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Regular Meeting December 19, 2005

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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


December 19, 2005


Call to Order


The Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana, was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, December 19, 2005, at 5:30 p.m.


Chair Katharin Kelker presided and led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call


Members present included Trustees Joel Guthals, Dale Getz, Mary Jo Fox, Dawn Achten, Malcolm Goodrich, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Conrad Stroebe, Superintendent Rod Svee, and Clerk Leo Hudetz Trustee Sandra Mossman was excused due to illness.


Registered guests included Jerry Hansen, Laura Tode, Jane McCracken, Shanna Henry, and Terry Sukut from JGA Architects.


Communication from the Public


The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of listening to members of the public in its meetings. The Board also recognizes the statutory and constitutional right of the public to participate in governmental operations. The Board encourages members of the public to participate in and express opinions about issues important to the District. This part of the Board’s meeting is dedicated to public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of this meeting and is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Members of the public may also address particular items on this agenda either now or at the time the Board considers the particular item. There were no public comments at this time.


Recognition and Gifts and Donations


Trustee Kelker read a letter from Leslyn Wahl, recipient of the Gold Star Award and a teacher at the Career Center. Ms. Wahl was unable to attend.


Bob Whalen, Skyview High Principal, introduced Linda Jones, Diana Mysse, Kathy Pfaffinger and Judy Rigler who have received their National Board Certification. Dennis Sulser, West High Principal, recognized Dr. Jeff Mead as the recipient of the National Board Certification.


Jeff Carroll, Head Volleyball Coach from Senior High, introduced his undefeated state volleyball championship team: Hannah Stroebe, Lacee Tvetene, Jandi Farnsworth, Sara Kennedy, Kelly O’Malley, Kristin Carroll, Courtney Kosovich, Katrina Solomon, Ashley Welborn, Kelly Swedeen, Cara Duberstein, and Jillian Bates.


Paul Klaboe, Head Football Coach from West High, introduced the undefeated state football championship team from West High: Mike Matz, Sean Robinson, Nate Neujahr, Deryk VanZee, Nathan Jones, Andrew Selle, Brian Schwarzkoph, Chris Carlson, Michael Rider, Eli Johnson, Eric Girardot, Jase Muri, Gary Fox, Jr., Chris Wells, Thomas Dolan, Eric Lampi, Adam White, Fritz Mehling, Bryan Ernst, Parker Floyd, Tyler Roberts, Kyle Tucker, Riley Paris, Rhys Benson, Matt Boyce, Chris Teini, Brian Murphy, Steve Tanner, Thomas Alkire, Russell Schey, Brian Hofferber, Jeff Waller, Billy Bayer, Nathan Ray, Garreth Anderson, Shane Robison, Mac McCann, Shaun Palaoro, Sheldon Pinkerton, Gariell Osby, Brian Smith, Kerry Cicero, Luke Berg, Chris Morgen, Kory Mashek, Jesse Cuomo, Kevin Hunter, Nick Bechtold, Thomas Frank, Paul Klaboe, Kevin Schey, Shawn Harcharik, Mike Berve, Ryan Mahar, Jeff Rittenhouse, Brian Hundtofte, Matt Erickson, Ryan Holland, Lee Steinbacher, Bryce Jensen, Brandon Quesenberry, Josh Rowe, Matt Merrill, Brent McLeod, Mike Sisk, Mark Ballard, Tyler Gustin, Ben Ulledalen, Alex Strasheim, Dan Biegel, Thomas Gallagher, Ryan Hennessy, Bryant Mettler, Konnor Backer, Ben Lardy, Nick Bowers, Zane Winslow, Spencer Ready, Adam Hough-Leifert, Jordan Foos, Owen Curtiss, Peter Doporto. Managers are Lexi Halvorson, Ariana Brady, Bonnie Weaver, Breighanna Beck. Coaches are Paul Klaboe, Steve Guelff, Jim Boyle, Rob Stanton, Doug VanZee, Paul Curnow, Greg Walter, Tom Heckathorn, Frank Pullman, Joe Robinson, and Craig Rider.


Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Stroebe:


Motion to accept the gifts with gratitude.


Those voting in favor of the motion were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously. The following is a list of gifts and donations that have been presented to the School District in accordance with Board policy. Such items have been incorporated into the District’s inventory and an acknowledgment of the contribution has been made to the donor.


Broadwater – Billings Village Golden K Kiwanis Club

Joan Kostelecky

Burlington – Edward Stiles

McKinley – James Merchant

First Interstate BancSystem Foundation

Miles Avenue – Philip and Tamara Frank

First Interstate Bank West, Tricia Harrison

Orchard – Loretta Howard

Ponderosa – Roger Clawson


Ace Hardware

Dr. James Sullivan

Dr. Thomas Wickliffe

Dr. Allen Bickford

Dr. John Bennion

Karlene Berish

Billings Gazette Public Relations

Mr. and Mrs. Rob Schults

Don Jeziorski

James Haughey

Thelma Riggs


Annual Financial Report FY 2005 (Audit)


Jane McCracken, Chair of the Audit Committee, reviewed the Annual Financial Report for FY2005. She recommended the Board accept the Audit Report as presented. Mrs. McCracken reported the audit was very successful and there were very few findings. The findings were the smallest dollar amounts in her tenure on the committee. There were four management letter comments. The audit was unqualified in both the financial audit and the federal grant compliance.


There were only two suggested adjusting journal entries. The report determined the District to be a low-risk auditee. John Jacobsen, EideBailly, reported there were three opinions in the audit, one on financial statements and two on internal control of handling funds. All of the opinions were clean this year. Mr. Jacobsen recognized Superintendent Svee and Thomas Harper for fixing the problems that have existed in the past.


Trustees Guthals commended the Audit Committee for their work. Trustee Moses commended Jane McCracken for her work on the committee. Trustee Stroebe commended Clerk Leo Hudetz for his work and made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to accept the Annual Financial Report FY2005 and approve submittal to the State.


Jerry Hansen addressed the Board regarding $460,000 that was transferred from the transportation fund to the flexibility fund. No one could justify the transfer for him. The flexibility funds do not contain funds from transportation but should be funded from two sources. One source is state funds from a voted levy not to exceed 25% of state funds. He asked the Board to consider the taxpayers and not accept the report until the Audit Committee has time to review the issue. Trustee Guthals stated the opinion of the auditors was the transfer was followed in accordance with State law. Superintendent Svee reported administration researched the issue and followed the instructions of the Office of Public Instruction.


Those voting in favor of the motion were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, and Conrad Stroebe. The motion passed unanimously.


News of the District


Nancy Hines, Communication Director, reported ancient Egypt became part of Meadowlark’s sixth grade curriculum. Biology was studied through the mummification process. Kathy Munson was the teacher at Meadowlark conducting the study. Jody Sulser, teacher at Newman Elementary, developed a rainforest through the fifth and sixth grade classes. Mrs. Hines also reported the students in the Vocational Education classes bake cookies and make popcorn for sale to Lincoln staff and recycle paper. The Board was given fire starter packets made by the Vocational students.


Running Start Agreement – Work Session


Jeff Weldon stated the Board has had before them for some time now, the Running Start Agreement. Mr. Weldon and Superintendent Svee developed a power point presentation for the Board. Mr. Weldon and Mr. Svee reviewed the presentation and information contained in the agenda. Mr. Svee reported Flathead has an agreement with the community college in Kalispell. This District’s agreement has never been completed, as the board had not decided how to pay for it.


Trustee Stroebe asked why the Board had to declare the property surplus before getting the appraisal numbers. Mr. Svee reported they first looked at how many students are taking classes and determined 15-30 students could participate per semester. It might be possible to get more students into the College of Technology, which has not happened before. Mr. Svee also reported a request had been made for three different appraisals but were only able to obtain the one appraisal. The appraiser being used is the same one who appraised the property west of the College of Technology. Eakel Barfield from MSU and Terry Sukut from JGA Architects were present to review the proposed plan for the future development of MSU College of Technology.


