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403(b) Committee Minutes 3/13/08

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Proceeding of the 403 (b) Ad Hoc Committee

School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

High School District No. 2, Yellowstone County

Billings, MT



CALL TO ORDER March 13, 2008


The 403 (b) Ad Hoc Committee Meeting was held at the Lincoln Center on Thursday, March 13, at 10:00. Committee members present were Leo Hudetz, Dan Martin, Janet Baum, Jeff Greenfield, Travis Weidinger, and Eva Anthony. Thomas Harper was excused.




Charlie Manfredi was present. He voiced his concerns his previous notes he had given to the committee were not attached to the minutes. Leo explained any communication from the public became part of the District’s records but not part of the minutes. Manfredi’s notes will be kept with the minutes available in Leo’s office.




Leo and Dan had talked to Gallagher Firm, a national consulting firm in Denver. They offered to review the plan document at no charge and a copy has been mailed to them.

Crowley Law Firm, in Missoula, has not been able to look at the document this week. Crowley will charge a fee, whereas, Gallagher will do it at no charge.


Gallagher provides a service for assisting with the RFP’s. They will assist with developing the bid to capture the requirements of the proposal and they analyze everything. Leo stated Thomas was in favor of getting a bid from Gallagher as to their fees for this service and Jeff agreed it would be good to have their experience helping to get everything together and analyzing the cost. Leo will have Gallagher submit a bid for this service.


Leo distributed a time schedule received from Gallagher with the completion date of August 7. Dan believes in order to get this up and running by the start of the school year, we need to advise Gallagher the completion date needs to be by July 7.


Gallagher promotes a single vendor due to the significant cost savings to the employees. The committee agreed to amend the motion made March 4 to include a SINGLE VENDOR. Jeff made a motion to solicit RFP’s under a single vendor scenario, in addition to the following categories agreed upon at the March 4th meeting.

1. An independent TPA

(a) with unlimited vendors available to participants

(b) with twelve vendors or less available to participants

2. Single vendor with an open architecture

Dan seconded the motion. It was unanimous to amend the motion.


The Plan Document will be on the website but it will be stated as a DRAFT and may be subject to change.


The letter to the employees was discussed. Additions/clarifications to the letter will include:


1. Previous contributions to non-approved vendors may remain with that vendor but new contributions must go to an approved vendor.

2. One letter will be sent with all of the names, title, affiliations, and telephone numbers.





Jeff moved to adjourn the meeting and Dan seconded.

The meeting adjourned at 10:46. The next meeting is scheduled for March 19th at 11:30.






Leo Hudetz, District Clerk



Eva Anthony, Recorder


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