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June 7, 2005 meeting


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School District 2

June 7, 2005



The meeting was called to order to co-chair Barb Bryan at 6:30 pm.


Committee members present: Barb Bryan, Peggie Smith, Ed Workman, Randy Hafer, Matt Brosovich, Mike Marnin, Tim Cranston



Barb reported that she, Ed, and Donell attended the June 1 agenda setting meeting for the board and standing committees. Initially, the board members present agreed to have us make our presentation at the June standing committee meetings. However, we were not asked if this would work for our group. Ed spoke up and indicated that our report would not be ready for a June presentation. The board then agreed that we would make our presentation at the July standing committee meetings, on Monday, July 17. Ed, Donell, and Barb agreed that this would be feasible for us. Our request for a meeting location other than the board room (to accommodate public attendance) was not discussed. We also agreed to try to get the report out to board members in advance of the July 17 meeting, to allow them to read the report ahead of time.


Barb also reported that Trustee Moses criticized the committee for not getting the report done and in the hands of the board. She indicated that we were holding up the board in its work, but would not be more specific about what we were holding up and what deadlines the board was missing as a result. Barb responded to Ms. Moses that we have been willing to accommodate any real deadlines all along, but have not been told of any. Also Barb reminded the group that 1) the planning committee is a volunteer group, 2) that we need time to document our work appropriately to make our report to the board and community most useful, and 3) that we are doing everything we can to wrap up our work while still holding down jobs.


On the topic of the time and place for our presentation, the committee agreed that we should write a letter to the board requesting 1) that the time be set for 6:30 or 7:00 pm to allow the public to attend, and 2) that the meeting location be the Lincoln Center auditorium or possibly the Lewis & Clark auditorium (to accommodate public attendance). Barb agreed to write a letter to this effect and send it (after committee approval) to the board and to the standing committees for consideration.



Barb, Ed, and Donnell reported that there was some discussion on June 1 as to the number of final committee reports that would be printed. There was some indication that the district wanted to keep the number of print copies to a minimum – perhaps to just enough for the board and a new administrators. Our committee members indicated that we felt all members of the district standing committees should have a printed version of volume 1 of our report at minimum, if they expected to comment on our recommendations to the school board. Also, we indicated that reports should be made for the media and for our committee. This matter was not resolved at the July 1 meeting, and Barb indicated that she would follow up with Superintendent Svee.


It was suggested by Conrad Stroebe on June 1 that the full report be scanned and posted on the district web site. The planning committee agrees that this is a good idea, but we do not think that web site posting should take the place of written reports for key people.



The committee discussed the format and content for the presentation to the board, including length, use of graphics and so on. We will continue to try to get a meeting location established so that we will have better information for decision making on these topics.



Barb reported that she spoke briefly with Superintendent Svee on this topic, and that he felt it was appropriate for members of our committee to serve on the selection committee that would choose a consultant to review the district’s bond options. Mr. Svee agreed to continue advocating too include two or more of our committee members in this group.


The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm. The next meeting will be June 14.




Barbara Bryan, Co-Chair

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