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Policy Review Committee Meeting 7/13/07

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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees Ad Hoc Policy Committee

Elementary District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana



July 13, 2007


Call to Order


The Policy Review Committee met on Friday, July 13, 2007 at the Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana.


The meeting was chaired by Katharin Kelker in the absence of Malcolm Goodrich and called to order at 12:10 p.m.


Those present included: Trustees Katharin Kelker and Mary Jo Fox. Also in attendance was Dan Martin.


The committee discussed the following items:


Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the June 11, 2007 meeting were approved as presented.


Policy 5007 – Drug and Alcohol

Katharin Kelker explained that Joel Guthals made changes to the policy on the third reading in December 2006, so it is now returning to the committee to see if those changes occurred.

Trustee Kelker explained that the most controversial piece was that a district employee was to notify his/her supervisor after being charged or convicted under a criminal alcohol or drug statue. Katharin Kelker asked Dan Martin what the resolution was with the union and Dan Martin stated that the union has not commented since they were told that particular component had to be in the policy. Trustee Kelker was concerned that the beginning of the policy is about alcohol and drug free facilities which is a general policy for everything in the district, however at the end of the policy it states conditions of employment which should be in personnel policies. Dan Martin suggested that it be crossed-referenced into the facilities policy series. The split policy would have to be recommended to the Board. The new policy would be divided after the definition of alcohol in Policy 5007.


Policy 3250 – Student Bomb Threats


Trustee Kelker told the committee that Leo Hudetz was asked to do research and was able to get several policies from other states. Katharin Kelker said that the policy from Maine is pretty elaborate. Trustee Fox would like to see wording from our Gun Free Schools Policy regarding discipline consequences be added to the new policy. Katharin Kelker suggested that Jeff Weldon and Leo Hudetz bring the Maine policy up to Montana code. Discussion took place regarding the consequences involved with making a bomb threat. Dan Martin expressed concern with Section C of the Maine policy regarding taking students outside the threatened facility. Dan Martin would like to see students taken to a safe area and secure that particular area.


Trustee Kelker made the following motion with a second by Trustee Mary Jo Fox.


Motion that the Policy Review Committee recommends that Leo Hudetz and Jeff Weldon create a school management association policy on bomb threats including parts A, B, D,E, F,G,H ,I and K of the model Maine policy and modifying them to fit closer to Montana law and existing school board policies, and in particular in terms of Section E that the consequence of either making a bomb threat or actually bringing a bomb to school shall be expulsion from school for at least one year except where the superintendent chooses to modify the requirements for expulsion based on individual circumstances.


Those voting in favor were Katharin Kelker and Mary Jo Fox. The motion passed unanimously.


Katharin Kelker suggested that the Policy Review Committee take another look at this before going to the Board.


Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.


Next meeting will be held on September 7, 2007 at 12:00 noon.




__________________________ _________________________ ________________

Malcolm Goodrich, Chair Katharin Kelker, Vice Chair Mary Jo Fox





Cynthia Curnow, Recorder

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