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March 29, 1995 Draft Minutes


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Proceedings of the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee

District No. 2 Yellowstone County

Billings, MT


March 29, 2005



This meeting was called to order by Barb Bryan, Co-Chair on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. in room 213 at Lincoln Center.


Members Present: Barb Bryan, Tim Cranston, Matt Brosovich, Donell Small, Mike Marnin, Ed Workman


Members Absent: Ludlow Howe, John Eisen, Larry Brewster, Randy Hafer, Peggie Smith


Minutes Approval: A motion to approve the minutes for March 2, 8, 15 and 22, 2005

was made by Barb, seconded by Mike and all voted in favor.



Senior High PAC

Barb reported the following about her presentation to the Senior PAC:


- Questions were raised about the building capacity we show on our handout (why do we show excess capacity at Senior if students have to sit in the halls to eat lunch?).

- Most of those present felt that district boundaries need to be enforced in order to avoid serious NCLB issues at Senior

- The group didn’t seem terribly concerned about creating smaller schools. Rather, they were mainly concerned with fixing our existing buildings and protecting the integrity of Senior High.


If response to the capacity question, Barb noted that our estimates of capacity are on the high end of those calculated by various methods. She suggested that we review our numbers to see if we want to make adjustments before making our final recommendations.


Skyview PAC

Peggie and Matt reported that about 30 people attended this presentation. The majority expressed concerns about access/traffic to the school, noting that an increased student population would exacerbate the problem.


Castle Rock

Mike reported that he did not get much on-the-spot feedback from his Castle Rock group.

Career Center

Barb and Ed reported that they spoke to a good group of teachers and administrators at the Career Center. Many good questions were asked, and misconceptions about our intentions were clarified. Our committee’s commitment to retaining/expanding the school’s career focus was emphasized.



Gaining Board Support

Tim suggested that we need to keep working to gain board support to get on with a ballot in the fall.


Use of Lincoln Center

Barb stated that she thinks the district needs to make better use of Lincoln Center regardless of the recommendation to the board. She questioned whether the district could afford to continue to operate the building if it is not used more fully for student instruction. Also, she noted that there seems to be a general consensus in the community that Lincoln Center is not effectively used.


Another committee member suggested that Lincoln Center might serve better as a college facility, possibly for medical training. It may be more efficient financially and spatially to move the current occupants of the building to another building and to sell Lincoln Center to MSU. Donell will look into this suggestion and try to obtain some value estimates of Lincoln Center and what another location might cost for current occupants.


Barb indicated that she believes Lincoln Center is an asset the district should keep, because of its central location.


Media Articles

Barb reported that her article on 9th graders in the middle schools appeared in the Outpost, and that the Gazette has agreed to run a guest editorial.




The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The next meeting date has not been set. Barb will notify everyone once a decision is made.



Barbara Bryan, Co-Chair


Donna Obie, Recorder

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