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Regular Meeting of October 17, 2005

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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


October 17, 2005


Call to Order


The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana, was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, October 17, 2005, at 5:30 p.m.


Chair Katharin Kelker presided and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call


Members present included Katharin Kelker, Superintendent Rod Svee, Joel Guthals, Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Malcolm Goodrich, Clerk Leo Hudetz, Karen Moses, Dale Getz, Conrad Stroebe and Sandra Mossman.


Registered guests included Mary Beth Gajda, Laura Tode, Peter Gesuale, Tim Cranston, Janet Baum, Lana Lynch, and Elsie Arntzen.


Communication from the Public


The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of listening to members of the public in its meetings. The Board also recognizes the statutory and constitutional right of the public to participate in governmental operations. The Board encourages members of the public to participate in and express opinions about issues important to the District. This part of the Board’s meeting is dedicated to public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of this meeting and is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Members of the public may also address particular items on this agenda either now or at the time the Board considers the particular item.


Tim Cranston, a member of the facilities committee, addressed the Board. He thanked them for donating to the Classics for Kids that had been held the prior weekend. He stated the facilities committee had compiled a projection enrollment study and asked the Board to consider where the students will reside. He urged the Board to look at where students are in relation to the facilities to determine if they are overcrowded.


Peter Gesuale asked Tim Cranston to consider the drop out rate also. Mr. Gesuale addressed the Board in what he felt were inaccuracies at the last regular meeting about the parents in the Central Heights who had to move their children to Miles Avenue. He felt the enrollment for the third grade classes was wrong. He stated only six new students enrolled on Monday, not eighteen. Mr. Gesuale stated he hoped there would be a higher standard and accurate information in the future. He also thanked the Board for its service.


Mary Beth Gajda, a parent and taxpayer, addressed the Board regarding an issue that she stated had occurred at Poly Elementary. She felt an abusive situation had occurred at Poly, which was not addressed to her satisfaction. Ms. Gajda urged the Board to listen to the parents at what they have to say. She asked the Board to look at the situation and address it.


Questions and Answers to Enhance Public Understanding


Superintendent Svee addressed the questions asked by Jerry Hansen. The questions are:


Why does it take more and more staff and teachers to teach fewer and fewer students? Especially in the

Elementary District?

Why are total costs per student, and salaries and benefits per student, increasing at double the rate of inflation?


Mr. Svee stated FTE increased, as the State now requires all staff to be assigned to a building. Specialists were assigned to a school instead of District level people, which were included on the District level report sent into the State. There have been budgetary increases in each of the years and there have been fewer students, which causes the variance in percentages. There have been salary increases, which have covered at least the rate of inflation. Superintendent Svee reported the District is in excess of the accreditation standards. The State’s funding is based on the 1993 formula, which was formulated using the 1991 figures.


News of the District


Superintendent Svee reported there were power outages in the schools during the recent snowstorm. Staff had no way to determine how long the power would be off and teaching was taking place. Parents had the right to take their children out and absences were not charged against the students. For several reasons, including parents who were working and lacked daycare, it was felt it was safer to have the students in school.


Recognition and Gifts and Donations


The Board recognized Orchard Elementary School for its removal from the improvement process list. Staff in attendance were Linda Bakken, Roxanne Rast, Bev Bakker, Linda Mahill, Joe Halligan, Tawna Robinson, Sandra McNeese and Barb Berise.


Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Stroebe:


Motion to accept these gifts with gratitude.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously. Gifts and donations received are as follows:


Arrowhead – PTA, Fender Passport PA System

Broadwater – Deaconess Billings Clinic, 20 pedometers

Highland – School Computer Program, OPI, computer equipment

Meadowlark – Cindy Hanchett, books for the library

Miles Avenue – Nicole Leahy, fax machine

Newman – Costco Wholesale, backpacks

Wal-Mart, school supplies

Target, school supplies

Kristi Dickinson, money through United Way

4-H Club, Charlotte Nelson, hats, gloves and scarves

Ponderosa – 24th Street Garden Center, newspaper

American Title & Escrow, newspaper

City Kids 4-H Club, hats, mittens and scarves

Food Services of America, chips and cheese for booth at Saturday Live

Interstate Diesel, loan of generator for booth at Saturday Live

Action Electric, converting generator for booth at Saturday Live

Hoy Enterprises, tortillas for booth at Saturday Live

Big Splash, tent for booth at Saturday Live

Brockel’s Chocolates, sales from Saturday Live

KOA, Saturday Live

Albertson’s, hamburger for booth at Saturday Live

Wal-Mart, lemonade for booth at Saturday Live

Towe, Ball, Enright, Mackey and Sommerfeld, newspaper

Will James – Rick Stordahl, clarinet

West High – Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, seven large church pews

