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School Community Committee Meeting September 25, 2006

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Proceeding of the School/Community Committee Meeting

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana

September 25, 2006



Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Mary Jo Fox


Members Present:

Mary Jo Fox, Joel Guthals, Jack Copps, Sandi Mammenga, Tom Willis, Anne Barlow, Lynn Davis, Jim Hartung, Taren Kingser, Jay Kirk, and Jan McCandless.


Guests Present:

Kathy Aragon


Communication from the Public:



Organizational Discussion:

Mary Jo Fox explained the make-up of the School/Community Committee has changed since last year. Mary Jo Fox clarified the areas that will need to be represented by School/Community Committee members stated in the District policy. In order to establish the area a School/Community Committee member represents Mary Jo Fox asked each member to introduce themselves and state where they reside. According to the District policy regarding representation by School/Community Committee members, it was determined all areas of the District are represented except for one teacher and two students. These will need to be added.


Joel Guthals stated five members need to be present at the School/Community Committee meeting to meet the quorum requirements stated in the policy. Joel Guthals read the charge of the School/Community Committee.


Superintendent Jack Copps suggested that School/Community Committee members need to be familiar with District policies. Members can access the District policies via the District’s home web-site page. Mary Jo Fox will provide the five requests by members for a hard copy of the District’s policies.


Mary Jo Fox asked Superintendent Jack Copps if the School/Community Committee would ever need to review contract language. Jack Copps said the committee was charged with the responsibility of reviewing board policies and it would be good for the committee to stay within the charge it was given.


The issue was brought up regarding how the School/Community Committee meeting will be conducted. Mary Jo Fox suggested that “Roberts Rules of Order” will be followed.


Jay Kirk asked how issues would be brought before the committee, or returned to the committee for further review. He noted an example in early 2006 when an issue (out-of-area transfers) was reviewed by the committee and voted upon. He said members of the minority brought up the issue again in a subsequent month for further discussion and a vote. Mary Jo Fox pointed out that the issue came back to the committee because the school board voted to send the issue back to the committee for further review, not simply because a committee member voting in the minority brought it up by themselves.


Mary Jo Fox envisions the School/Community Committee will be a critical bridge between the school board and the community and hopes everyone on the committee will go out into their area and represent the board and explain what is going on with the board to the community.


Safe Routes to School Presentation:

Kathy Aragon presented information regarding the Safe Routes to School Program. Kathy Aragon explained that the program is working to integrate safety, fitness, health, trafficking, and environmental awareness in an effort to get more children to walk and bike to school.

Kathy Aragon encourages the district through greater community involvement to improve partnerships between schools, local municipalities, parents, the city planning committee, and other community groups, including non profit organizations to increase the infrastructure for bicycle and pedestrian accommodations throughout the community.


Kathy Aragon reported at Highland the Safe Routes to School Program has accomplished implementing a crosswalk at 11th and Poly with permanent corresponding sidewalks and crosswalks this spring.


Kathy Aragon explained that the Safe Routes to School Program process began by doing walk ability surveys within the Highland area by parents. A physical walk to school day was conducted by Highland parents for assessment of how the routes to walk to school were and what obstacles were in the way. In order to raise awareness in the community the Safe Routes to School Program have participated in parades and created a Community Awareness campaign with MSUB-Billings communication department to encourage motorist awareness. The Safe Routes to School Program encourages education regarding this issue. Several awareness events have been done which included walks, bicycle safety skills, family fun run, etc. The Safe Routes to School Program International walk to school day is scheduled Oct 4th.


Sandra Mammenga reported that the elementary school principals recently were sent out a sidewalk priority list to be completed by the city. A discussion continued regarding such items as: which schools are more dangerous, have surveys and maps have been done, whom should be involved, costs, etc.


Kathy Aragon suggested accessing the PTA web-sites for additional information on the Safe Routes to School Program.




It was suggested by Anne Barlow that City Council members be invited to participate in Safe Routes to School walks whenever a school has such an event. It would be helpful for the council members to experience what student pedestrians and bike riders must encounter every day when they try to get to their school.


Mary Jo Fox suggested that the school board’s planning and development committee and those who represent the school district at city planning/zoning meetings make sure to use a critical eye when evaluating proposed developments to make sure that Safe Routes to Schools goals and objectives are incorporated in such plans. It’s more cost effective and efficient to establish safe routes before a development is built, that after.


Old Business, Announcements, Handouts:

Mary Jo Fox handed out the District’s Strategic Communication Plan for 2005-2006 for members to review.


It was requested for Nancy Hines, Communication Consultant for the District to be invited and put on the agenda for the October 23rd meeting to give an update on the District’s Strategic Communication plan for 2005-2006.


The meeting adjourned.



The next scheduled meeting is October 23, 2006. The Committee members will meet in the Board Room located in the Lincoln Center, at 415 N 30th at 6:00 p.m.





_______________________ _______________________

Mary Jo Fox, Chairperson Brenda Cross, Recorder

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