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Special Board Meeting June 25, 2012

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Proceedings of the Special Board Meeting

Board of Trustees – Committee

School District #2 Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2 Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana

June 25, 2012


The June 25, 2012 Board of Trustees Committee meeting was called to order by Chairman, Lindy Graves at 5:35 p.m.


Members present included Lindy Grave, Pam Ellis. Others in attendance were Leo Hudetz, Clerk, Kathy Olson, Brenda Koch, Donna Obie, Recorder, Pam Makara of RSVP, John Baber, retired teacher.


There was not a quorum present. No action was taken but those present discussed items on the agenda.


Communication from the Public


Mary Westwood stated she was pleased that the district has a facility plan in place but is concerned about the process. She suggested an advisory board which would include people from outside the district whose knowledge and skills could enhance the district’s plan. Mary suggested that each Trustee nominate two people from their district--this would provide a committee of 14 people with broad representation from the district.


RSVP Program


Pam Makara of RSVP was invited to present an overview of the program and how it recruits and places volunteers. RSVP is a grant based program and is also known as Yellowstone Council on Aging. Pam, Krista Hertz of the Billings Education foundation and John Baber, retired teacher are working together to plan an event to bring all of the retired teachers, still living in Billings, together to honor them and discuss, among other things, the possibility of them being willing to volunteer to help in the classrooms. John Baber also suggested that retired teachers might be willing to volunteer with special projects for the Board of Trustees such as school bond or levy elections. Chair, Lindy Graves encouraged everyone present to come up with ideas and pass them on to Krista Hertz of the Education Foundation.


Presentation Schedule


A Performance Monitoring/Stakeholder Relations Committee Presentation Schedule was

presented for informational purposes. Kathy Olson and Brenda Koch will further review the schedule which will be placed on the agenda for the next school board meeting. Any recommendations they have will be presented at that time. Trustee, Pam Ellis, suggested there be monthly meetings to monitor the schedule and keep it on track as there are many issues to be presented and discussed.

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