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School Community Committee Meeting - November 20, 2006

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Proceeding of the School/Community Committee Meeting

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana

November 20, 2006



Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Mary Jo Fox


Members Present:

Mary Jo Fox, Joel Guthals, Jack Copps, Sandi Mammenga, Anne Barlow, Jim Hartung, Tom Willis, Taren Kingser, Sara Spielman, Shane Gibbs, Jan McCandless, and Jay Kirk.


Guests Present:

Kathy Olson and Dan Martin


Communication from the Public:



Heights Kindergarten:

Kathy Olson, Executive Director/Elementary Education gave a presentation regarding full-day kindergarten that is being proposed by the governor, and how it will impact Billings School District 2.


Kathy Olson explained two options that are being considered by the District regarding the kindergarten program in the Heights. The two options being considered are: Option 1: Beartooth as a full functioning K-6 school and Option 2: Beartooth as a satellite kindergarten center for the Heights. Kathy Olson suggested that the proposals would require adjusting the boundaries in the Heights schools to allow students to continue to attend schools in their neighborhoods. Kathy Olson emphasized that boundary issues are still preliminary and the intent is to bring parents, teachers, possibly the Heights Task Force, and the public together for their input. To remodel and equip Beartooth as a K-6 school or satellite kindergarten center in the Heights will be a considerable cost to the District.


Kathy Olson informed the Committee of studies regarding kindergarten programs at the West End, South Side, and Mid-Town which will be brought forward at a later meeting.


Jack Copps stated, that across the District the adoption of a full-day kindergarten program would cost about $4.5 million. Jack Copps suggested that even if a full mill levy for the elementary district would pass this spring, to open full-day kindergarten this year additional resources would be needed. Jack Copps explained that the legislature is moving forward with the idea of full-day Kindergarten, but at this time it is not mandatory. Jack Copps suggested that the legislature will need to be lobbied to properly fund full-day Kindergarten. Jack Copps suggested the state needs to become a partner with schools across the state.


Jack Copps gave examples of how other districts across the state generate money. The question was asked why other districts pass mill levies and Billings School District does not? Jack suggested that the district needs to do a better job marketing what we have in our school system.


School Community Members indicated they would like more information before a recommendation is made.


Board Policy Revision – Alcohol and Drug Free WorkPlace, #5007 – 2nd Reading:

Dan Martin, Human Resource Director, explained Policy 5007 is being reviewed and revised due to concerns the Board has with the Policy. The Board is concerned that Policy 5007 is not applicable as it is a 1988 federal law. Dan Martin stated that he has researched the issue and found references that indicate if a District is receiving grant money, employees who violate the policy must be reported. The last paragraph in the policy has been included to address requirements of federal contracts and grants.


Dan Martin presented a draft with revisions per Board suggestion at 1st reading. The question was asked why the scientific name of alcohol was added. Dan Martin explained it narrows down the definition for legal purposes. There was discussion regarding why Metho-Alcohol was included, as it is a poison. Dan Martin explained it is referenced in the Montana School Board recommendations. Joel Guthals suggested it is better to have more definitions so there is no question regarding the definition of alcohol.


Mary Jo Fox questioned that in the policy if an employee is convicted of a DUI the employee must notify the supervisor no matter where it happens.


Jack Copps suggested that if it is not on the job the superintendent would review case by case. Jack Copps suggested such things as the position, the job an employee was performing, and repeat offenders would be taken into consideration


There was discussion regarding students who do not have the physical evidence of alcohol, but have alcohol consumption. Joel Guthals explained that the District has another policy “under the influence” that would address this issue. Joel Guthals suggested that policy 5007 could be extended to cover this issue.


Dan Martin explained that the District is seeing more incidences regarding employee possession of alcohol. Dan Martin explained this policy will have to be bargained with the Union. Dan Martin also explained there are other policies regarding alcohol issues that are employee friendly for employees who want to seek help. Dan Martin suggested that the District does not have a policy that offenders could be terminated due to policy language.


Joel Guthals made the motion regarding the definition of alcohol, to reflect, for purposes of this policy, alcohol means any substance commonly known as alcohol including any substance containing any form or derivative of C2H60 ethyl alcohol, whether or not intended for human consumption, but does not include alcohol under the supervision of teachers used for laboratory or instructional purposes.


Joel Guthals made the motion to add a paragraph to read, “It shall not be a violation of this policy for a supervisor, teacher, or District employee to confiscate and/or hold alcohol or drugs found on District facilities pending disposition of policy violations.”


Joe Guthals moved to recommend and seconded by Jim Hartung approval of the Alcohol and Drug Free Facility Policy 5007 with the changes the School/Community Committee have discussed this evening as set forth in this document.


Old Business, Announcements, Handouts:

The Office of Planning and Development update has been moved to the January School/Community Committee meeting.


There will be no School/Community Committee meeting in December.



A motion was made by Jim Hartung and seconded by Jan McCandless to approve the October 23, 2006 School/Community Committee minutes. The motion passed unanimously.



The next scheduled meeting is January 22, 2006. The Committee members will meet in the Board Room located in the Lincoln Center, at 415 N 30th at 6:00 p.m.





_______________________ _______________________

Mary Jo Fox, Chairperson Brenda Cross, Recorder

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