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Regular Board Meeting November 21, 2005

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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


November 21, 2005


Call to Order


The Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana, was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, November 21, 2005, at 5:30 p.m.


Chair Katharin Kelker presided and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call


Members present included Katharin Kelker, Superintendent Rod Svee, Joel Guthals, Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Malcolm Goodrich, Clerk Leo Hudetz, Karen Moses, Dale Getz, Conrad Stroebe and Sandra Mossman.


Registered guests included Teena Kennedy, Margaret Aukshun, Lyn McKinney, Kris Keup, Lorie Hughes, Jay Hughes, Cindy Keller, Laura Tode, Janet Baum, Lori Mendenhall, and Lana Lynch.




The Board recognized the following National Merit Semifinalists:


Senior – Michael Hughes, Elisabeth Merchant, Thomas Morrison, Ramsey Scott

Skyview – Shaina Robbins

West – Christopher Bush, Nash Spence, Justine Summers


National Merit Commended are as follows:


Senior – Alaina Abbott, Cole Bauer, Kyle Bjordahl, Christopher Campeau, Kimberly Carlson, Lauren Erickson-Viereck, Megan Mollgaard, Levi Robison, Christopher Weiss-Lehmann

Skyview – Katherine Kilzer, Raquel Kober

West – Jessica Holden, Josh Keller, Kirsten Khoe


Also recognized were Elisabeth Merchant, Senior High, as the recipient of the SCHOLAR in College Board’s National Hispanic Recognition Program, Caleb Kennedy, West High, as the Montana winner of the National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Award in Writing, and Nash Spence, West High, as the Winner of the National Competition for a new logo for iTest.


The Board recognized Skyview’s golf teams for their state championship: Coach Kas Ioane, Jamie Davies, Jennie Morrison, Melissa Svee, Brittani Jones, Brandi Shipp, Corey Hjelm, Andrew Sitzman, Mike Stegeman, Bryan Sandine and Jase Couture. Senior High’s state championship girls’ cross country team was also recognized: Coach Steve Gardiner, Bridgette Hoenke, Auriele Fain, Cara Lehman, Libby Tollefson, Bethany Strutz, Phoebe Tollefson, Amanda Piatte and Heather Ray.


Communication from the Public


The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of listening to members of the public in its meetings. The Board also recognizes the statutory and constitutional right of the public to participate in governmental operations. The Board encourages members of the public to participate in and express opinions about issues important to the District. This part of the Board’s meeting is dedicated to public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of this meeting and is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Members of the public may also address particular items on this agenda either now or at the time the Board considers the particular item.


Margaret Aukshun, West High teacher and member of the Education Committee, addressed the Board on the electronic/distance-learning item on the agenda. It is a virtual school, which she was concerned the WWIDEA would not align with our curriculum. Ms. Aukshun felt it might provide a shallow education if it did not align with the District’s curriculum. As it is geared toward the home school student, the parent would be able to determine the topics covered. Also, there is a provision in the plan to provide a computer for every family in the program. Ms. Aukshun urged the Board to make sure all of the District’s students have computers before home schooled students. She felt the program was too costly as there are many needs in our schools.


Duane Van Atta, a Senior High teacher, reported he is being transferred to West High at semester time. He felt the transfer at the halfway point has never been done before and many adjustments would have to be made in the Social Studies and English departments. Sue Robinson and Nancy Peterson also spoke on behalf of Duane Van Atta and felt the learning environment at Senior would be disrupted. Margaret Treat is also being transferred at semester from Senior to West. She reported she teaches At Risk students and was concerned it would harm the students and would be very stressful for the other teachers.


News of the District


Nancy Hines, Communication Consultant for the District, has been establishing a network of people at the school buildings. The computer lab at Meadowlark Elementary has been opened through grants and fundraising. She also addressed the culture of literacy at Senior High. Senior High staff has implemented programs called Read It Forward, Reading in the Zone, and STARS. The American Indian Tribal Histories Project at the Western Heritage Center is being funded through federal grants. The four components are museum exhibits, traveling exhibit, oral history archive collection, and the educational DVDs.


Recognition and Gifts and Donations


The Board recognized Jacquie McDonald as the recipient of the Dean Preble Memorial Award for Outstanding Secondary Teachers of Mathematics and Nina Miller as the recipient of the Dean Preble Memorial Award for Outstanding Elementary Teachers of Mathematics.