Elementary Schools – City of Billings, Public Works Department, money for busing for elementary students

to visit water and/or wastewater treatment plants

Speech Department – St. Vincent Healthcare Foundation, David Irion, funding for training for communication



Approval of Agenda


The Chair stated the City-County Planning Report would be moved forward in the agenda. Trustee Stroebe made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to approve the agenda as amended.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


City-County Planning Report


Ramona Mattix, City-County Planning Office, gave a brief presentation on neighborhood planning for Billings. She gave handouts to the Board of the draft of the northwest area and the Billings Heights draft plan as it relates to School District No. 2. She reported there is neighborhood interest in a crosswalk at 11th Avenue and Poly Drive. Parents requesting a crossing guard will contact the District. The Lockwood plan is still in its draft stages and will be given to the District within in the next month.


The Chair stated the subdivisions on the west end are being assigned to schools in the city that are less crowded than the schools closer to those subdivisions. Ms. Mattix reported a new subdivision is being planned in the southside area that will contain 400 homes. Trustee Stroebe asked what the philosophy is for developing State lands for private uses if there is not enough school space. Ms. Mattix stated they are looking at both conservation and other plans. Superintendent Svee pointed out State trust lands are being asked to be considered as school sites if it is going to be subdivided.


Bills Paid – September 2005


Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to approve the bills paid for the month of September, 2005.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously. The bills paid by fund are as follows:


Fund Description Fund Total

101 Elem. General Fund $ 221,389.18

110 Elem. Transportation 6,029.67

115 Elem. Misc. Programs 436,391.62

117 Elem. Adult Education 2,374.28

129 Elem. School Flexibility Fund 603.23

150 Elem. Debt Service 300.00

160 Elem. Building 854,278.77

161 Elem. Building Reserve 317,758.47

184 Elem. Student ECA 25,300.25

185 Elem. Misc. Trust 39,058.39

201 H. S. General Fund 206,162.21

210 H. S. Transportation 4,147.74

212 H. S. Food Services 103,895.96

215 H. S. Misc. Program 96,038.60

217 H. S. Adult Education 21,512.19

218 H. S. Traffic Education 1,840.69

229 H. S. School Flexibility Fund 2,791.62

260 H. S. Building 6,975.00

261 H. S. Building Reserve 403,618.00

278 H. S. Self Insurance-Health 1,085,613.18

279 H. S. Self Insurance-Liability 19,523.11

282 H. S. Interlocal Agreement 159,576.70

284 H. S. Extracurricular 133,988.76

285 H. S. Misc. Trust 13,229.66

286 H. S. Payroll 902,074.31

TOTAL $5,064,471.59

ACH Tax Deposits $1,590,801.20

Payroll Warrants & Direct Dep. $3,768,812.86

GRAND TOTAL $10,424,085.65


Trustee Guthals suggested the new Board members request the District’s Chart of Accounts booklet to aide them in understanding the bills paid and reports.


Financial Reports – September 2005 (Unaudited)


Trustee Getz stated the Business Committee has reviewed the reports. The following were the financial reports (unaudited) for September 2005:


CS101 Account Expenditure by Fund

CS102 Account Receipts by Fund

CS105 Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenue

CS108 Object Cost Analysis


MQEC Report


Trustee Moses reported that it was hard to understand the proposals of the State of Montana Interim Schools Committee and apply them in anyway. On October 15th, MQEC (Montana Quality Education Coalition) voted unanimously to authorize the attorney to prepare a petition to file with the courts, pursue all legal options, prepare for court if necessary as the deadline has passed and the court order has not been complied. MQEC is pushing for a special session. Helena is projected to lose 30 teachers and it is not known how many Billings would lose. Trustee Moses asked for commitment on the part of the Board and interested parties to urge the special session unequivocally and to promote the MQEC remedy because it allows the necessary steps to make the State come into compliance with the court’s order.


