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Special Board Meeting and Performance Monitoring/Stakeholder Relations Committee - March 5, 2012


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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


March 5, 2012



Call to Order


The Special Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County and High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana was duly held at the Lincoln Center, Billings, Montana on Monday, March 5, 2012.


Roll Call


Members present included: Trustees Connie Wardell, Dr. Greta Besch Moen, Teresa Stroebe, Lindy Graves, Kathy Aragon; Clerk Leo Hudetz; Administration Staff: Lew Anderson, Kathy Olson, Gail Surwill, Scott Anderson and Mark Wahl. Registered guests were Mary Westwood, Amanda Boehme, Karen Moses and Karen Sanford Gall.


The meeting was called to order by Chair Teresa Stroebe at 5:35 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was said.




There was no public communication at this time.




A draft agenda for the regular meeting on March 19th was presented.


Trustee Moen requested that there be a budget discussion and presentation. Dr. Middleton will prepare this and have suggestions and list actions for budget. Karen Palmer will present information on the elementary technology levy.


There will be information presented on elections which will include resolutions and amounts. This will include the taxpayer cost per house valued at $100,000 and $200,000 for each of the levies, including QZAB and QECB bonds.


Rob Rogers from the Billings Gazette shared information on the superintendent search public input meetings scheduled for this week.


Items recommended for action at the Planning & Development Committee meeting will be placed on the consent agenda.


The Performance Monitoring/Stakeholder Relations Committee report will include the warehouse report. The second reading of the advertising policy will be listed as a regular agenda item.


Mr. Anderson said that Superintendent Copps would like a discussion of the MQEC membership dues. This will be an action item. The board voted previously not to pay the dues but made it clear at that time they could reconsider at a later time.


There will be a AA Caucus report which will include Graduation Matters and information from the state on Common Core.


There will be two curriculum items for approval on the consent agenda.


Representatives from McPherson & Jacobson, LLC are scheduled to present information on the 12th of March. Mr. Graves stated that the online survey should be available March 7 until March 14.


The agenda setting portion of the meeting concluded at 6:05. Trustee Graves took over as Chair of the Performance Monitoring/Stakeholder Relations Committee.






Mr. Hudetz explained that the former Policy Review Committee has been suspended. A subcommittee was formed of community members and administrators to make changes to the advertising policy. This committee recommended Policy 4333 and it was approved in July 2011 on first reading. The board did not act on the policy on second reading and referred it back to the Policy Review Committee to clarify language regarding advertising on the exterior of any building.


Karen Sanford Gall was present at the meeting as a member of the former subcommittee on this policy. She stated that the subcommittee would be in favor of this policy. A concern of the subcommittee was signage on the outside of the buildings. Mr. Hudetz stated that Jeff Weldon, attorney, had recommended that the verbiage on page 4 of the policy be struck out in order not to have to deal with “grandfathering” of previous advertising on the outside of buildings. Ms. Gall stated that this language was not part of the policy from the committee. She stated that it was the intent of the committee to restrict signage on the main building, and it should not be ad related. The main building and the identifier of the school should not be sold. The committee had looked at best practices around the country.


Mr. Wahl stated that we are losing revenues because there is no policy in place.


Trustee Stroebe made a motion to accept Policy 4333 as presented in the board packet. Trustee Aragon seconded the motion. Ms. Gall feels that the policy as presented meets the intent of the committee. Trustee Graves stated that the administration would use common sense in approving signage. Trustee Moen asked who follows up on payments for the signs and who sets the price. Mr. Anderson stated that it would be the appropriate department, such as activities, etc. and it generally is above market value. The money goes into various accounts.


Trustee Graves called for a vote. Trustees Moen, Wardell, Aragon, Stroebe and Graves voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed. This will go to the board for second reading at the special meeting next week in order to get this approved as soon as possible.




Mr. Hudetz stated that the usual practice for a procedure is for the superintendent to create and give to the board for their approval. Three readings are not necessary for procedures. Mr. Anderson stated that the new procedure is very specific. He explained that there is a cost to use our facilities. He stated they had looked at the procedures in place for other AA districts in the state to develop this procedure.


Trustee Aragon stated that the new procedure does not list the specific amounts to use the facilities. She feels that is a very important detail. Mr. Anderson stated that it is difficult to do the hard costs. He stated the new procedure is very similar to the old procedure that was in place. He is not prepared to give a specific fee schedule at this time. Ms. Aragon would like the fee schedule attached to the procedure. Mr. Anderson stated a fee schedule will be developed.


Trustee Moen asked if wear and tear on the facilities is being considered when allowing use of the facilities. She also questioned what account(s) the money goes into for rentals. Mr. Anderson stated that the money goes into the building fund and it does not generate a lot of revenue, approximately $10-$20 thousand per year.


Trustee Wardell stated that there needs to be a key deposit. She feels it is necessary to ensure return of keys. At the current time a key deposit is not being charged. Mr. Anderson stated that the key deposit was $200 and that is probably not enough to pay for the cost of rekeying. Ms. Moen agrees with the key charge. Mr. Wahl stated that most of the time traveling teams do not have keys. They use the facilities during the week when a custodian is on duty. Lew Anderson stated that there should be some way to recoup losses.


Trustee Graves agrees with the need to have a key charge of $200 and reserve the right to request more if the key is not returned and rekeying is necessary. A check for the key deposit can be held until the key is returned. A fee schedule needs to be included and reviewed annually.


Mr. Hudetz stated that the administration needs to reword and bring this procedure back to the board.


Trustee Stroebe made a motion to put on the agenda as a recommendation with additions as discussed. Trustee Moen seconded the motion. Trustees Stroebe, Moen, Aragon, Wardell and Graves voted in favor of the motion. The motion passed.




There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,





Teresa Stroebe, Board Chair





Lindy Graves, Chair

Performance Monitoring & Stakeholder Relations Committee





Nancy Coe, Recorder

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