Trustee Stroebe made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to accept these gifts with gratitude.


Those voting in favor of the motion were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously. The following is a list of gifts and donations that have been presented to the School District in accordance with Board policy. Such items have been incorporated into the District’s inventory and an acknowledgment of the contribution has been made to the donor.


Arrowhead – PTA, money for curriculum grants for supplies and activities

Novartis, money for matching volunteer hours

Virginia Mermel, volunteering

Broadwater – Ashley Furniture Homestore, chair

Carpet One, area rug

Burlington – Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company, Pepsi

Wendy’s of Montana, pencils and coupons

Pasha Enterprises, Inc. (McDonald’s), coupons

Albertson’s, straw bales

Valley Federal Credit Union, volunteers, pizzas

Papa John’s Pizza, Pizzas and discounts

Old Country Buffet, treat bags with meal coupons

County Market, apples

Golden Corral, coupons

McKinley – Billings Breakfast Optimist Club, school supplies

Orchard – Billings Breakfast Optimist Club, school supplies

Wilhelmina Topp, school supplies

Roger and Sharie Clawson, books

Yellowstone County Council on Aging, hats and mittens

Gerry Doiron, school supplies

Ponderosa – Yellowstone Council on Aging, hats and mittens

Stockton Oil/Exxon Mobil, money

Castle Rock – Don Bailey’s Fly Shop, ten packages of hooks for Fly Fishing Club

Riverside – Anonymous donor, calculators for math


Approval of Agenda


The Chair reported the hearing for termination of an employee would be rescheduled for another meeting. Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to approve the agenda as amended.


Those voting in favor were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


Bills Paid – October 2005


Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to approve the bills paid for the month of October 2005.


Trustee Guthals reported he had reviewed the bills paid, had asked questions of Leo Hudetz and received answers to his questions. District Clerk Hudetz reported he has reviewed the bills paid and they are accurate. Those voting in favor were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


The bills paid by fund are as follows:


Fund Description Fund Total

101 Elem. General Fund $ 179,453.74

110 Elem. Transportation 218,879.71

113 Elem. Tuition 33,344.00

115 Elem. Misc. Programs 213,782.94

117 Elem. Adult Education 4,051.47

128 Elem. Technology 14,457.10

129 Elem. School Flexibility Fund 420.17

160 Elem. Building 816,061.61

161 Elem. Building Reserve 53,901.60

184 Elem. Student ECA 33,045.74

185 Elem. Misc. Trust 8,739.41

201 H. S. General Fund 234,002.09

210 H. S. Transportation 152,221.65

212 H. S. Food Services 5,144.11

213 H. S. Tuition 22,464.00

215 H. S. Misc. Program 46,624.25

217 H. S. Adult Education 3,289.03

218 H. S. Traffic Education 3,582.78

229 H. S. School Flexibility Fund 15,180.23

260 H. S. Building 2,595.00

261 H. S. Building Reserve 14,519.21

278 H. S. Self Insurance-Health 898,509.18

279 H. S. Self Insurance-Liability 3,092.33

282 H. S. Interlocal Agreement 127,371.27

284 H. S. Extracurricular 88,620.32

285 H. S. Misc. Trust 13,815.12

286 H. S. Payroll 1,767,625.41

TOTAL $4,974,793.47

ACH Tax Deposits $1,466,446.59

Payroll Warrants & Direct Dep. $3,801,962.59

GRAND TOTAL $10,243,202.65




Financial Reports – October 2005 (Unaudited)


The following financial reports (Unaudited) for October, 2005 were received:

CS101 Account Expenditure by Fund

CS102 Account Receipts by Fund

CS105 Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenue

CS108 Object Cost Analysis


Daylis Stadium Update


Dave Williams reported he received the drawings for the bleachers and an RFP has been sent out for the design of the field. He expected to have a presentation for the December 19th meeting for the financial plan for improvements at the stadium. Trustee Getz commended Mr. Williams for his fundraising efforts. Dave Williams stated construction on the bleachers would begin in the spring when the ground is thawed and is expected to take 90 days.