Trustee Mossman reported on the Interim Committee. The committee reversed their reversal so the $4,000 per classroom proposition that had been offered a few weeks ago is now back. The most significant issue from last week’s meeting was the announcement by the Governor’s budget director to invite the teachers in the State into the State’s health plan. MCEL is this week and MTSBA will hold three sessions also. Trustee Mossman urged everyone to contact his or her legislators.


Superintendent Svee spoke to Jack Copps regarding the $4,000 per classroom. It is problematic for us because they are designing classrooms in a way that does not give us as many. Mr. Svee stated they are basing most of those things on the 2004 expenditures. They are working on a formula that may be workable. The consultants that were hired by the State still have not given a report. Three of the four methods were found to be flawed. If relief is not given this year, there will be large cuts.


Education Committee Recommendation Pertaining to School Funding


The Chair reported the Billings Public Schools Education Committee is recommending the following: 1) prepare a District response to the Governor’s letter, pointing out issues of metropolitan districts; and, 2) request MQEC to take immediate steps to enforce the Supreme Court order. Trustee Stroebe read his draft letter to Mike McGrath, Attorney General for Montana. Trustee Goodrich stated he was tired of the process that pitted large schools against small schools and the shifting of dollars when only a small part is new money. He was envisioning a letter that contained facts and numbers. Trustee Stroebe reported he did not put in any numbers, as the focus of the Supreme Court’s decision is adequacy. Trustee Moses felt everything in the letter needed to be said and suggested it also be sent to the legislators.


Trustee Getz urged caution and not to send letters born of frustration. It should be a letter that builds bridges to the Governor and legislators. He stated a lot of good people are working very hard to find solutions. He urged the Board to move forward on a very supportive, cautious basis. Trustee Mossman felt the same as Trustee Getz. She could not support sending something that would be inflammatory. Trustee Guthals felt the District was involved in a litigation process and political process. He did not agree with closing schools as suggested in Trustee Stroebe’s draft. He stated a letter could state enforcement of the judgment by the Supreme Court be done.


The Chair gave the gavel to Vice-Chair Goodrich. She felt the recommendation from the Education Committee was to write a letter in response to the Governor’s letter might be appropriate. The Board has agreed to press for a special session and to support the coalition. The District is obligated to support those actions. If the Board wants to write a letter, it should contain things that all members can agree upon. The letter could also be sent to the legislators.


There was consensus that a special session is necessary. The Chair felt a letter should be sent to the Governor and legislators to show what cuts are expected. The Chair offered to draft the letter.


Trustee Moses made the following motion with a second by Trustee Mossman:


Move that we prepare a District response to the Governor’s letter pointing out issues of metropolitan districts

and including the items the Trustees agreed to: a special session, short-term solutions, and implementation of the

recommendations or funding solutions provided by MQEC.


Trustee Achten asked that a copy of the letter be given to the members before it is sent. Trustee Guthals recommended all members of the Board should sign the letter. A special meeting will be called to review the letter and to sign it. Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


Presentation of High School Scenarios


The Chair reviewed the four high school scenarios as included in the Board packet. The recommendation from the Education Committee was to price out all four scenarios. School/Community recommended three out of the four and requested a time frame of an ending point. Trustee Stroebe recommended the price also include operational costs. Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Getz:


Move that the administration be directed to cost out the four items, bearing in mind operational and construction

costs and the categories stated by Karen’s committee, which are population and levels of renovation.


Tim Cranston reported he was the person who did the public input comments last May for the 20-Year Committee. He urged the Board to read all of the comments. As the District is under a big budget crunch, he urged the Board to be careful in what is taken to the public at this time. He strongly recommended using existing facilities.


Trustee Guthals ask that the recommendations of the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee be included. Those recommendations have been incorporated into the plan. Trustee Stroebe also asked to consider how it would affect Lockwood and the Heights? Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


Monthly Legal Report


Jeff Weldon, legal counsel for the District, reported there was nothing new to report on the Rapp-Swecker, Columbia Falls, Eastman, M.T. or the Hudak matter. Closing judgments are pending in the Erekson case and KTVQ case. The Opie matter has been fully briefed and is heading to the State Superintendent. The petition of the Billings High School District No. 2 has been fully briefed.


