business Committee

Monday, February 14, 2005 – Education and School/Community Committees

Monday, February 21, 2005 – Regular Board Meeting




As there was no future business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.






Katharin Kelker, Chair




Diane Blevins, Recorder

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