High School Facilities – Consultant Scope of Work


Trustee Getz reported the Business Committee discussed the consultant who would be used to assist us in the scenarios that have been developed for the high school facilities. Questions were raised from the 20-Year Facilities Planning Committee. The scope of work is being presented to the Board to be approved. Trustee Guthals explained he drafted the scope of work due to some concerns he had from the last Board meeting. It addresses the resolution from the Board meeting and to satisfy concerns expressed by some of the members of the 20-year Facilities Planning Committee. The draft was given to administration to determine if they had any difficulties with the scope of work. Rich Whitney and the administration approved the draft. One difference from the resolution was to include levels of financial investments for the scenarios.


Chair Kelker stated the 20-Year Planning Committee had a list of values they adopted and used those in analyzing those scenarios. The Long Range Committee used a similar list three years ago. The lists are not compatible. Trustee Kelker suggested the Board might want to review those lists in their discussion. Trustee Stroebe asked what role would be taken by the three standing committees. Superintendent Svee reported the committees would decide on the scope of work with the final decision made by the Board. Trustee Stroebe asked what kind of coordination will occur with the elementary district and feeder elementary districts in the process. He was concerned the high school district needs to coordinate with the elementary districts. Chair Kelker stated her vision was to get the information first, then the cost, and then work out a system to obtain input from all concerned persons before making a decision. The first piece is to obtain numbers that all can agree upon.


Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Stroebe:


Approve the Scope of Work for a high school facilities consultant as presented in the agenda.


Those voting in favor were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


Budget Formation Process


Thomas Harper presented a draft of the next steps in the budget process, which has been discussed by the Business Committee. Trustee Getz reported the Business Committee reviewed the first five pages, which shows the steps. Some committee members felt more stakeholder involvement needs to occur. It is a work in progress and will involve all who wish to be involved. Mr. Harper reviewed the handout. Trustee Getz stated it is a work in progress and commended Thomas Harper for his work. Chair Kelker suggested the process start with a leadership team of trustees, COLT, buildings, and members of the community. It was the consensus of the Board to form a leadership team of 10 people. Trustee Mossman would supply leadership for the group. The team would come back to the Board with the sub-groups that should be formed in order to give them a broader view of who will be involved. A time frame could then be developed. Trustee Mossman will be in charge of the group. Trustee Getz volunteered to serve on the leadership team. The group will be formed and will meet before the next regular Board meeting. Chair Kelker suggested a prioritized list be developed in order to know where the line should be drawn. Trustee Goodrich felt it was a way to determine creative ways to deliver the services.


Trustee Stroebe was concerned the leadership team would become like the quality schools interim committee and it should be defined to facilitate the major needs and wants at sites or locations. We should be careful what we determine here does not force mediocrity across the District. He felt it should be for the administrators and principals to determine and the Board act as reviewers. Trustee Mossman stated the team would develop a process only. The Board agreed the team would bring back recommendations to the Board with recommendations for subcommittees.


Resolution to Dispose of Surplus Property – Unused Land Northwest of Career Center – Due North of COT


Superintendent Svee stated he is requesting the parcel of 7.5 acres by the Career Center be declared surplus property. It is in the process of being appraised. Once the resolution is approved, there will be a 14-day period when the Board can receive input from the community. The land is tied in with the Running Start Program, which gives college credit to high school students. Mr. Svee stated a variety of options have been reviewed including a lease but this was the best fit for the District and the College of Technology. The sale could occur at a time when the funds are available. All that is being asked for tonight is to approve the resolution to declare the land surplus. Mr. Svee reported the property was declared surplus on July 5, 1989. Declaring the land surplus does not bind the Board to the sale but allows the appraisal process to move forward.


Trustee Getz reported the Business Committee voted unanimously to declare the land as surplus. One concern in the Running Start Program was that students may be subsidized that may not need subsidizing. Trustee Guthals made suggestions for changes to the resolution. Trustee Stroebe stated he was concerned about selling the land, as it may be needed by the Career Center in the future. Chair Kelker reminded the Board the decision was made last March to move forward with the Running Start Program and the Board directed the Superintendent to move ahead in the process. Trustee Mary Jo Fox stated she would agree to direct administration to obtain an appraisal and then move forward in a sale to the highest bidder. Trustee Goodrich was under the impression the District would trade the land in exchange for the Running Start Program, which is a program he favors. He suggested a long-term lease could also be considered, but did not support the proposal to sell. Superintendent Svee reported a long-term lease did not suit MSU. Trustee Moses was also uncomfortable in selling the property. The Chair asked if the appraisal could be obtained without a vote of the Board to declare it surplus property. Superintendent Svee stated an appraisal could be obtained but felt the property should be declared surplus.


