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Jan. 25 Minutes


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Jan. 25 Minutes

Proceedings of the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee

District No. 2 Yellowstone County

Billings, MT


January 25, 2005


The meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Barbara Bryan on Tuesday, January 25th, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 213 at Lincoln Center.


Members Present: Barbara Bryan, John Eisen, Peggie Smith, Ed Workman, Matt Brosovich, Donell Small, Randy Hafer and Ludlow Howe


Members Absent: Tim Cranston, Mike Marnin, Larry Brewster


Minutes Approval: A motion was made by Matt and seconded by Donell to approve the minutes from the December 13, 2004 and Jan 11, 2005 meetings. All voted in favor.


West End Elementary Site: Discussion was held regarding the Board of Trustees recent decision to purchase ten acres on the west end of Billings for a future elementary school. The property was priced at $20,000 per acre and is yet to be appraised. This committee expressed concern than no indication of the purchase was mentioned to any member of this long range facilities planning committee. Some of the questions raised by this committee were:


o What were the reasons for this planning committee not being invited to any discussion regarding the land purchase?

o Why was this particular site chosen?

o How was the number of acres determined?

o What were the results of conversations with the City Planning Board regarding future development?

o The parcel is within an area that may be subject to flooding.

o Was the cost of extending services to this site considered?

o Was House Bill 436, which would allow developers to give land to schools, considered.


Matt has requested we send our concerns about the land purchase to the board. If we have no reply within four weeks he will be compelled to resign from this committee. The members were in agreement to contact the board in writing. A draft will be prepared for the committee’s review.


Consideration of Senior High options

Ludlow and Randy have been working on the options of remodeling vs. demolition and rebuilding for Senior High School. They will continue their work, meet jointly and finalize the report for the next meeting.


Public Communications

Methods of communicating this committee’s research, data and scenarios to the public was discussed. It was agreed that the Shared Beliefs, Criteria, Scenarios, and visual aids should be used. Barb will contact Nancy Hines who has been contracted to develop a communications plan for the district for any ideas she may have that would be helpful. It would be desirable to have a consultant to make contacts, schedule and coordinate the public meetings. This committee will request to be on the next School/Community Committee agenda to present a summary of the scenarios and inquire about the help available from them in reaching the community with the information. Barb will contact Mike Dimich and Karen Moses, Co-Chairs of the School/Community Committee.


Ed prepared a rough draft of a spreadsheet that could be converted to visual aids when making presentations to the public. Members were asked to e-mail any comments about the document to Ed, and Ludlow will refine the spreadsheet for review at the next meeting.


Miscellaneous reports

Barb reported that Mike Marnin was unable to attend this meeting but he phoned to report that he visited with David Morales at the Garfield School building. They have made a number of improvements to the building. The building has been used as a community building and he would like to see that aspect continue. However, he would be open to working with the district in utilizing the empty classrooms in the building, should there be a need for space for “community type” classes. Mike can report more on this at another meeting.


Barb was not able to get information at this time regarding gym use at the YMCA.


At the next meeting Peggie will bring a report on longer-term scenarios for high school facilities.


With no further business, Donell motioned and Barb seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:45.


The next meeting will be February 8th, 2005 at 6:30 in Room 213 at Lincoln Center.




Barbara Bryan, Co-Chair




John Eisen, Co-Chair


Donna Obie, Recorder

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