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March 10,2006 Special Board Meeting


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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

Dist. No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana



March 10, 2006



Call to Order


The Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, March 10, 2006 at 12:00 p.m.


Those present included: Trustees Katharin Kelker, Karen Moses, Joel Guthals, Mary Jo Fox, Conrad Stroebe, Dawn Achten, Sandra Mossman, Malcolm Goodrich, Superintendent Rod Svee, and District Clerk, Leo Hudetz. Trustee Dale Getz was not present.


Communication from the Public


The Board recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of listening to members of the public in its meetings. The Board also recognizes the statutory and constitutional right of the public to participate in governmental operations. The Board encourages members of the public to participate in and express opinions about issues important to the District. This part of the Board’s meeting is dedicated to public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of this meeting and is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Members of the public may also address particular items on this agenda either now or at the time the Board considers the particular item. There were no public comments.


Interim Superintendent Search


Chairman Kelker gave a history of past District Superintendents. Conrad Stroebe’s recollection was that we have had eight Superintendents and interims over the past twenty one years. Chairman Kelker stated that she has received several calls from people interested in the interim position.


Trustee Stroebe took a moment to encourage all trustees to come together for the good of the community as a whole, even though each member represents a different area of the city. We need to examine what we are doing and where we are going.


Karen Moses reported that she has been asked why we need an interim. An interim would give the Board time to open the Superintendent position and search for the best candidate. If we opened the position now, candidates currently working under a contract would have to break that contract to apply or assume a position here. Therefore, Trustee Moses feels an interim would be beneficial to the district.


Malcom Goodrich agreed that we should have an interim so the Board isn’t pressured to hire a Superintendent.


Joel Guthals motioned to suspend the efforts of searching for interim Superintendent and offer a one year contract to Rod Svee for $125,000 which would be reviewed and renewable after one year with further details to be worked out by the District Attorney and Rod Svee. Mr. Guthals added that Rod has continued to conduct himself professionally and has been most cooperative since the last meeting. Trustee Stroebe seconded the motion. During discussion Sandra Mossman said she would vote against the motion and would like to begin the search and hopefully receive a pool of qualified people. Karen Moses has also received a lot of public comments to not rehire Rod Svee and from her evaluation has not seen improvement. On this motion, Trustee Guthals voted for and all others voted against. The motion failed.


Malcolm Goodrich motioned to move forward with the Interim Superintendent search. Sandra Mossman seconded the motion. Joel Guthals questioned whether or not the district should go to the expense of searching for an interim and then a superintendent search.


Joel Guthals then offered a substitute motion that we use current qualified staff for the interim position until a full time Superintendent is hired. Conrad Stroebe seconded the motion. In discussion Mary Jo Fox thought an interim position is important. Sandra Mossman felt the current staff is already stretched pretty thin. Karen Moses expressed the need for an interim so it doesn’t appear the board is micro-managing. Trustee Guthals amended his motion with the intention of preserving the status quo, follow state law, designate someone on staff as interim while searching for a superintendent. Voting for the motion was Conrad Stroebe, Joel Guthals and Dawn Achten, other trustees present voted against, the motion failed with 5 nays and 3 ayes.


In referring back to the original motion, Karen Moses felt it would be an opportunity to explore the options. Dawn questioned whether or not an interim from outside the district would know enough about our district. Trustee Moses said a subcommittee could explore those issues. Conrad Stroebe re-iterated that the trustees need to decide what we are doing and is it the best way. Chairman Kelker called for a vote on Trustee Goodrich’s main motion to proceed with the Interim Superintendent search. With all voting in favor the motion passed unanimously.



Subcommittee – Interim Superintendent Search


Chairman Kelker suggested a subcommittee of three trustees be formed to find an Interim Superintendent for Billings Public Schools. The task of the committee shall be to recommend to the full board an Interim Superintendent. Malcom Goodrich motioned to form such a subcommittee and Conrad Stroebe seconded it. During discussion Karen Moses suggested that when laying out the process the subcommittee should find out what we can and cannot do. Conrad Stroebe felt that the Board should define what the subcommittee should do. Dawn Achten expressed concern that not enough direction on what is expected is given to the committees. Mary Jo Fox is assuming the Interim Superintendent would fulfill the duties outlined in the current job description.