It was reported similar programs in Kalispell and Glendive pay one-half of the class tuition. Trustee Getz stated the underserved and underprivileged students would be the ones to benefit from the Running Start program. Of those students, 80% are reported to remain in Montana. Trustee Getz felt the Board had an obligation to help those students and this is a great opportunity to be progressive and look ahead for those students. He urged the Board members to support the program. Chair Kelker was concerned about the budget and the cuts that are foreseen for next year. Mr. Svee suggested the Board could write into the agreement; if at anytime by mutual agreement, the land could become a sale to help fund the project and allow the college enough time to gather the money. He reported the university system would prefer a sale proposal so an actual deed could be obtained. Trustee Stroebe asked if the District could get the basic state entitlement for the interlocal agreement. Superintendent Svee reported there has been only one interlocal agreement in the state. In this case, it would not be eligible as it is allowed for a public school to a university, not a public school to a public school.


Trustee Moses expressed her concern that the land deal must occur before the dialogue is begun. She felt ‘the cart and horse’ were reversed. Mr. Svee stated once the property is declared surplus, there is a 14-day period where public input is received and appraisals are received. The earliest possible action by the Board would take place in February. Trustee Stroebe did not want to declare the land surplus until a later time. Chair Kelker reviewed the process that has taken place to date. The only way the Board could be serious in the proposal was to declare the property surplus. The next step would be a 14-day comment period and then the property would be considered surplus. The Board could then obtain information on the appraisal value of the land and it would be a time to weigh whether the advantages of making the deal on the land to proceed. The earliest time for that to occur would be in early February. Trustee Moses was concerned that there was not enough time for staff to prepare. Chair Kelker stated the Board would have a discussion on the appraisal at that time. The regular February Board meeting would be the time for the Board to decide. Trustee Getz reiterated that this program would help those students who are underserved. The land is landlocked and would be more acceptable for the College of Technology. It is the opportune time to partner with the college for the sake of our students and in a very creative fashion. Those students would be ANB for the District and in turn receive college credits across the street from the Career Center. Trustee Guthals stated it could be included in the agreement that the at-risk students would be addressed. Trustee Moses asked for input from the staff. Chair Kelker reminded Trustee Moses the Board does not do the job of administration.


Trustee Stroebe was excused from the remainder of the meeting.


Approval of Agenda


The Chair reported Item T-6 needed to be pulled from the Consent Agenda for an additional person to be included. Also, Item T-10 was approved by the Business Committee and recommended to the Board. It was omitted from the agenda and will be added. Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Achten:


Motion to approve the agenda as amended.


Those voting in favor included Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


Bills Paid – November 2005


Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:


Motion to approve the bills paid for the month of October 2005.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


The bills paid by fund are as follows:


Fund Description Fund Total

101 Elem. General Fund $ 556,534.31

110 Elem. Transportation 198,176.52

115 Elem. Misc. Programs 387,350.61

117 Elem. Adult Education 3,125.05

128 Elem. Technology 77,665.56

160 Elem. Building 705,069.49

161 Elem. Building Reserve 160,569.19

184 Elem. Student ECA 37,174.68

185 Elem. Misc. Trust 13,512.61

201 H. S. General Fund 387,863.71

210 H. S. Transportation 133,693.05

212 H. S. Food Services 948,171.58

215 H. S. Misc. Program 71,064.80

217 H. S. Adult Education 17,400.52

218 H. S. Traffic Education 1,169.46

229 H. S. School Flexibility Fund 10,674.44

261 H. S. Building Reserve 131,195.91

278 H. S. Self Insurance-Health 741,233.93

279 H. S. Self Insurance-Liability 58.50

282 H. S. Interlocal Agreement 133,485.50

284 H. S. Extracurricular 131,275.31

285 H. S. Misc. Trust 8,303.09

286 H. S. Payroll 1,783,285.82

TOTAL $6,638,053.64

ACH Tax Deposits $1,506,565.23

Payroll Warrants & Direct Dep. $3,907,725.61

GRAND TOTAL $12,052,344.48



Financial Reports – November 2005 (Unaudited)


