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School/Community Com. Minutes for April 11, 2005

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Proceeding of the School/Community Committee Meeting

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana

April 11, 2005



Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Karen Moses.


Members Present:

Mike Dimich, Karen Moses, Carol Wicker, Michael Burke, Lisa Posada, Tom Willis, Paul DiLorenzo, Greta Besch, Jim Hartung, Jennifer Howe, Bobbie Larson, John Selvig, Tate Weinberg, Michael Huges, Jay Kirk, Jan McCandless, and Don Ami.


Laura Simonsen was excused.


Communication from the Public:

Terri Myers, Lisa Hjelmstad, and Don Pulver addressed the School/Community Committee during Agenda Item: Plan for Reacting to the 20-Year Facilities Committee’s Final Recommendation.


Communication Plan:

Nancy Hines, Communication Consultant, was present to review her recommendations for the District’s Communication Plan. Nancy identified four communication needs within the district, 17 business objectives, and 82 communications recommendations.


The four communication needs are: Create awareness of its goals among district staff, manage internal communication, create awareness in the community, and manage external communications. Nancy presented some suggestions such as: meetings with staff members, hiring a communications director, public relations training for administrators, publicity coordinator for each school, town hall forums on school issues, forums and presentations to business leaders in Billings.


Nancy explained that the goals came from input with staff, school committees, and the Central Office. Nancy created the recommendations based on what people identified as communication needs.


Committee members discussed the fiscal cost to the district. Nancy pointed out that many of the recommendations can be implemented with no cost to the district.


A motion was made and seconded to accept the Communication Plan and move the motion forward to the Board. The motion carried.


Plan for Reacting to the 20-Year Facilities Committee’s Final Recommendation:

Rich Whitney, Facilities Director, presented a proposal that will outline a process for advancing the work based on the final report on the scenarios from the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee.


The proposal appears to have to be a multi-phased implementation process. The first process will cost out the actual facility that is the most feasible and then operational costs will have to be determined. Rich explained that the district would like to hire a professional firm to validate concepts of any facilities, their feasibility and the operational costs.


There was discussion why the Trustees denied the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee’s request to let students take information home to parents regarding the three scenarios. Karen Moses explained that at this point the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee has not been willing to come to the district Committees or the Board to reach a consensus on the three scenarios. The Trustees do not want the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee to go to the public until a consensus is reached and the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee does not want to go to the Trustees until the public has had input.


The discussion continued with many concerns, comments, and questions which included: when are the Trustees going to learn to trust the community instead of controlling everything so intensely; maximum flexibility should be given to the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee instead of the Trustees turning away any idea by them; trust must go both ways; it was felt that the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee has not been cooperative with the district, concern that if a cost was attached to the three scenarios; would the public view the scenarios differently; and educational concerns not being addressed in the scenarios.


The issue was brought up that the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee’s presentations do not appear to present accurate facility or operational costs as well as population numbers in the Heights. The question surfaced regarding mill levies being considered to support the chosen scenarios.


Lockwood parents addressed the School/Community Committee regarding their concern that all three scenarios presented by the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee displace Lockwood students. Lockwood parents are concerned that students currently attending a school will be asked to attend another school. Carol Wicker explained based on past District actions Lockwood students would most likely be phased in with any change that might occur if such were the case in the end. Lockwood parents are planning to meet weekly to develop alternative scenarios.


The information, concerns and questions discussed at the School/Community Meeting will be passed on by administration to the Trustees.


Daylis Stadium Update:


Carol Wicker presented the update on the demolition of the east bleachers at Daylis prepared by Dave Williams. Carol reported that six bids were received and Matriarch Construction was awarded the job and has begun the demolition. Carol explained that there were no bids from any salvage company. It was noted that there will be additional cost for asbestos removal and dump fees. Carol reported that no plans have been completed for replacement bleachers. Various solutions are still under investigation.


Legislative Update:


HB 302: This bill is scheduled for second reading in the House. There is an amendment that the District can not buy commercial advertising.

HB 574: This bill has not been scheduled.

HB 747: This bill is scheduled for second reading in Senate. No amendments. Jim Hartung stated the e-mails sent to legislatures have been successful in getting this bill passed.

HB 177: ANB will be kept plus $250.00 per elementary student and $100.00 per high school student. Flex will be left. Thirty seven million dollars will be funded for one year instead of the two year funding cycle.

SB 152: This bill is waiting to be signed by the governor.

HB 63: Special Committee will meet over the summer to create funding that is in compliance with Judge Sherlock’s decision to meet the definition of Quality Education for Montana.


20-Year Facilities Planning Committee Report:

Copies of the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee’s meetings are attached for review.


The 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee is scheduled to present at the School/Community meeting on May 9th, 2005.


Old Business/Announcements/Handouts:

Resignation letter from Sheryl Scheafer. Laura Simonsen’s list of prioritized items from the Communication Plan.


Minutes of the School/Community Committee Meeting:

The approval of the March 14th, 2005 were tabled until the May 9th, 2005 meeting due to technical difficulties in reading the minutes on the computer.



The next scheduled meeting is May 9th. The Committee members will meet in the Board Room located in the Lincoln Center, at 415 N 30th at 6:00 PM.





_________________________ ___________________________________

Karen Moses, Chairperson Brenda Cross, Recorder

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