Joel Guthals motioned to amend the subcommittee motion “The Interim Superintendent shall perform the Superintendent’s duties as set forth in the current job description”. Malcolm Goodrich seconded this amendment to his motion. Karen Moses questioned whether or not that would preclude only qualified applicants and not other interested people from the community. Kathy Kelker noted that the job description does not require a license. Someone else in the district could have the required license. Joel Guthals emphasized the need to fulfill statutory requirements. With no further discussion, all voted in favor of the amendment to the motion which passed unanimously.


A unanimous vote was then cast for the amended motion to form the subcommittee. Members volunteering to serve on this subcommittee are Sandra Mossman, Malcom Goodrich and Dawn Achten. Karen Moses suggested that Dale Getz also serve on this committee if he is willing., and was so appointed by Chairman Kelker.


Superintendent Svee recommended that the committee refer to state law regarding the positions of Superintendent and Interim Superintendent. Trustee Goodrich motioned that the committee consider the candidate based on compliance with statutory requirements set for a superintendent or will allow the position to be filled in combination with another party to permit compliance with statutory requirement. Trustee Mossman seconded, all voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously.


Expectations of Superintendent through remainder of contract


The contract of Superintendent Svee will end on June 30, 2006. At the regular Board meeting on February 20, 2006, superintendent Svee asked for guidance as to what duties are expected of him for the remainder of his contract. During discussion it was agreed to delete “Do not fill administrative positions either in the Central Office or the schools.” from the list of expectations. The following list of expectations was presented:


• Engage in Superintendent duties until Friday, June 30, 2006

• Notify Board if the Superintendent has any plans to take vacation days or personal days and when those days off will be so the Board can plan accordingly

• Provide the Board with a detailed description of how administration plans to allocate new money received from the Legislature, including

 Allocation of one time only dollars

 Utilization of earmarked monies

 Allocation of $2,000 per certified staff members dollars

• Work cooperatively with the interim superintendent hired by the Board, sharing any and all information that is important to the day-to-day and long term functioning of the school district

• In any public pronouncements, make clear when he is speaking on behalf of the District and when he is speaking personally on his own behalf


Superintendent Svee asked for clarification on the new direction for hiring and in district transfers as it is contrary to Board Policy. Trustee Moses stated that he should not transfer anyone into a position if we are not sure that position will be available and no Central Office positions should be filled without prior consultation and approval of the Board. Time is needed to review and evaluate the budget. Superintendent Svee assured the Board that he had no intention of filling any Central office positions without Board approval. Chairman Kelker suggested possible word changes in the expectations to address these issues. Malcom Goodrich pointed out that Agenda Item “E” may address the hiring and transfer processes. The Superintendent should follow those directions and that transferring of positions should be presented to the Board for approval.


Superintendent Svee assured the trustees he would continue to conduct himself in a professional manner and be cooperative in transition with the Interim Superintendent, not dispose of any files or records and announce if he is speaking for himself or the Board during public pronouncements.


Superintendent Svee distributed budget prep worksheets for fiscal year 2006-2007 as well as a copy of the 2005 Special Session Legislative Summary. He explained that the funds noted in the “Expectations” above, have been placed in the budget worksheets in a lump sum for the budget subcommittee to distribute according to requirements and needs. The subcommittee will report to the Business Committee. The Board would prefer that the Superintendent recommend where the lump sum funding should be allocated based on need.


Malcom Goodrich motioned to approve the list of expectations, Dawn Achten seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Hiring Freeze for Staff, Administrative, and Stipend Positions


At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees (continuing from February 20, 2006) on February 21, 2006, the Board approved a hiring freeze through June 30th, 2006. The decision was that the Board was not to authorize the replacement of positions where an employee resigned, retired or was fired. The Business Committee was authorized to override this resolution if the administration made a request to replace an employee and the Business Committee agreed with recommendation.


The question before the Board today is whether the freeze applies to all staff positions. Malcolm Goodrich moved to apply the current freeze to all vacant staff positions broadly defined as staff administrative and stipendia positions and require the Superintendent to consult with the Board prior to any in-district transfers. Sandra Mossman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.





Katharin Kelker, Chairman





Donna Obie, Recorder

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