The financial reports were for the Board’s review only and had been reviewed by the Business Committee. The following financial (unaudited) reports were received for November 2005:


CS101 Account Expenditure by Fund

CS102 Account Receipts by Fund

CS105 Statement of Estimated and Actual Revenue

CS108 Object Cost Analysis




Resolution to Dispose of Surplus Property – Item Tabled November 21, 2005


The Chair reported the item was tabled from the November Board meeting. The Business Committee has recommended the disposal of surplus property. Trustee Moses asked for a summary of the Business Committee meeting. Trustee Getz reported it was a unanimous decision to dispose of the property after several questions were asked and answered. Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Getz:


Motion to adopt the resolution as stated on page 91 of the agenda to declare it surplus property.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Joel Guthals, and Katharin Kelker. Karen Moses opposed the motion. The motion passed.


The resolution is as follows:


Whereas, Billings High School District 2 (the District) owns real property in Yellowstone County, Montana, located near the District’s Career Center and north of the MSU-Billings College of Technology (the Property), more particularly described as;


The northwest part of Tract 2 of Certificate of Survey 2547 containing 7.2517 acres and immediately north of Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey 2547.; and


Whereas, Montana law permits the District to sell the Property if the Board of Trustees of the District (the Trustees) determine that the Property is or is about to become abandoned, obsolete, or unsuitable for school purposes of the District, MCA 20-6-604.


Now, therefore, be it Resolved:


That the Trustees determine that the Property is unsuitable for the school purposes of the District;


That the Superintendent is directed to negotiate a proposed sale, trade or other transfer of the Property that is in the best interests of the District and to present back to the Trustees the details of that proposed transaction for Trustee review and approval, pursuant to MCA 20-6-604(5);


That the Clerk shall provide notice of this resolution in the manner required in MCA 20-6-604(3) and 20-20-204; and


That this resolution shall not become effective for fourteen (14) days after the notice required in MCA 20-6-604(3) is made, pursuant to MCA 20-6-604(2).


Monthly Legal Report


Jeff Weldon stated there are no changes for the Rapp-Swecker, Columbia Falls, KTVQ, Erekson, Eastman, M.T., the petition of the District, or the Hudak issues. In the Opie administrative appeal, the County Superintendent dismissed on a timeliness issue and the State Superintendent affirmed but on different grounds on jurisdictional question. That issue has been concluded. Trustee Guthals asked for a short description on cases for future reports.


Mr. Weldon reported the BEA coaching position grievance now has a hearing scheduled for February 21st. He presented the long-term suspensions for Board action: Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Guthals:


Motion to approve the long-term suspension results.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.




Criminal Background Investigations Policy – 2nd Reading


Trustee Guthals reported he reviewed, as well as the School/Community Committee, the Criminal Background Investigations. Suggested changes have been made. Trustee Guthals made the following motion with a second by Trustee Goodrich:

Motion to approve the Criminal Background Investigations policy for second reading.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


Adult Education – NovaNet Annual Subscription


Trustee Getz reported the Business Committee has reviewed the contract for Nova Net and is recommending Board approval. Woody Jensen, Director of Adult Education, reported there is a restriction that only allows the Adult Education population to use the system. He currently has youth in his program. He would like to leverage for resources to allow it to be used by the District. Mr. Audet of the BEA stated the BEA did not object to the use of NovaNet itself by students in the elementary or high school districts.


Trustee Getz made the following motion with a second by Trustee Guthals:


Motion to approve Pearson Digital Learning as a provider for NovaNet and approve the annual subscription fee to Nova Net in the amount of $145,000 to be paid by Adult Education funds.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


Memorandum of Understanding – BCEA and Board of Trustees


Dan Martin, Human Resources Director, reported Board approval is being sought for a memorandum of understanding with the BCEA. Trustees Fox and Guthals served on the Board’s negotiating team. This memo is being sought as an employee retired and the duties are being fulfilled by one secretary for two departments; the Department of Elementary Education and the Secondary Education Department. Trustee Fox reported the duties of the secretary in Elementary Education are being done by Marta McAllister, secretary in the Secondary Education Department, as she is very capable of handling both departments. As she is at the top level in salary, a raise would not be possible, as the job description could not be changed without affecting other departments. It is being recommended to hire a part-time person to assist Marta. Trustee Guthals voiced his concern to avoid setting a precedent in regards to other secretarial positions. Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Guthals:


Motion to approve the memorandum of understanding to resolve this issue.