Trustee Getz stated, as there is 40 acres farther west for a high school, this would be the opportunity to declare it surplus, dispose of it for its best and highest use, which is contingent to the College of Technology, and that the Board should move forward as was decided in March. Trustee Goodrich suggested the Board investigate the sale, lease or disposal of the property to MSU-Billings or a third party with the educational benefits derived from the same being paramount in such decisions. Trustee Guthals suggested, if it is to be sold, it be sold for fair market value.


Dave Williams reported he has discussed the property with an appraiser. There is only value to this District or the College of Technology as there is no access for anyone else to enter the property. Trustee Fox suggested an easement could solve that problem. Chair Kelker called for a brief recess.


Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Fox:


Be it resolved that the Trustees determine the property is unsuitable for school purposes of the District and the

Trustees indeed to sell or otherwise dispose of the property.


Allan Audit, BEA President, voiced three areas of concern. He has requested negotiations with the District due to the action last month to join MCEL Distance-Learning Program. The District had informed him the e-learning process would not be implemented but he has since found out e-learning is being supplied to one home-school student. He has also found out the WWIDEA (a privately owned distance learning program) is going to be implemented. Mr. Audet was concerned that WWIDEA is bringing an outside entity to provide education to our students and home-school or homebound students. BEA is the bargaining unit for the District and it is a bargaining issue. He was also concerned that his tax dollars are being taken for a student to attend college classes and FTE would be lost under the Running Start Program. Mr. Audet urged the Board to work together with the BEA.


Trustee Goodrich suggested the last two sentences of the resolution should be added to the motion to meet the legal requirements. Trustee Getz agreed to the amendment, as well as Trustee Fox as the second. Trustee Guthals stated he would vote against the motion and would make a motion to table if the motion failed. Chair Kelker declared a conflict of interest, as she is an employee of MSU-Billings. Those voting in favor were Katharin Kelker, Dale Getz and Malcolm Goodrich. Those opposing were Mary Jo Fox, Joel Guthals, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman and Conrad Stroebe. The motion failed.


Trustee Guthals made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to table Agenda Item M until the December regular Board meeting.


Those voting in favor were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Joel Guthals, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman and Conrad Stroebe. Those opposing were Malcolm Goodrich and Katharin Kelker. The motion passed. Trustee Stroebe asked for a clarification of who owns the various parcels of land by the Career Center. Trustee Moses also requested information on what other colleges are doing in Running Start Programs. Mr. Svee reported Kalispell has a program with a reduced fee.


Monthly Legal Report


Jeff Weldon reported there is nothing new in the Columbia Falls case, the Eastman case, or the Hudak case. The trial date has been scheduled for the Rapp-Swecker matter. The KTVQ case is moving forward with a briefing scheduled for cross motions for summary judgments. In the Erekson matter, the District court released the remaining claims, but Mr. Erekson has appealed that to the Supreme Court. Trustee Stroebe asked if the District could obtain attorney fees. Mr. Weldon did not believe so but would explore it.


Mr. Weldon reported there was nothing new on the MT case. The Billings Gazette case has been fully briefed and is now before the Supreme Court. The Opie matter is also fully briefed and is before the State Superintendent. An arbitrator for the BEA coaching grievance has been selected and arbitration will be scheduled for January or February.


Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Getz:


Motion to approve the long-term suspension results.


Trustee Stroebe asked how regular education students are treated versus special education students in suspensions. Chair Kelker stated regular education students are suspended and are not allowed on school property until the suspension is fulfilled. Special education students cannot, by federal law, have their services suspended and must receive their IEP services in a different facility. Those voting in favor were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


Proposed Revisions to Policy 1700, Uniform Complaint Procedure – Third Reading & Adoption


Jeff Weldon reported the second reading for Policy 1700 was before the School/Community Committee and no changes were recommended. Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Getz:


Motion to approve the proposed revisions for Policy 1700 on the third reading and adoption.


