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Education Committee Minutes--May 9, 2005


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Proceedings of the Education Committee

School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


May 9, 2005


Call to Order


The Education Committee Meeting of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and the High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, Monday, May 9, 2005 at 5:30 p.m.


In the absence of Chairman Conrad Stroebe, Katharin Kelker presided and led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call


The following were present at the meeting: Katharin Kelker, Kathy Olson, Shaun Harrington, Margaret Aukshun, Patty Fain, Ann Barlow, Karen Ziegler, Kyle Colling and Karen Rice. Julie Sykes and Kip Farnum were excused. Guests included Scott Anderson and Dan Bartsch. Conrad Stroebe arrived at 5:35.


Minutes of April 11, 2005 Education Committee


Ann Barlow made a motion, and Patty Fain seconded, that the minutes of the April 11, 2005 Education Committee be approved as presented. The motion passed unanimously.


Smaller Learning Communities Overview


Scott Anderson and Dan Bartsch of Senior High School gave an overview of a trip to Kalispell taken by staff members and parents from Senior High. Scott explained that a few years ago the AA school districts had decided to do a peer review every other year as part of the school quality planning process. Our freshman orientation the first day of school was derived from this process. A year long mentor program will be implemented next year as a result of this process.


Representatives from one school attend another school and make recommendations or commendations after the visit. Kalispell recently passed a bond issue for a new high school. Currently Kalispell has only one high school which has 10th through 12th graders. They are the only school in the state that has freshman in their own high school. When the new school is built, the 9th graders will go into one of the high schools.


Dan Bartsch stated that in Kalispell there is no comparing schools with each other since there is only one high school. They have a terrific arts program and drama department. Their school announcements are also news quality. They do quarterly recognition for kids who would otherwise not be recognized for good citizen awards. They have an International Baccalaureate program (IB) which is similar to AP program. Next year they will have nine students graduate from their IB program.


Their alternative schools are really good. They have one traditional alternative school of about 120 students which is very effective, and one alternative school which is computer based for credit recovery. They have a waiting list for their alternative schools. There are no freshmen at their alternative schools, and there are mostly 11th and 12th graders.


About 50 percent of the high school population is from the outlying districts. There are approximately 2000 students.


Patty Fain remarked that she had recently talked to someone who reported that grades may be a major factor for kids going to the alternative schools because when they come into the high school from the outlying districts, their grades are not comparable with what they were before. Scott Anderson stated that there is a great economic difference. Their special education program is lacking also. Climate is a major factor in their goals.


When their new school is built, their resources will be divided. The new school will be built for 1200 to 1500 students. Their boundaries will be north and south. Flathead High will continue to be a county school. Glacier High School will be the new school.


They will have no savings on busing because about half of their student population is bused and will continue to be, just to different locations.


The school is being built in a new housing development.


Only one school will have an IB program because there is an application process. They will have some real issues coming up.


The meeting was recessed to the Board Room at 6:00 p.m. to meet jointly the School/Community Committee for a presentation from the 20-Year Facility Planning Committee. See minutes of School/Community Committee.


The Education Committee reconvened at 7:00 p.m. in the kitchen of the Board Room. Chairman Stroebe stated that the committee needed to vote on the final agenda item.


World History/FCS Curriculum – 3rd Reading


The World History and FCS Curriculum were presented on third reading. There were no comments on the materials and curriculum as presented. Kathy Kelker moved to approve the curriculum on third reading. Ann Barlow seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


There being no other items of business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.





Conrad Stroebe, Chairman





Nancy Coe, Recorder

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