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School/Community Committee Meeting, 3/13/06

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Proceeding of the School/Community Committee Meeting

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana

March 13, 2006



Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Karen Moses


Members Present:

Karen Moses, Mary Jo Fox, Carol Wicker, Dawn Achten, Sandra Mammenga, Michael Hughes, Kristen Mavencamp, Jim Harthung, Jay Kirk, Michael Burke, Paul DiLorenzo, Molly Holt, Tia Miller, and Jan McCandless.


Excused Members:

Tom Willis


Call to the Public:



Out-of-Area Request Procedure Implementation:

Karen Moses gave a summary of previous conversations the School/Community Committee has had regarding Student Out-of-Area request policy and procedure implementations.


Carol Wicker asked that final clarification be sought on how to make the process and form clearer for parents and students as policy 2050 and Procedure 2050-P1 are implemented by staff. Carol Wicker asked that the following five questions be addressed:

1. Which staff should be included in the process of implementation?

2. Should the process be uniform for elementary, middle school and high school?

3. Should there be an effective date on any practice put into place in order to give

folks timely notice of the practice that will be followed?

4. How can the form better represent the implementation criteria and decision-making?

5. How will decisions be communicated to patrons?


Carol Wicker would like direction for any changes in the procedure/form that would clarify this issue for the district’s parents and students.


Carol Wicker reported that the issue arises at eight grade, but actually surfaces at the elementary level.


The School/Community Committee members had an extensive discussion regarding solutions to the Student Out-of-Area requests. Some members suggested that policy 2050 revised. It was suggested that procedure 2050-P1 and the Student Out-of-Area Request form also be revised to reflect policy 2050.


Some members recommended that the policy, procedure and forms be “tightened” up while some members felt the district needs to be “flexible” to accommodate unique parent situations at every level.


A motion suggesting a change in Procedure 2050-P1 that would make “principals at he home schools and receiving schools the determining parties for out-of-area requests with an appeal available through the Superintendent or his/her designee” failed on a tie vote leaving the responsibility for this process as a duty of the Superintendent or his/her designee.


A motion was made and seconded to recommend the removal of #3 in the procedure exceptions as listed under Current 8th Graders Residing in the District on the back of the transfer form.

13 for 3 against


A motion was made and seconded to add to the Student Out-of-Area Request form as an addition to exception #1. Medical or physical conditions cause the home school to be less appropriate the stated requirement “(documented evidence from physicians, counselors, court, or school records required)”

14 for 2 against


A motion was made and seconded to change the Student Out-of-Area Request’s wording of “other” to match the elementary Student Out-of-Area Request that reads: “My reason(s) for requesting this change in schools:______”.

14 for 2 against


A motion was made and seconded to add to procedure the language to add exceptions for overcrowding/capacity and siblings concurrently enrolled in a high school.


A substitute motion was made and seconded to add to procedure; “siblings presently attending the school requested” and to address in the procedure the overcrowding/capacity at the High Schools and to direct Carol Wicker and High School principals produce wording appropriate to implement it. passed


The consensus from the School/Community Committee was to start these procedure changes with the freshman 2007-2008.


The consensus from the School/Community Committee was to direct Carol Wicker to determine the best way to communicate the changes to the public. Carol will return at a later date with an update.


Pros and Cons of Spring ’06 Mill Levy Elections:

Members suggested that since there are vacancies on the Board and a superintendent change is happening this might not be the best time. Members suggested that if you do not request money you will not get it. It was recommended that the district try a different election strategy by hiring a firm familiar with marketing and sales expertise. It was recommended that Nancy Hines, Communication Consultant for the District also be involved. Nancy Hines cautioned that in some incidences once a mill levy fails they tend to keep failing.


Ad Hoc Building Ownership Committee’s Work:

It was reported that the Ad Hoc Building Ownership Committee is working well. Minutes of the Ad Hoc Building Ownership Committee’s meeting are attached.


New Committee Member:

Carol Wicker introduced Tia Miller.


A motion was made and seconded to approve Tia Miller as West High Student representative. The motion passed.




Old Business/Announcements/Handouts:

Jim Hartung requested ample time be given to members when changing meeting dates and times of a meeting. He recommended that a calendar of dates and times for the School/Community meetings be established at the beginning of the 2006-2007 year.


Carol Wicker announced there are still vacancies on the School/Community Committee. Carol Wicker will contact principals for help to solicit suggestions for names of people who might want to serve on the School/Community Committee. Carol Wicker will also contact the Billings Gazette to advertise that there are still vacancies open.


Two School/Community members stated they will still serve on the Committee, but would like to represent a different area.


Carol Wicker announced that 3DI firm has been hired as consultants to cost out the High School renovations and capacity items.


Karen Moses reported that MQEC is staying the course and presented a handout to review. Karen Moses stated that MQEC needs support to achieve success for the state to comply with the Court mandates.


Minutes of the School/Community Committee Meeting:

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the February 6, 2006. The motion carried.



The next scheduled meeting is March 13, 2006. The Committee members will meet in the Board Room located in the Lincoln Center, at 415 N 30th at 6:00 PM.







______________________ ___________________________________

Karen Moses, Chairperson Brenda Cross, Recorder

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