Mr. Weldon reported there has been a grievance filed by the BEA concerning contract language regarding extracurricular selections, faculty and volunteers. It has been submitted for arbitration. Mr. Weldon reported the long-term suspensions are before the Board for approval. Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Move to approve the decisions of the panels for the long-term suspensions.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously


Proposed Revisions to Policy 1700, Uniform Complaint Procedure – First Reading


Mr. Weldon presented the proposed revisions to Policy 1700, Uniform Complaint Procedure. It is being presented for first reading. Trustee Stroebe made the following motion with a second by Trustee Getz:


Motion to approve the revisions to Policy 1700 on first reading.


Trustee Guthals suggested the use of ‘building’ be changed to school or campus. Changes could be made during the second reading. Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously




Superintendent’s Report


Superintendent Svee reported one firm had applied for the Communication plan. The District has partial financing with additional entities also offering funding so the project may begin. The Chair reported the Board has approved the Communication Plan. The District has $20,000, with $100,000 being budgeted, and another $20,000 from a private individual for a total of $40,000. $20,000 is the limit for the District to contribute to this implementation plan.


Change Order Request – Ponderosa Bond Project (2005)


Rich Whitney reported he was not ready to make a recommendation on the change order for Ponderosa. There were 20 items, mostly labor items, which had not been agreed upon at this point. It was expected the change order for 70 items would be ready on Wednesday. A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow on the Boulder change order.


Daylis Stadium Project Update


Dave Williams, Executive Director of Activities and Facilities, reported games have been held at Daylis with the use of temporary bleachers. The snowstorm delayed the start of the new bleacher project but drillings were conducted last Friday and the test results should be known soon. Mr. Williams is trying to find additional temporary bleachers for playoff games. Fundraising for Daylis is continuing. Sagging of the temporary bleachers occurred during the Senior/West game. Replacement benches are expected soon from the company. Principals have been asked to change a cheer that caused the damage.


Board/Colt Budget Retreat


The Chair reported approval is needed to have a special Board meeting at the Mary Alice Fortin Center on Friday, October 28th. Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Getz:


Move to approve a resolution to have a Special Board Meeting in the Mary Alice Fortin Center at

Deaconess Hospital, which is a publicly accessible building, on October 28th, 2005 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


Personnel Report


Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Move to accept the Superintendent’s employment recommendations as presented in the personnel report.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously. Trustee Moses asked if the retirements could also contain the number of years worked.


Consent Agenda


Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Getz:


Motion to approve and accept the items within the Consent Agenda without objection to recommended action.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously. Items contained within the Consent Agenda are as follows:


Regular Board Meeting Minutes, September 19, 2005

Special Board Meeting Minutes, July 6, 2005

Special Board Meeting Minutes July 25, 2005 (5:30 p.m.)

Special Board Meeting Minutes, September 26, 2005

Quorum Meeting, October 6, 2005

Business Committee Minutes, September 12, 2005

Business Committee Minutes, October 4, 2005

Education Committee Minutes, September 12, 2005

School/Community Minutes, September 12, 2005

Additional FTE for Emergency Response Management Grant Coordinator

Request for Change of Stipend-H.S. Swim Coach

MT Schools E-Learning Consortium Participation Request

Addition of Ponderosa 6th Grade ECA Account

Addition of Culinary Arts ECA Account at the Career Center

Addition of D. B. Sturtevant Memorial Scholarship – Trust Account at West High

Special Education Advisory Council 2005-08 Information

Skyview Water side Economizer

Resolution – Intent to Dispose of District Personal Property

Military Leave


Communications from the Board


Trustee Goodrich stated the Board members should consider attending the building meetings on Wednesday at noon. Trustee Guthals reported he would need Board authorization for a committee to study energy innovation through the Business Committee. It would contain 1 architect, 1 trustee, Rich Whitney, 1 electrical engineer, and 1 mechanical engineer. The request will come through the Business Committee.


Calendar/Agenda Planning


The following is the schedule of future scheduled meetings and events:


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 – Ad Hoc Subcommittee

Friday, October 28, 2005 – Board/COLT Retreat

Tuesday, November 1, 2005 – Agenda Setting Meeting

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 – Policy Review Committee

Monday, November 14, 2005 – Committee Meetings

Monday, November 21, 2005 – Regular Board Meeting




As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.







Katharin Kelker, Chair




Diane Blevins, Recorder

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