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Agenda Setting Meeting - September 4, 2007


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Proceedings of the Board of Trustees

District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, Montana


September 4, 2007


Call to Order


The Agenda Setting Meeting of the Board of Trustees of School District No. 2, Yellowstone County, Montana, and the High School District, Yellowstone County, Montana was duly held at The Lincoln Center, 415 North 30th Street, Billings, Montana on Tuesday, September 4, 2007.


The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. Chair Malcolm Goodrich presided.


Roll Call


Those attending were: Trustees Malcolm Goodrich, Joel Guthals, Kathy Aragon, Sandra Mossman, Kathy Kelker; Superintendent Jack Copps, Clerk Leo Hudetz, Scott Anderson, Kathy Olson, Dan Martin and Dave Williams.


The Chair presented a draft agenda for the regular meeting on September 17. He explained that he had received a call from Conrad Stroebe over the weekend. The Stroebes belong to a group in Lockwood who wants to do a presentation to our board on a possible high school in Lockwood. It was decided after discussion that this presentation would be made to the Planning & Development Committee and may have to wait until October. In any case it should wait until a presentation is made to the Lockwood School Board.


The budget forecast for 2008-2009 will be discussed at the meeting and will include new elementary enrollment figures. A decision needs to be made in November if there should be an elementary mill levy election. Superintendent Copps informed those present that the preliminary enrollment figures were a little skewed because they were comparing enrollment to head count, not head count to head count, so the actually increase is closer to 75 to 100 students instead of the 300 originally reported. Riverside Middle School is seeing lots of growth, approximately 50 pupils at this time. There are 233 fewer students in the high schools.


The BFR committee will discuss: 1) enrollment forecast; 2) budget assumptions; 3) termination benefits available to teachers. There is a need to have some sort of task force to discuss the last item. This has to be held with the community as well as the Board and BEA and it needs to look at the history. Dan Martin stated that the high termination liability began with the 12 days of discretionary leave. Chair Goodrich would like to have a task force with lots of people from the community. Dan Martin does not believe you can bargain this but could address through the statutes. Sandy Mossman asked about administrative termination benefits as well. Dan Martin explained that administrative severance is high compared to other AA districts.


Superintendent Copps will give an update on the MQEC as well as an overview of school populations and Beartooth.


The Policy Committee is meeting this Friday.


There will be an RFP sent out within two weeks for an energy management proposal. The Energy Committee will meet this month.


The tentative retreat dates are October 8th and 22nd. Items for the retreat agenda will be: 1) committee structure; 2) communication; 3) strategic goals; 4) Average Yearly Progress. AYP official results will be available next week.


Chair Goodrich stated that we need to publicize the November election about the Cottonwood elementary siting.


Sandy Mossman wants direction for the Planning & Development Committee. Superintendent Copps would like them to discuss long range planning and consideration of construction of an additional elementary school. Kathy Kelker said there needs to be a decision on whether we want neighborhood schools; what is a neighborhood school, i.e., 500 or 250 students; what are the neighborhoods; and where are the neighborhoods.


The BEA bargaining team needs to meet to discuss dual credit with high schools and MSU-Billings. Mr. Copps and Mr. Anderson stated that they are putting together a plan right now and it should be addressed within the month.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:10 p.m.





Malcolm Goodrich, Chair





Nancy Coe, Recorder

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