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Sub-Committee Mtg. April 04, 2006

Guest sullinss

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Guest sullinss

Proceedings of the Business Committee

School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


April 04, 2006


Call to Order


The Sub-Committee of the Business Committee of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County and High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana met at Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana, on Tuesday, April 04, 2006. Chair Dale Getz called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. Sub-Committee members present were K. Dale Getz, Peter Grass, Jerry Hansen, Shanna Henry, and Tim Cranston. Member Curt Prchal came at 4:58 p.m.. Also present was Business Manager Thomas Harper, Dan Martin, Carol Wicker, Kathy Olson and Superintendent Rod Svee.




Chair Getz asked the administrators present to relate their perspective on the budget process. Dan presented a list the administrators prepared showing special funding from the Legislature and a list of items that may be part of the proposed budget and scrutinized for cuts. They hoped this format would aid Trustees in setting priorities before they go out to campaign for the levy. Dan was asked to review the revenue and expenditure items on the list:

Elementary High School 1-Time/Recurring


Indian Achievement 160,000 70,400 recurring

At Risk 355,000 64,000 recurring

Native American For All 20,000 30,000 part-recurring

Deferred Maintenance (over 3 yrs) 750,000 500,000 1-time

1,285,000 664,400


If the first three funds are used to replace General Funds, additional services will incur cost. It would be best to fund non-salary projects and materials from the Deferred Maintenance money since the fund sunsets in three years.


MAC (Medicaid Admin. Claiming) 300,000 150,000 recurring

Medicaid 60,000 30,000 recurring

360,000 180,000


Moving Part B eligible costs to MAC to free General Fund dollars could result in an unfunded mandate if we don’t continue to receive MAC dollars, since Part B dollars are teacher FTE required by IEP’s.


FLEX 160,000 160,000



Fed. Funds MS reading 150,000

3 FTE need to go back to Gen’l Fund since can no longer be funded by Title V

New FTE 223,000

Additional FTE over 381.6 count (before retirements) for Reading Intervention

Board Contingency 150,000 150,000

Includes Struthers, Supt. Search, mail bond election, and increased professional services

Guidance 55,000

An additional K-6 Elem. Counselor to meet accreditation standards

Tech’s 120,000

Replace lost Title II dollars for Tech’s plus add more Tech’s

Elementary Library 35,000

+.5 FTE at Eagle Cliffs for accreditation


Sub pay increase 100,000 50,000

For volume and price of subs

BCEA roster errors (100,000)

Reconciliation of overstatement of positions

FTE teachers 105,000

3 FTE (Crossroads, science at Skyview, math at West, Career Ctr.)

Bond issue 75,000

Lawyer (in-house counsel) 30,000 35,000

Safety Officer 15,000 15,000

.5 FTE for safety compliance and storage issues

Books 200,000 182,000

Additions to existing allocations – 3 yrs. behind OPI schedule of 5 yr curriculum review


A discussion on Indirects pointed toward a need for long term planning and budgeting for better utilization of these funds. Maintaining the hiring freeze will be presented as a scenario. Some items for potential discussion might be 7th period day, stipends and extracurricular, and field trips. Dan stated regarding the budget worksheets, Health insurance numbers would change, Superintendent Search dollars will be less, elementary vacancy savings will be updated due to more retirements and resignations. Thomas said an updated budget will be available for Saturday’s meeting.


Chair Getz said the purpose of the Saturday Special Board Meeting was to make prioritizations regarding the budget and agree on a path forward. This sub-committee will refine the budget scenarios and Dale will present them Saturday to show choices, implications, consequences, and impact on the General Funds.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.






K. Dale Getz, Chair





Sherrill Sullins, Recorder

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