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Agenda Setting - January 3, 2006


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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana

January 3, 2006


Call to Order


The Agenda Setting Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and the High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana on January 3, 2006.


Chair Katharin Kelker presided.


Roll Call


Those attending were: Trustees Katharin Kelker, Sandra Mossman, Dale Getz; Superintendent Rod Svee, Kathy Olson, Dan Martin, Clerk Leo Hudetz, Shaun Harrington, Nancy Korizek-Hines, David Williams, Thomas Harper and Jeff Weldon. Trustee Goodrich was in court and unable to attend the meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 12:10 by Chair Katharin Kelker.


Trustee Kelker stated that because of the Board’s strategic goals, there is much to accomplish this year, starting in January.


The initial meeting of the steering committee for the results-based budgeting process will be the week of January 30th. Sandra Mossman and Dale Getz will give an update on this committee at the regular meeting on January 16th and will announce the membership of the committee at that time. The unions will be contacted for membership on this committee.


Karen Moses and Superintendent Svee will be attending an MQEC Board meeting in Helena on Thursday.


The Planning Task Force on High School Renovation and Capacity will meet on January 10th at 5:30 in the Board Room. Members of that committee include Rod Svee, Kathy Kelker, Sandy Mossman, Karen Moses, Joel Guthals and Malcolm Goodrich. Kathy Kelker indicated that the Board had previously adopted values. This committee will review those adopted values to see if anything needs to be adjusted. Dan Martin will provide the Board with copies of the values as previously adopted. They will prepare recommendations for a discussion for the Board study session on January 30th.


The Education Committee needs to have a discussion and make a decision on these vision statements, separate from the dropout issue. Ideas of values and vision should match with one or more of the scenarios to have a clear and broad vision of high school education for all students. Kathy Olson stated that the high school principals were very clear in their recommendation to take care of what we have now then worry about the rest. Dale Getz would like to see research included to support the ideas so decisions could be based on data. Dan Martin wants to make sure that Skyview is also included in any remodeling plans, stating that Skyview is 20 years old and does need some renovation and repair.


Gail Surwill entered the meeting at 12:30.


Kathy Kelker feels we need to keep this issue on the community’s agenda. We will need a clearer ballot issue than the last time. Dale Getz feels that the community will be supportive of renovations. This will be a write-in ballot election. It was the general feeling that this issue needs to be presented to the voters before the Cobb Field issue. Rod Svee stated that we need to have community members carry this. Dale Getz would like to have it done in September, after successful negotiations. Dan Martin stated that the work is done but the numbers will need to be reworked.


Dale Getz suggested signs at the elementary sites celebrating the renovations currently being done.


There was a lengthy discussion of the Boulder area boundaries as discussed at the School/Community Committee meeting in December. A motion was made at the committee meeting to table this issue, and a PTA meeting will be held to discuss this at Boulder tonight. Shaun Harrington will again present the history. Kathy Kelker stated that she had wanted to avoid this happening. She pointed out that there are similar choices throughout the district. Dave Williams pointed out that this discussion was brought about because of teacher transfers from Senior and not because of boundary issues. Redistricting will not take care of the overcrowding problem. Shaun stated that there were two assumptions: 1) that all these students are very bright and would improve test scores; and 2) that there would be 200 kids. Both of these assumptions are false. If boundaries were strictly enforced, Senior High would lose students. Kathy Kelker stated that all meetings need to be scheduled at the agenda setting meeting. Karen Moses set up the meeting with Kim Halverson, Principal at Boulder. Kathy Kelker stated that the charge to the School/Community Committee was to look at the process. Mrs. Kelker will attend the meeting at Boulder and make that clear. Karen Moses and Shaun Harrington will also be at the meeting. Kathy Kelker is the Board representative for that area. Kathy Kelker will explain the Board process to those assembled.


Kathy Olson stated that there are three more issues for next school year. 1) Eagle Cliffs will not have room for kindergarten classes next year, and she would like a clear direction in order to inform parents. The recommendation is to open two more classrooms at Beartooth for the kindergarten classes. 2) At Arrowhead it will be necessary to move the kindergarten students back to Boulder. 3) Consider busing Newman kindergarteners to Orchard because there is no space due to all the special programs. She will bring that issue to the parents and will need to start that conversation soon.


Jeff Weldon mentioned that he would have an agenda item on Cottonwood Park agreement with the city. Action will require a Board committee to work with the city on the actual definition of that site.


The Building Ownership Committee will meet next week. Kathy Kelker appointed Sandy Mossman chair of that committee. They will meet Monday, January 9th at noon and make a recommendation to the Board on the 16th for disposition of Grand Avenue.


Rod Svee stated that Woody Jensen would like to begin a four month process of meeting with the committees on distance learning, beginning in January to have a decision on distance learning in April. He would meet with all three committees each month for three months for 30-45 minutes. Dale Getz asked if this could be “homework” for the Board. The Superintendent will ask about a compressed model. It was Kathy Kelker’s recommendation that Dr. Jensen meet with the BEA Rep Council.


The Superintendent will include budget information from OPI in his report.


Sandy Mossman requested that a thank you letter be sent to legislators for their help with the special session.


Dale Getz asked about a time table for negotiations. Kathy Kelker stated that either party could ask. Mr. Getz requested that the Board consider starting negotiations with all the units.


Nancy Hines mentioned that a list of members of all of the committees will be available on the website.


It was requested that photos be included in the packet for the elementary building projects.


There has been a policy 1700 complaint. Thomas Harper will report on that.


The Education Committee will discuss high school visioning. They will be given information on MHSA awards program as well as bring forward a list of programs for dropout prevention for next time. They are asked to involve more than one high school.


The School/Community Committee will have MHSA proposals on their agenda.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m.




Katharin Kelker, Chair



Nancy Coe, Recorder

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