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Minutes, July 27, 2004


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Proceedings of the 20-Year Planning Committee

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


July 27, 2004



The meeting was called to order by Co-Chair, Barbara Bryan on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 213 at Lincoln Center.


Members Present: Barbara Bryan, Donnell Small, Peggie Smith, Ed Workman, Tim Cranston,

Ludlow Howe, Mike Marnin


Members Absent: John Eisen, Greta Besch, Matt Brosovich, Randy Hafer, Greg Krueger,

Larry Brewster, Katherin Kelker


Guests: John Fitzgerald, Karen Moses


Barbara called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


HANDOUTS. The following handouts were given to committee members at the start of the meeting:


- U.S. Dept. of Education article on Perkins vocational grants

- Publication titled “Public Schools and Economic Development”

- Memo from Jim Kimmet regarding previous facility recommendations

- Web site information about the Irving High School Academy in Irving, Texas (an interesting example of high school vocational education)

- Article titled “New Schools for Older Neighborhoods”

- BPS High School Belief Template

- Draft Communications Plan for this commitee

- High School Alternatives (draft list prepared by Barb)


Barb noted that these materials will be mailed to all absent members for review before the next



APPROVAL OF MINUTES. A motion to approve the July 13th minutes was made by Mike and seconded by Barbara. All present voted in favor.


SCHOOL TOURS. Barbara reminded everyone to attend the tours of Senior, West, and the Career Center during the offered times, and noted that tours would also be arranged for Lincoln Center, the Alternative School (Crossroads), and the middle schools. Barb will discuss this with John Eisen upon his return from vacation. There was some discussion as to how useful and informative the tours have been. Barb noted that we’ll discuss our observations/impressions at a future meeting.





Draft Proceedings, July 27, 2004



PREVIOUS COMMITTEE MINUTES. Barb pointed out that the minutes from meetings of the previous planning committee were in the handouts picked up at the beginning of the meeting. Everyone was encouraged to read these before the next meeting in preparation for a brief discussion.


BOND ISSUE SURVEY. Barb noted that she had not yet been able to get a copy of the voter survey regarding the bond issue. Karen Moses reported that the survey is close to being complete and will be available very soon. Barb will get the survey results out to everyone as soon as it becomes available.


GAZETTE ARTICLE. The Billings Gazette has agreed to do an article to introduce the committee members to the public. Barb reported that she would like to give reporter John Fitzgerald copies of the applications members submitted to SD2 for participation on this committee. The applications would serve as a good starting point for John in writing the article.


SD2 has asked that each committee member sign a release for giving this info to the Gazette. Those present signed a release for this purpose. Barb will ask other members to send an email release, then get their signatures at the next meeting. The goal is to get this article in the paper as soon as possible.


SD2 WEB SITE. Barb reported that she had met with Karen Palmer, SD2’s technology specialist, regarding getting committee information onto the district’s web site. Barb will get information to Karen, and web site should be up and running in the next few weeks.


Also, members present were asked to sign a release allowing the district to include their names and email addresses on the web site information about our committee. Members present signed a release for this purpose, and members absent will be asked to send an email release (then to sign a release at the next meeting).


FRESHMAN ACADEMY SURVEY. Donnell Small suggested that itwould be useful to survey sophomore students, their parents, and the frosh academy teachers in early fall to get their opinions about the academies (advantages, disadvantages, suggestions, etc.). He noted that he has a brother working for a master’s degree at U of M who has expressed interest in doing such a survey for us as the subject of his thesis. This wouldn’t cost the district anything. Ed motioned

that we further investigate this possibility. Peggy seconded the motion and all voted in favor. It was noted that any such action will have to be approved by the district, and Barb agreed to look into this further.