Marta McAllister addressed the Board to request the Board vote against the memorandum of understanding. She felt she could handle both jobs without hiring additional staff but asked for compensation for more duties. Janet Baum, BCEA President, asked the Board to support the memorandum as they had negotiated in good faith. Trustee Moses spoke in support of the memorandum and asked the Board members to vote in favor. Trustee Getz commended Marta for her work but felt her agent had bargained in good faith. Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


MQEC Update


Trustee Moses reported the last MQEC meeting had contained an address by the Governor. The one concern is that school funding is an ongoing problem. The Governor has stated the legislative special session funding for schools is an interim solution. Items still needing to be being addressed are At-Risk, facilities and utilities. The entire MQEC membership is scheduled for a meeting on January 30th. Chair Kelker stated the message from MQEC is that the process is not over. Superintendent Svee stated it is not about the money, but about having a definition of quality education, costing it out, and funding it. Districts will get to go back in the next legislative session and negotiate again. Mr. Svee stated this settlement that was reached does not begin to address a system, as there is nothing in the program that addresses the system. Nothing was put into gifted and talented. There are major gaps in the reasoning of this system. He reviewed the handout on the system.


Appointment of Budget Leadership Team Committee Members and Committee Report


Trustee Getz reviewed the list of people who have consented to participate in the Budget Leadership Team Committee. A representative of the MPEA had not been selected as of this date. Trustee Guthals made the following motion with a second by Trustee Fox:


Motion to appoint the members of the Budget Leadership Team as set forth on page 121 of the agenda.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously. Members of the Budget Leadership Team Committee are: Trustees Sandra Mossman and Dale Getz; Administrators Thomas Harper, Kathy Olson, Dave Cobb, Kyra Gaskill, Rich Whitney; Community Lyle Knight, Tim Cranston, Martha Sheehy and three others to be named at a later date; Bargaining Groups Janet Baum, Allan Audet and Curt Prchal.


Elementary Bond Projects Update


Rich Whitney, Director of Facilities Services, reported on the elementary bond projects. There has been a great deal of visual progress. Orchard is enclosed and sheetrock is going up at this time. The estimated completion date is October 6th, 2006. Ponderosa is enclosed also and sheetrock is up and painting is being done. Meadowlark and Boulder has received the steel. Meadowlark should be enclosed by January 1st. Boulder is not enclosed yet but should be shortly. The District is still under budget and on time. Change orders have been completed for Orchard and Meadowlark and Mr. Whitney is working on finalizing the last change orders.


Mr. Whitney addressed the mold issue at Bench Elementary. Additional testing has taken place and the air is being monitored. It had been found that not all air and ventilating equipment had been working properly but it is now. Mr. Whitney stated he felt the building was safe to be in for work and learning.


Superintendent’s Report


Mr. Svee stated Thomas Harper had reviewed the budget regarding the transfer of teachers from Senior to West High School at semester time. He found no FTE available so management’s decision stands. Trustee Fox asked if those teachers could serve both high schools. Mr. Svee stated it would not be possible, as they are needed at West High.


Superintendent Svee commended the Senior High students, as well as Victoria Ocenosak and Dawn Davis of the Lockwood Exxon after the bus accident on December 8th. Counselors were available at the hospitals and schools to assist the students. An investigation is going on to determine the cause. First Student has also hired an independent investigator.


Personnel Report


Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Getz:


Motion to accept the Superintendent’s employment recommendations as presented in the personnel report.


Those voting in favor were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


Consent Agenda


Trustee Goodrich made the following motion with a second by Trustee Getz:


Motion to approve and accept the items contained within the Consent Agenda without objection to recommended action.