Those voting in favor were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


Board Policy – Background Checks – First Reading


The Chair reported the Board policy on background checks is coming from the Policy Committee for first reading. Jeff Martin reported Dan Martin presented the new policy to the committee with a change regarding volunteers. Trustee Getz suggested the word ‘fingerprint’ be added to the first paragraph. There was no objection by the Board members. Trustee Stroebe asked for information at a future meeting on a description of the checks and also the costs. Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Getz:


Motion to approve on first reading revised Policy 5021with the proviso that the word ‘fingerprint’

be added to the ‘background check’ of the last sentence of the first paragraph.


Trustee Stroebe voiced his concern on the background check versus fingerprint check. Trustee Guthals felt the policy needed more work on criminal background checks. Those voting in favor were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Katharin Kelker, Sandra Mossman and Conrad Stroebe. Karen Moses and Joel Guthals opposed the motion. The motion passed. The policy will go before the School/Community Committee on second reading with a review by Jeff Weldon and Dan Martin.





Elementary Bond Projects


Rich Whitney reviewed the elementary bond projects and the summary sheets in the agenda for those present. All projects are under budget except the Boulder project. There is $510,074 available in contingency. Interest will continue to be earned on the bond funds. Trustee Mossman commended Jim Bauer, Rich Whitney, and Shane Swandel for their work. Rich Whitney reported all change orders were reviewed and a reduction was negotiated. Dave Williams reported the subcommittee of the Board has done an excellent job of moving the projects forward.


Update on Electronic/Distance Learning with Applications to Serving Special Populations


Woody Jensen, Director of Adult Education, gave a presentation on the electronic/distance learning with applications to serving special populations. Dr. Jensen gave a brief history and an update of the plan to recruit and enroll a portion of the home-schooled population for enrollment purposes. WWIDEA would function as a coordinator of home-schooled students and work with their parents. In talking with the leaders of WWIDEA, Dr. Jensen found it to be well-thoughtout educationally and not just selling a program with no substance. Under IDEA, a special education component, districts may have some obligation to provide general education services in addition to some special education provisions for special education youth who are long-termed suspended.


Dr. Jensen reported the special populations he hoped to serve are short-term suspended, attendance separations, youth services center, long-term suspended, homebound, some special education section 504 applications, and makeup work. These students cost districts more money as they are more costly to serve, consume more services, not often served adequately or sometimes at all, are often reluctant learners that we are mandated to serve without adequate resources to do so.


Dr. Jensen met with Allan Audet and felt the BEA membership needs to be made aware of any administrative planning in progress in the hiring of teaching personnel in an instructional role to run WWIDEA program or deal with District enrolled students. He reviewed motions made by the Board in 2004, which referred the contract to the Business, School/Community and Education Committees for review. In August 2004, an intra-agency agreement with WWIDEA was proposed but the Business Committee had tabled the issue indefinitely until more information was made available. On November 15, 2004, there was discussion of signing up with MCEL for $4,000 but no action was taken, as it was to go to the Education Committee at the end of the year.


Dr. Jensen has asked Allan Audet to think about the possibility of a memorandum of understanding for two years. After reading the BEA master contract, page 2 section 2 of paragraph 3, it mentions home school coordinators being excluded from the appropriate unit and in the same excluded jobs as administrators. It is the goal of WWIDEA to recruit 150-200 full-time ANB home-school students and serve a population of 25-35 special population students of the District as a pilot. The plan for financing is to target the parents of the students in order to run the services funded by Adult Education.


As ANB funding comes in a year after enrolling a student, Dr. Jensen suggested Adult Education funds be used for start-up with services going to parents. He could move funding for staff into funding the expense of computer assisted instruction and independent learning systems. He reported grants could be sought. As ANB enrollment is built, ANB could be used later for newer enrollments. Dr. Jensen estimates the start-up costs per 100 students would be $420,000 per year.


Superintendent Svee stated this has been in the works for six months. This type of approach would give us some continuity. He hoped to draw students back in or keep the long-term suspended or homebound students involved in the educational program. The reason Dr. Jensen’s plan would be logical is it has the diploma completion program and credit approvals that are done now. The MCEL program allows a student to participate in one class if there is room.