SPEAKERS FOR COMMITTEE MEETINGS. Barb asked members to think about people and organizations in the community that they’d like to hear from at committee meetings. These were suggested:


- Dennis Sulser, West High, on changes in education in last 20 years (as it relates to changing space needs)

- Ramona Mattix, City Planning Department, on the city’s plans for growth and infrastructure development; info on all vacant land owned by city within city limits


Draft Proceedings, July 27, 2004



- Rich Whitney, SD2 Facilities Department (we need to narrow down what it is we need to hear from him about)

- Thomas Harper, SD2 Clerk, for a presentation on the district budget (to give us an idea of the financial condition of the district in terms of facility operating costs)

- An expert on special education requirements in the district and how that affects facilities (Tim Cranston will contact Pat Gum and/or Kathy Kelker to get more information on who to invite and subjects to be addressed)

- Someone from district or elsewhere to talk about the effects of facilities on learning (Tim will also look into this)

- Someone to talk on downtown planning (Randy Hafer and/or Greg Kreuger might be able to do this as they as very involved with downtown)

- Someone to talk about residential development and growth patterns in Billings (Matt Brosovich might be able to arrange something here)

- People from the hospitals to talk about possible partnering regarding introducting students to medical careers

- People from Rocky and MSU-B regarding opportunities for partnering with respect to space and curriculum (John Cech from COT, for example, along with others)

- City Parks and Recreations (about land they own, their plans for parks, possible collaboration with SD2, etc.)


Barbara suggested that everyone give more thought to this so that we can get started setting up presentations/discussions with these people/groups at our committee meetings. Tentatively, Dennis Sulser has agreed to speak at the next meeting.


COMMUNICATIONS PLAN. Barb asked for comments on the “Draft Communications Plan“ that was handed out tonight and emailed earlier to members. Tim Cranston noted that we need to make a special effort to reach elderly voters, to speak to church groups, to speak at senior citizen centers, and to be at school open houses. For example, someone from our committee could just say a few words at the open houses this fall for each of the high schools. Everyone agreed it is very important to communicate with the public and make them aware of this committee’s goals and objectives as we go along. Barb asked everyone to continue thinking about the communications plan, explaining that it is working document that will be revised as we go along.


PROJECT MANAGEMENT FLOWCHART. Ludlow Howe handed out and explained the flowchart he developed to aid the committee in keeping on task. He noted that a spreadsheet can also be developed to go along with the flowchart to document ideas and progress.


Barb noted that in order to put the flowchart to work, we need to develop a list of alternatives that need considering. She mentioned the draft list she has prepared (part of the evening’s handouts) and asked everyone to look at the list and expand upon it as they wish. Barb will work with Ludlow to further refine the flowchart by categorizing the alternatives identified so far into specific categories. Then we can start dividing up the work and getting down to analysis of the alternatives, getting cost estimates, etc..




Draft Proceedings, July 27, 2004



OTHER. It was asked if we 1) could find out how many administrators are actually housed in Lincoln Center, and the amount of square footage they are using, and 2) what other groups are in Lincoln and what space are they using. Barb will ask the district for this info.


Barb mentioned that she has asked the SD2 clerk, Tom Harper, to determine what it costs the district every year to house administrators in Lincoln Center, and to compare this with the going rate for office space in Billlings. This information will help be relevant to any discussion of moving administrators elsewhere and using the Lincoln space for classrooms or other purposes in the short- or long-term.


Also, John Fitzgerald of the Billings Gazette asked to address the committee briefly. He encouraged the members to find innovative ways to communicate directly with the public and not rely too heavily on published articles about the committee’s work. He noted that extensive coverage in the Gazette during the last process wasn’t enough to convince the public.


Ed Workman suggested that we develop a logo for the committee, to give us some kind of visual presence. Barb said she would ask some graphic designers about donating their time to develop something like this for us.


Donnell Small questioned what the SD2 building at 10th and St. John’s was being used for. Barb and John will try to find this out.


Barb mentioned that she and John will start putting information together on determining the capacities of our high schools. Even if we agree that the schools are overcrowded, she noted, we still need to document for the public why we have come to that conclusion (if that is, in fact, what we conclude).



Committee members are asked to do the following before the next meetings:

- Think of any additional people/organizations you want to hear from

- Add any alternatives you think of to Barb’s draft list

- Review the “Draft Communications Plan” and make suggestions for improvement

- Review bond vote survey (if you have received it) and be prepared to discuss


At 8:40 Ed motioned to adjourn the meeting. Donnell seconded it and all voted in favor.


The next meeting will be August 10th at 6:30 p.m., same room (213 of Lincoln Center).




Minutes document by: ________________________

Donna Obie Barbara Bryan, Co-Chair

Barbara Bryan Approved________________

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