Those voting in favor of the motion were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously.


The Chair reported Item T-6 had been pulled from the agenda, as there was an agreement to add another person to the Building Ownership Committee. That person must be an elementary and high school trustee. Trustee Goodrich volunteered to serve on the committee. Trustee Goodrich made the following agreement with a second by Trustee Achten:


Motion to approve the membership of the Building Ownership Committee.


Those voting in favor of the motion were Dawn Achten, Mary Jo Fox, Dale Getz, Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Katharin Kelker, and Karen Moses. The motion passed unanimously. Members of the Building Ownership Committee include: Trustees Joel Guthals, Sandra Mossman, Conrad Stroebe, Malcolm Goodrich, Executive Director of Facilities Dave Williams, Director of Facilities Rich Whitney, and Superintendent Rod Svee.


Trustee Moses reported the School/Community Committee reviewed the school calendar and only one member of the committee voted against it.


Items contained in the Consent Agenda are as follows:


Regular Board Meeting Minutes, November 21, 2005

Special Board Meeting Minutes, October 28, 2005

Board Retreat Minutes, October 28, 2005

Special Board Meeting Minutes, November 22, 2005

Special Board Meeting Minutes, November 28, 2005

Audit Committee Minutes, September 9, 2005

Business Committee Minutes, October 4, 2005

Business Committee Minutes, November 14, 2005

Education Committee Minutes, October 10, 2005

Education Committee Minutes, November 14, 2005

School/Community Committee Minutes, November 14, 2005

2006-07 School Calendar

Crisis Management Grant and Survey of Parents, Students and Staff

7th & 8th Grade Social Studies Curriculum Adoption

Building Ownership Committee Membership

Energy Innovation Committee Membership

Procedure 7320-P1 Expense Authorization/Reimbursement

Legal Services

Hawthorne Street Attendance Area


Superintendent’s Evaluation Process


Trustee Goodrich reported, last year, the Superintendent’s evaluation was done on e-mail. This year’s evaluation will be an evaluation printed out for completion and will give us consistency with last year’s evaluation. The evaluation will be based on the job description. Besides the Board, principals, as well as COLT members will be asked to complete the evaluation. Only the Clerk will know the person who completes the evaluation, as it will have a special numbering system. Trustee Goodrich expected to be able to give an evaluation report at the Board meeting in January. Superintendent Svee reported his contract allows for an automatic renewal by February 1st, if the Board does not take any action on his contract by February 1st. However, in order for this clause to be effective, the Superintendent is required to notify all Board members by November 2005 of the February 1st deadline. Superintendent Svee stated he purposely did not notify the Board in November so that the Board would not be bound by the February 1st deadline. He requested his evaluation be public and not in closed session.


Communications from the Board


The Chair announced this evening was Trustee Fox’s birthday. Trustee Fox reported she visited an elementary school and a concern was brought up regarding the last day of school. The elementary students spend the entire day in school but high school students and middle student students are out after one-half day. She felt the Board should review the issue. Trustee Achten felt the Trustees should share their visitations at the meetings. She attended Newman School and the rain forest constructed in one classroom. Chair Kelker reported she also visited Newman Elementary School. She stated the school is overcrowded and one program is held in a classroom where the students go through the entrance of the boy’s restroom to enter the classroom, which was a custodian’s storeroom at one time. She felt the matter should be addressed, as young ladies must go through the entrance to the boy’s restroom.


Calendar/Agenda Planning


The following are the future scheduled meetings and events:


December 21, 2005 – Ad Hoc Subcommittee (continuing meeting)

December 22, 2005 – Energy Innovation Committee

January 3, 2006 – Agenda Setting Meeting

January 9, 2006 – Committee Meetings

January 12, 2006 – Business Advisory Group

January 16, 2006 – Regular Board Meeting

January 23, 2006 – Special Board Meeting – Study Session

February 7, 2006 – Policy Review Committee




As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.







Katharin Kelker, Chair




Diane Blevins, Recorder

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