Trustee Mossman felt the issue should go back through the committee process. The Chair asked how the District’s teachers would be affected. Dr. Jensen reported they would not only deliver the services to the home-school population. The teachers may receive more tools to use through the NOVANET connection, which is the secondary package that has courses, credit recovery, remediation, SAT/ACT prep, GED prep, and is an entire high school program. He reported his goal is to leverage adult education funding and make it available to the District.


Trustee Mossman made the following motion with a second by Trustee Stroebe:


Motion to take it back to the committee structure and bring it back to the next Board meeting.


Those voting in favor were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.





MQEC Update


Trustee Moses reported, after speaking to Jim Molloy, there is no additional funding being proposed for the second biennium without a special session. A special session is needed. The big bill is a 189-page document. Trustee Mossman stated a decision was delayed until December 5th. They are looking for a bridge for next year’s funding which is currently anywhere from $30,000,000-$60,000,000. Superintendent Svee reported he would put together a full program for the legislators/Board meeting scheduled for tomorrow night. It will show the stumbling blocks in the proposal. There are some districts who would go backwards. Trustee Stroebe suggested the tax saving portion should be stressed.


Superintendent’s Report


Superintendent Svee requested a work session for the Board and administrative staff to discuss accreditation and the five-year plan. The Chair stated that would be taken into consideration.


Personnel Report


Trustee Stroebe made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to accept the Superintendent’s employment recommendations as presented in the

Personnel Report.


Trustee Moses voiced her concern regarding the issue of transferring teachers at semester time, realizing it is an administrative function. She asked for the transfers to be reconsidered. Mr. Svee stated administrators met and reviewed staffing for all schools. Senior High has lost 100 students this year. To cover the student request to provide for students, there is a need to transfer staff with a particular type of certification. All three buildings agreed that these were the teachers to be transferred. Another option would be to leave one building overstaffed and hire more staff for the other building.


Those voting in favor were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


Establish Energy Innovation Ad Hoc Committee


The Chair reported a request has been made to establish an Energy Innovation Ad Hoc Committee. Those volunteering to serve on the committee are Joel Guthals, Rich Whitney and Ed Gulich. Trustee Guthals reported there are two other people who are interested: Jeff Gruizenga, a mechanical engineer, and Larry Grendahl who is an electrical engineer. Trustee Moses stated she would volunteer to serve on the committee. Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich.


Motion to create an Energy Innovation Ad Hoc Committee of the Board.


Those voting in favor were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


Consent Agenda


Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to approve and accept the items within the Consent Agenda without objection to recommended action.


Those voting in favor were Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Sandra Mossman, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


Items contained within the Consent Agenda are as follows:


Regular Board Meeting Minutes, October 17, 2005

Special Board Meeting Minutes, November 8, 2005

Business Committee Minutes, October 10, 2005

School/Community Committee Minutes, October 10, 2005

Procedure 3150-P1

Crossroads Stipends for Activities

7th and 8th Grade Social Studies Curriculum – 2nd reading

Addition of Communication Plan – Trust Account at Lincoln Center

Addition of Jim Dow Scholarship – Trust Account at Senior High

Addition of Ponderosa 1st Grade ECA Account

Skyview Security System Request for Proposal

Building Reserve Projects – 2005/2006 (Year 5)


Communications from the Board


The Chair suggested November 28th for the termination hearing. It was the consensus to meet on November 28th at 5:30 p.m.


Trustee Moses requested continued review of hiring an attorney. She also asked for a review of the Boulder agreement if Senior High enrollment decreases and West High’s increases. She felt it might be a viable solution.


Trustee Guthals asked what is going to be done for repairs and maintenance at Crossroads as set in policy. Trustee Stroebe requested it be reviewed at a future meeting. The Chair stated the Education Committee should act on it before the Board. Trustee Stroebe stated he and Trustee Guthals toured Skyview and would like to address safety issues at a future meeting.


Calendar/Agenda Planning


The following are the future scheduled meetings and events:


November 22, 2005 – Meet with County Legislators

November 28, 2005 – Termination Hearing

November 30, 2005 – Ad Hoc Subcommittee (continuing)

December 6, 2005 – Agenda Setting Meeting

December 6, 2005 – Policy Review Committee

December 8, 2005 – Business Advisory Group

December 12, 2005 – Committee Meetings

December 19, 2005 – Regular Board Meeting




As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at





Katharin Kelker, Chair




Diane Blevins, Recorder

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